Thursday, January 2, 2020

Causes of World War I Germany Essay - 1602 Words

World War I was a war between the allies, which included Russia, France, Serbia, and Great Britain, against the central powers of Europe; Germany and Austria. When war broke out between Austria and Serbia in 1914, the alliance system drew the other European countries into the war; consequently the rest of the world was brought into the conflict. In the early twentieth century, Germany was witnessing a prospering economy alongside an increased sense of national pride. With the growing economy, Germany began to make progress in the Arms Race and in the development of their navy. Under the control of William II, Germany made a series of unlawful decisions that added to the animosity between European superpowers. With the introduction of†¦show more content†¦As stated by Suzanne Karpilovsky, â€Å"The standing armies of France and Germany doubled in size between 1870 and 1914.† (Karpilovsky, Fogel and Kobelt). In this way, Germany’s rapidly growing military expendi ture made other European countries feel insecure about their safety. Great Britain had its own insecurities regarding Germany; in particular Great Britain’s â€Å"Balance of Power† policy was being disrupted as Germany’s military strength was making Germany the most powerful country in Europe. This led to increased feelings of tension between Germany and other European powers; as Henry Kissinger stated, â€Å"Germany became the strongest and as such proved disquieting to its neighbors.† (Kissinger 169). This is why Germany’s immense progression in the arms race during the early 20th century can be seen as a factor in causing World War I. During the early 20th century, Germany was well on its way to being one of the most powerful nations in the world. With a large land army and an expanding naval fleet, Germany was starting to gain the confidence it needed to go out andShow MoreRelatedGermany and Cause of World War I Essay903 Words   |  4 Page sGermany and Cause of World War I In 1914, World War 1 broke out between six main countries. These were Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was what triggered off the war but I am here to discuss how there was a lot more to it than the murder of just one man. Germany did not cause the war alone, as will soon come clear. Germany felt encircled, as there was a strong friendship between Russia to the eastRead MoreEssay about Did Germany Cause World War I1401 Words   |  6 Pages Did Germany cause World War 1? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Although in the Treaty of Versailles Germany was to accept full responsibility for World War 1 this in not necessarily the case. 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