Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tough Choices No Way Out - 910 Words

In Angels in America many characters hide who they are and others flaunt it freely. Kushner uses characters that are ashamed of themselves, and characters that are shunned by society to display that once you are labeled as different you have tough choices to make. In Angels in America characters are accepted,through hiding themselves,or are shunned,for displaying their true natures, but the effects of both behaviours on the these character mentalities are the same. Joe is ashamed of his sexuality. He suffers internally and despite putting on a facade, fails to live a happy life. His internal struggles are manifested in his most vulnerable moments, for example, when arguing with his wife. In the heat of the moment ,Joe’s guard drops and†¦show more content†¦Roy is so preoccupied with saving face, and maintaining that he is not gay, that he does not allow his doctor to present him with his options instead he proclaims, â€Å"No, Henry,no. AIDS is what homosexuals have. I have liver cancer.†(1:9,46). Roy continues to hide who he is,out of fear, and in the process he eliminates his chances of fighting off death.In conjunction, he sees the world as something that is working against him. When he says, â€Å" I see the universe,Joe, as a kind of sandstorm in outer space with winds of mega-hurricane velocity, but instead of grains of sand it’s shards and splinters of glass†(1:2,13), Roy is expressing his feelings that who he really is would not be accepted by â€Å"the universe† and therefore he must pretend to be someone else. He is scared the storm will consume him, wear and cut at him, just for being what he is. Roy is afraid; he is ruled by fear and his life revolves around gaining power over his situation in order to quell his fear. Prior, unashamed of his sexuality, is looked down upon by the world firstly for being unashamedly gay and secondly for having contracted AIDs. Prior’s own boyfriend of four and a half years,Louis, looks down on him as a burden. One of the only glimpses into the couple’s home life is a conversation about death and the after life, fueled by Louis’s guiltShow MoreRelatedLoving or Bullying1399 Words   |  6 Pagessimple mistake? â€Å"Out of 720 adults forty-five percent found that a left mark on a child from a physical punishment was acceptable† (Time for an End to Parental Tough Love). That means 324 adults leave marks on their children on a daily basis. People over the years have been using belts and whips to punish their child so that they never make the same mistake again. Children having to come home to their parents with their hands held high for years until they were old enough to move out of the house. OtherRead MoreMyths In The Criminal Justice System Have Plagued The Public1212 Words   |  5 Pagesplagued the public for years, and can be detrimental, even on a State level. 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