Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The First Act Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare - 1447 Words

Hamlet Throughout the first act of Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, clothing imagery is used to illustrate the common theme of â€Å"is versus seems.† The clothing references made with Laertes, son of Polonius, Gertrude, the queen of Denmark, and Hamlet, the protagonist of the play, come to either reflect the character’s true feelings, or highlight the differences between what the character feels and what emotion they display. Before leaving to France, Polonius, counselor to the king, advises his son Laertes to buy fine, impressive clothing because clothing often represents the man who is wearing them and by donning impressive clothing, it makes the wearer seem more impressive than he may actually be. Additionally, the same shoes that Gertrude wears whenâ€Å"lovingly† following Hamlet Sr., the former king of Denmark, are worn again to her wedding with Claudius. The shoes highlight Gertrude’s true feelings toward Hamlet Sr. because by wearing them with both Haml et Sr. and Claudius, she displays her insensitivity towards Hamlet Sr. and her blunt acceptance his death. In contrast to Laertes and Gertrude, Hamlet wears black clothes to mourn his father’s death, not just because he should seem like he is upset, as is suggested by Gertrude, but rather because Hamlet actually is, wholeheartedly, mourning over the loss of his father. While many characters in the play mourned for the late King Hamlet superficially, Hamlet truly feels upset and his clothing reflect this sadness. The clothingShow MoreRelatedUse Of Scenes From The First Act Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare Essay1362 Words   |  6 PagesFiras Al Mahrouky David R. Glimp ENGL 3000 02 November 2016 Essay #2 Shakespeare often constructs and uses scenes to drive the events of his plays. 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