Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Nile River Water Problem Essay Example
Nile River Water Problem Essay NILE RIVER WATER RIGHT PROBLEM Introduction: Water is our wellspring of life. We cannot envision live without water, yet this wellspring of life may turn into the wellspring of death. Numerous specialists feel that all wars later on will be over water. One of this normal water war is a war for Nile River water. The water of the Nile River was shared by ten African nations which are Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and Egypt. The distribution of the Nile water relies upon two principle understandings. So what were those two understandings? I-Nile water understandings: A. Nile water understanding in 1929: The authentic foundation of this understanding was identified with the reduction of the measure of cotton in the worldwide market and that put a high focus on Britain. So Britain attempts to take care of this issue by centering in making Egypt, which is under the organization of Britain, one of the most vigorously sources in delivering cotton and import it to Britain. To do this preliminary there must be a consistent water system and that is by keep and increment the surge of water from its sources to Egypt. In 1929, the Egyptian-Sudanese Nile water understanding was marked among Egypt and Britain which following up for the benefit of Sudan as it was under its organization. As indicated by this understanding, it is restricted for any nation, which shares Nile water and under the organization of Britain, to diminish the nature of water showing up in Egypt or change the date of its appearance or lower its level. We will compose a custom paper test on Nile River Water Problem explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Nile River Water Problem explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Nile River Water Problem explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The most significant point which we can see from this understanding are: 1-This understanding jam the Egyptian water right. 2-This understanding has no power under Ethiopia. In spite of the fact that it shares Nile water and considers one of the most significant wellsprings of water it wasnt under Britain organization. B-Nile water understanding in 1959: This understanding was marked among Egypt and Sudan. Sudan acknowledged all the Egyptian right of water, which Egypt really use, however this understanding didnt spread the future state of the water supplies. As per this understanding, any extra assignment must be talked about among Egypt and Sudan. The all out portion for Egypt were counterparts to 55. 5 BCM every year, and 18. 5BCM for Sudan. Any further increment in normal yield would be isolated similarly. II-The explanation behind the contention between African nations: A-Historical reasons: Ethiopias pressure is identified with the 1929 understanding and that is on the grounds that it wasnt consenting to any arrangement. So we can say that this issue might have returned to the hour of pilgrim victory, when Italy followed up in the interest of Ethiopia and consented to a great deal of arrangements which influence Ethiopia right of water. All other African nations, which share the Nile water, strain is a result of the Egyptian veto option to forestall any development of any task which would influence Egypt intrigue and they accept that this veto right keeping them from advantage from the Nile. B-The contemporary reasons: The current clash on the Nile water results from a few issues. To start with, the profoundly increment of the populace on African nations. For instance, a nation as Ethiopia its populace will be increment from 72 million to 171 million out of 2050 and those individuals need new water, food, and force. Second, the African nations attempt to improve their economy and to draw in venture, however it is highly unlikely for this reason without water. The third and the most significant explanations behind this contention is identified with Camp David arrangement among Egypt and Israel and as per this arrangement President Anwar Al-Sadat offered to give Israel 365 MCM of water for every year in return for the arrangement of Palestinian issue. In spite of the fact that Israel didnt concur the African nations started to consider selling the Nile water and addition a ton of cash. III. The arrangement of the Nile issue: A. Regard of global understandings and laws All African nations must regard every single universal understanding, arrangements, and laws. As per Nile River understandings, Egypt has the veto rights to forestall all the undertakings which influenced its privilege so all African nations must regard this understanding and didnt construct any Dams or ventures before the endorsement of Egypt. Additionally, all African nations must regard the human privileges of water and not to keep water from coming to any individual. All the global sanctions and bargains give the privilege of human to drink new water and to utilize it in any documented of life for instance article 14 of the African contract on the rights and government assistance of the kid (1990), article 24 of the show on the privileges of the youngster (1989), and article 25 of the widespread announcement of human rights are demand these rights. B-Negotiation dependent on participation: Negotiation is one of the most significant lawful answers for any issue and all the African nations must haggle to fulfill its need and to accomplish its objectives. The exchange must be founded on collaboration. The collaboration might be in any field of life, so it might be in agribusiness field or mechanical field. This collaboration might be need the assistance of outsider like World Bank or International Monetary store and this assist cant with being accomplished except if all nation concur on the premise. The most significant lawful guidance for Egypt in arrangement isn't to haggle with all nations simultaneously. Egypt must haggle with every nation alone particularly Ethiopia in light of the fact that the water originates from it comprises 95% of the water which Egypt relies upon. By haggle with every nation alone you can fulfill her needs and accomplish your objectives on the grounds that any nations has distinctive need and you cannot fulfill all others need simultaneously. C-International intervention if exchange fizzled. Arrangement as a legitimate method to take care of the issue might be fizzled and in this time we can end up in a tremendous war. So we can find in global discretion a genuine guide to take care of this issue. There are two advantages from discretion; the first depends on the opportunity of the nations to pick its referee and this might be consider as second step of exchange, second all nations may acknowledge the choice effectively and forestall war. All in all, all nations must share water and coordinate to forestall wars.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Written Case Study Blockbuster free essay sample
An innocent sahab in India (case motivated and adjusted from â€Å"A gullible sahab in India†by Charles A. Rarick, of the Andreas School of Business, Barry University, in Cases and Exercises in International Business, Prentice Hall. ) Read the accompanying case and answer the inquiries in the record â€Å"Bindi_Brake_Company_CaseStudy. pptx†: It was an amazing chance, or so Brian Moseley thought, as he acknowledged an overseeing position for Aspen Automotive’s new obtaining in India. Aspen Automotive was a provider to American car producers. The ongoing obtaining of an Indian brake-cushion organization, the Bindi Brake Company, was viewed as a sharp vital move for the organization. Aspen figured it would profit by the experience and low expenses of creation found in the New Dehli activity, and it sent Brian Moseley, an accomplished car engineer, to India so as to â€Å"make the Indians efficient†. Brian and his family immediately adjusted to India. We will compose a custom paper test on Composed Case Study Blockbuster or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Albeit numerous ostracizes from created nations experience overpowering society stun, the Moseleys acclimatized well into the exile network of New Dehli. With the assistance of individual associates and youngsters in non-public schools, the Moseleys could isolate themselves from a large portion of the difficulties of regular day to day existence in urban India. Brian realized that his activity duties were to pivot the recently gained Indian activity, and that in the event that he did this inside two years, he would be elevated and move back to the US. He felt that this task could significantly propel his profession. Supervisors at Aspen’s corporate home office felt that the presentation of certain Western administrative practices would be useful to Bindi and improve generally effectiveness and benefit. Brian was chosen to coordinate hierarchical change exertion on account of his past record of achievements in the US and abroad. Notwithstanding his effective assignments in the US, he had worked universally in Canada, Mexico, and Brazil. Aspen felt that his MBA in the board from Michigan State, combined with his past residential and universal experience, made him a reasonable individual to coordinate the Indian profitability improvement technique. In spite of the fact that Bindi created sensibly great brake parts, and work costs were low, the general proficiency of the activity was extensively beneath that of other Aspen plants. After an underlying plant visit, top administration inferred that the plant was disabled with organization and that there was no motivation for uncommon execution. Aspen supervisors saw what they felt were an excessive number of Bindi representatives drinking tea and associating as opposed to working at a lively pace. They were additionally stunned to find that no Bindi representative at any point got an exhibition audit and that pay for execution was never at any point considered by past administration. Bindi workers were only from time to time released, in any event, when they were plainly not appropriate to their occupations and performed severely. Boosts in salary and different prizes were controlled based on status. Workers were frequently recruited, not founded on their capacities or potential, but since they were identified with a present representative of Bindi. Brian was coordinated to make the India auxiliary progressively like the remainder of the Aspen corporate family. For the initial three months, Brian did minimal more than watch and find out about Bindi’s current administrative practices. He talked with directors and representatives the same. He recognizes representatives whom he felt ought to be supplanted and workers he felt had the best potential for progression. Brian met with his ranking directors at Bindi and recommended that they by and large define a turnaround system. All of Bindi’s chiefs were Indians and most had been taught in Indian colleges. One supervisor, Rajan Patel, had concentrated in London and gotten a postgraduate certificate from the University of London in financial matters. Brian felt that was one of the most encouraging possibility for progression, and he trusted that Rajan would start to lead the pack in organizing the change the executives program. In spite of the fact that Brian had trusted that the Indian directors would detail an arrangement for change among themselves, he progressively got disappointed following a month when nobody approached to suggest an arrangement. Brian proposed to the gathering that they consider changes, for example, pay-for-execution programs, yearly execution surveys, the board by goals, and maybe a 360-degree execution evaluation program. A progressively logical and target way to deal with the executives, combined with an increasingly participative methodology would prevail with regards to expanding efficiencies and extreme accomplishment of Bindi. Throughout the following a while, he turned out to be progressively disappointed with the advancement of the Indian administrators in thinking of an arrangement for changing their administrative practices. Profoundly baffled, he some of the time furiously condemned individuals from his administrative group before their subordinates. The connection among Brian and his administrators got stressed; he was being alluded to despite his good faith as â€Å"sahib†or â€Å"big boss†. A return to the British pilgrim days, this term was utilized in certain occurrences to allude to a chief who had small comprehension of Indian culture. One of Brian’s greatest pundits was Rajan Patel. Rajan regularly condemned Brian’s administrative style as being excessively immediate and mighty. On one event, Rajan alluded to Brian’s strategies as â€Å"culturally imperialistic†. He was worried that Brian was attempting to change India’s culture to fit an American model of the board. Albeit taught in the West, Rajan didn't feel than Indian workers were open to numerous Western administrative practices, which opposed fundamental Indian qualities. Following seven months in India, Brian concluded that if change somehow happened to happen, he would need to be the one to start that change. He called his ranking directors into his office one morning and revealed to them the accompanying quick changes. To start with, Brian declared that C. P Rao would supplant Prakash Nur, the help plant chief and the most ranking director. Rao was a youthful designer, instructed at an American college. Second, he reported that exhibition evaluations would start quickly and that at any rate two representatives in each gathering work would be killed in light of a legitimate concern for the hierarchical proficiency. Third, another arrangement of 360-degree input would be actualized: subordinates would assess their bosses. All raises would now be founded on merit. At last, all close to home aides would be terminated and their duties accepted by the chiefs themselves. From the start, the Indian supervisors appeared to be dazed by Brian’s orders. Nobody talked, and a dead quietness occupied the room. When Brian requested input on his â€Å"recommendations†, the directors looked down at the table before them and said nothing. Prakash, who got up and left the room, ended the quietness. Afterward, a couple of the supervisors courteously disclosed to Brian that the thoughts were excessively striking and too abrupt a change for Bindi. Brian indignantly reacted that the change was excessively long past due and that any individual who might not oblige the new arrangement should leave the organization.
Monday, August 10, 2020
3 Tips for Managing Money in the Gig Economy
3 Tips for Managing Money in the Gig Economy 3 Tips for Managing Money in the Gig Economy 3 Tips for Managing Money in the Gig EconomyIf youre not budgeting your money properly and building up your savings, you could end up struggling to make it from one paycheck to the next.As you’ve likely heard, participation in the gig economyâ€"short-term contracts, temp work, freelancing, and the likeâ€"is exploding. Recent studies estimate that 25 to 30 percent of all workers have done some form of independent work in the last month.There is no one type of gig workerâ€"they span all ages, genders, races, and levels of socioeconomic status. Some people rely on gig work because they cannot find full-time traditional employment that pays the bills. Other gig workers don’t want to find traditional, preferring the flexibility and control that gig work provides.Whatever your reasons for getting into gig work, the challenges it poses cannot be overlooked. Workloads are often unreliable and paychecks may be unsteady, which means proper money management is of the utmost importance.Due t o the work’s inherent unpredictability, gig workers can be vulnerable to risky loan products such as no credit check loans and bad credit loans. These short-term loans are often called payday loans because they are marketed as cash advances on paychecks for when money gets tight at the end of the monthâ€"a real concern for many gig workers.These loans may seem like a “band-aid†option for a gig worker trying to make ends meet while they chase down a paycheck or struggle to scrape together enough paying jobs. But between their sky-high interest rates and hidden fees, these loans can be more like a debt trap recipeâ€"and they are better avoided if at all possible.How do you avoid short-term, high-interest loans? We’re glad you asked. The trick is stellar money management, and we have a few financial tips specifically designed for gig workers.1. Define necessities.Everyone needs a budgetâ€"a way to track money in and money outâ€"but it is even more important for folks with fluc tuating monthly income, like gig workers. According to Jacob Dayan, CEO and co-founder of Community Tax (@communitytaxllc) and Finance Pal, “the first step to creating a budget based on a fluctuating income is to know what expenses you absolutely need to cover each month.†These are expenses related to things like housing, groceries, bills, and transportation.Marina Babaian, the founder and CEO of Mbridge Consulting Groupâ€"a woman-owned business and consulting firm that provides accounting, payroll, and business management services to start-ups, small, and medium-sized businessesâ€"agrees.She recommends eliminating all unnecessary expenses, including subscriptions (sorry Netflix!), to make sure you have a really good fix on what you actually need to spend. “A monthly or even weekly budget is needed to understand what your necessities are,†she says. Once those are mapped out, the trick is to spend accordingly.After your necessary expenses are covered, Dayan suggests worki ng “some savings into your budget as well, no matter how small.†He recommends a technique called the 50/30/20 rule: “50 percent of your income for necessities, 30 percent for discretionary spending, and 20 percent for savings.â€It may seem unnecessary or difficult at first, but building a cushion will help in the future when an unexpected expense or lull in work crops up.2. Save for taxes.Don’t forget another key expense: taxes. “When you are self-employed,†explains Dayan, “you don’t have the ‘luxury’ of your taxes being automatically deducted from each paycheck.†You have to pay them all yourself, usually in quarterly installments. Additionally, without the help of an employer paying a portion of your taxes, you’ll be covering the whole burden yourself.This means you’ll likely owe the IRS and your state more taxes than you are used to. Dayan recommends setting aside a full “25 to 30 percent of your income so that when it comes time to pay your taxes, it’s already taken care of and you won’t have to worry about where the money is coming from.â€Earlier this year, the IRS announced plans to “focus on self-employment tax compliance.†According to an audit they did, the agency found that noncompliance from gig workers contributed $69 billion to the annual tax gap, which is the difference between taxpayers owe and what they actually paid.Dayan suggests opening a separate bank account that is specifically for your taxes. That way, you won’t accidentally spend the money you need to pay your tax bill and end up owing the IRS even more money in fines. If you save too much, then you’ll have a bit left over to put in savings for that inevitable rainy day.3. Maintain or build good credit.“It is essential that while working in temp jobs your credit remains good,†says Babaian. “If times get tough, youre going to need good credit to give you some flexibility.†Good credit is essential to get the best terms on installment l oans, such as auto loans, mortgages, and personal loans.A 2017 poll by Upwork found that paycheck instability led 63 percent of full-time freelancers to dip into savings at least once per month (compared to only 20 percent of full-time non-freelancers). But what if you’re one of the 51 percent of workers who don’t have much in the way of savings?You may turn to something like a credit card if you can qualify for oneâ€"and that is all well and good if you can keep up with the payments. If not, credit card debt can start impacting your credit score, which will make it even harder in the future to find financial products that you qualify for. Credit card debt, by the way, is at a record highâ€"the average American holds a balance of more than $6,000.“If youre struggling to pay off your credit card balances,†says Babaian, even paying “one dollar over the minimum balance requirement will keep your credit rising.â€Short-term solutions may be especially appealing to young peopl e who haven’t had time to establish good credit and may already have a sizable chunk of debt in the form of student loans. This is a big concern for a lot of gig workers, seeing as 47 percent of all millennials work in the gig economy, according to that same Upwork poll.At the end of the day, it’s important that gig workers manage their fluctuating income wisely. This means having a good fix on your necessities and creating a budget, making sure you stay on top of your taxes, and trying to maintain or improve your credit as best you can.To learn more about managing your money, check out these other posts and articles from OppLoans:Save More Money with These 40 Expert TipsHow to Raise Your Credit Score by 100 PointsBuilding Your Financial Life: Budgeting for BeginnersEmergency Funds Are Important: Here’s How to Start Building OneDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. |InstagramContributorsJacob Dayan is the CEO and Co-Founder of Community Tax, LLC (@communitytaxllc) and Finance Pal, LLC. He began his career in Wall Street New York at Bear Stearns working in the Financial Analytics and Structured Transactions group. He continued to work in Wall Street until early 2009. When he then left New York and returned to Chicago to be with his family and pursue his lifelong dream of self-employment. There he co-founded Community Tax, LLC followed by Finance Pal in late 2018.Marina Babaian is the founder of Mbridge Consulting Group and its lead CPA. She has a diverse background working with highly regulated fintech companies, global start-ups, corporations, and dozens of public and private organizations. She began her career in the start-up sector and has risen to become a leading subject matter expert in that world. Being an alumnus of Woodbury University, she’s taken an unconventional approach to traditional accounting practices through innovation and creativity. Working with various industries and companies, Marina discovered what many companies lack and that is a proper infrastructure and fundamentals needed to help a company become scalable due to the high cost and low resources. She has bottled her success to a science and has formed the Mbridge Consulting Group to solve this problem.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Journal 11 - 709 Words
Leah Schwartz November 5, 2012 En101- Professor Blumberg Journal #11 As a Jewish person, who has been largely exposed to Holocaust material, it is hard simply to focus upon one piece to write about. I attended Hebrew school from the time I entered pre-school, until the day of my bat mitzvah. The middle and high schools that I attended devoted much of their curriculums to teachings about the Holocaust. My family also felt it very valuable for me to know and understand. Thus, I have read Night and attended a speech given by Elie Wiesel. I have read the Diary of Anne Frank, other memoirs and accounts, as well as fictional and rigid non-fictional books. I have watched Schindler’s List, Sophie’s Choice, Life is Beautiful, and a host of†¦show more content†¦Though I was young, I was an avid reader and researcher, and went to Hebrew school, so I had a very strong grasp on the Holocaust and the meaning of it all, even at such a young age. We turned back to the display. There they were. Shoes upon shoes; tattered, worn, sad, tired shoes. Some were smaller than my own, some much larger, with every size in between. That is when it began to hit me. I could see the babies, children my age, and even younger, being torn away from their mothers, from their fathers, from their brothers and sisters. I could hear them crying, hear them screaming. I could feel their desperation. I couldn’t comprehend all of it. The laces snaked around each other into an intricate maze. Some were tied closely to each other, some far, and yet they were all somehow connected, just as families and victims alike had all been tied. They had fought together, struggled, lived, died, and survived together. I began to see that the laces were not creating a maze, but a web- an intricate web connecting each and every shoe. It is difficult to look at images like these. It is difficult to grasp, understand and to accept that all of these people lived lives of horror and fear. It is difficult to accept that so very many lives were lost. B ut for me, what is always the hardest for me to try to understand and to accept is why. Why were these people treated this way? Why were they persecuted for their religion? Why wasShow MoreRelatedDialectical Journal Chapters 10-11 of Harper Lee ´s To Kill a Mockingbird1067 Words  | 4 PagesDialectical Journal Chapters 10-11 Vocabulary 1. Rudiments- The elements or first principles of a subject. 2. Apoplectic- Sudden and out of control. 3. Philippic- A bitter speech of accusations and disapproval. 4. Umbrage- Offense, annoyance, displeasure. 5. Propensities- Natural inclinations or tendencies. Vocabulary 1. Our instructor said that all we needed to know were the rudiments or horseback riding and then we’d be all set. 2. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Smoking Of Public Areas Should Be Absolutely Forbidden
How many people can say when there out trying to enjoy themselves they enjoy smelling smoke? I’m pretty sure none of us that’s why I am conducting my research project on how smoking in public areas should be absolutely forbidden. In today’s modern society in America you are free to participate in activities such as drinking and smoking and that’s very significant to have such a freedom. But the issues that most Americans have including myself is that you should not be allowed to partake in these activities around other people without their consent. Over forty two million people in the United States engage in daily smoking with cigarettes. In 2013 there was data taken to show the facts of the average adult in the United States that smokes and nearly eighteen of every one hundred U.S adult ages 18 years and older currently smoke cigarettes. The majority of these people not only smoke but they do it outside and when people do smoke outside they find themselve s being respectful to others that are inside and also they will do anything to be able to smoke but still protect the one’s that they love away from second hand smoke which is true but what about the same innocent people we have outside don’t they deserve that same curtesy? The research that I found shows that even when stepping outside to smoke it just makes it worst there are ones of magnates that release around 250 super poisonous gases fumes and chemicals. These same toxins that are released out into the air are theShow MoreRelatedCultural Differences for a British Tourist Traveling to an Islamic Country804 Words  | 4 Pagesregulations should be checked before travelling. With rising wages, long haul destinations are becoming attractive and more affordable but are peoples perceptions of Islamic cities such of Dubai correct. 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This reevaluation of traditional views is what created the area of focus for my learning plan while studying in the Middle East. My original idea was to investigate the steps taken by women in the Middle East and in Greece towards their independence and success as individuals and as a group. I wanted to know what types of public and private reforms initiated their freedom. I also wanted to find out if some women still lived according to theirRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 Pages GP NOTES 2010 (ESSAY) Content Page 1. Media a. New vs. Traditional b. New: narcissistic? c. Government Censorship d. Profit-driven Media e. Advertising f. Private life of public figures g. Celebrity as a role model h. Blame media for our problems i. Power + Responsibility of Media j. Media ethics k. New Media and Democracy 2. Science/Tech a. Science and Ethics b. Government and scientist role in science c. Rely too much on technology? d. 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I don t recognize you. No one recognized me, not my buddies, no one. I became boring, bland, and you should know that ever since Malmà ¶ FF I ve had oneRead More1000 Word Essay85965 Words  | 344 Pages2004 / 3-5 / PDF 16) What does DANTES do? DANTES provides standardized testing services free to military personnel. Family members and civilians may take DANTES tests but must pay for each test taken. Soldiers with a GT score of less than 110 should be referred to what? BSEP - Soldiers with a GT less than 100 are normally automatically eligible. Soldiers with a GT between 100 and 110 may be command referred. Soldiers who begin their active service after what date are eligible to receive theRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Soil Liquefaction Dangers During Arthquake Free Essays
Ground shaking and shifting can cause major damage, tearing apart houses, buildings, and roads. †¢Flooding that arises from broken water dams or river levees is another hazard. †¢Tsunamis, triggered by an undersea earthquake as well as seiches – waves coming from lakes shaken by a temblor – can submerge whole communities, sweep away edifices, topple trees and drown people. We will write a custom essay sample on Soil Liquefaction Dangers During Arthquake or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢Fire is another seismic hazard. It can flare up from broken gas and power lines, or from overturned wood, coal, or gas stoves. But there’s another major earthquake danger that not many are familiar with. Soil liquefaction is a phenomenon that occurs when soil mixes with groundwater during a moderate or strong earthquake, turning the ground into quicksand in minutes. Soil Liquefaction in Low-Elevation Areas Because the soil must be saturated for liquefaction to take place, it is more likely to occur in low-lying areas that are near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, bays and oceans. It happens most often in areas with sandy soil, where water takes hours to wend its way through the tiny channels of the mixture. More resistant to liquefaction are large-grained, permeable soils like gravel, which drains quickly, and clay soil, where particles are packed closely together.. It was in 1964, when earthquakes shook Niigata, Japan, and Anchorage, Alaska, that soil liquefaction was recognized as a major cause of earthquake damage. Scientists have since linked it to major historical earthquakes worldwide. Soil liquefaction inflicts great damage to property. Since the ground is too unstable to withstand pressure, anything resting above the mushâ€â€a building, a bridge, a house, a pier, a runway, a nuclear power plant, an earth damâ€â€may lean, tip over, split open, or sink several feet. Ways to Reduce Soil Liquefaction Risks What can be done if a soil has been identified as susceptible to liquefaction? An undergraduate research paper written by Alisha Kaplan lists three ways to reduce liquefaction risks when constructing new buildings and structures. †¢Avoid building on liquefaction-susceptible soils. Besides soil tests, vulnerable places can also be pinpointed by investigating past events in an area. Soils that had liquefied in previous seismic events can liquefy again if another quake occurs. †¢Erect liquefaction-proof structures. If construction on weak soil cannot be avoided, the structure’s foundation should be designed to resist the damaging effects of liquefaction. The building must be made ductile, equipped with adjustable supports, and constructed to withstand large deformations and span soft locations on the ground. †¢Improve the soil. Improvements should increase ground strength, density and draining capacity. Installing vibroflotation, vertical wick drains, compact piles, and stone columns can lower the possibility of liquefaction. Soil liquefaction cannot be taken lightly, especially by those living in suspected liquefaction-prone areas. With earthquakes seemingly in the news more often, it serves residents and authorities alike to take a look around them and assess if they are standing on firm ground, literally. Taking safety measures in advance can save lives and property should a calamity strike. How to cite Soil Liquefaction Dangers During Arthquake, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Social and Economic Influence on Health
Question: Discuss about the Social and Economic Influence on Health. Answer: Health in Social Context In this theme, I have learnt that health has been defined by the absence of diseases in someone`s body with the concept that the body is like a machine whose parts complements each other. It is vital to note that one is considered healthy when the state of the mental, the physical, and the social well-being are correct (Stephens, 2008, p.1175). Health protection is done through the regulation of human behavior. The practices in a given religion as well as the customs of a given society determine public health thus quarantines are used to regulate health during outbreaks. In 1840-1870 there was Miasma regulation that targeted controlling unsanitary environmental problems through the application of portable water and projects in sanitation. In 1180-1930 public health was concerned with the germ phenomenon. It was based on the idea that germs were the infectious origins of illnesses in people thus humans needed vaccination for them to be safe from diseases. In 1940-160 the field became focused on preventive medicine whose main aim was to control the diseases rather than curing them. The main target was the high-risk groups of people who had contracted the disease. It was a stage where medicine dominated the public health. The period shed light to the treatment of communicable diseases. Primary health care was the next phase in public health. It was during 1970-1980. The main objective was to ensure that everybody in the society received proper medical care. It was based more on a preventive scale. Social Capital and Global Health I learnt that Equality was emphasized because all humans require health for them to operate effectively and efficiently. The social determinants of health played a big role in providing health to all. The health promotion is the most present stage of public health. It focuses on the educational, political actions and economic factors that enable people to have control over their health issues. It empowers them to improve their health matters. I learnt that public health is based on a people`s lifestyle choices. The social networks are key players in public health thus individuals should maintain favorable living and working environments (Stephens, 2008, p.1178). The economic, cultural and environmental factors controls people`s health. The preventive measures that persons apply to avoid contracting a disease contribute towards public health. Public health aims to reduce the mobility rate. Exploring the Causes Behind the Patterns I learnt that there are various mechanisms that are used to encourage people prevent diseases. Behavior change is one of the strategies applied in public health. Individuals are encouraged to acquire healthy behaviors that will keep them safe from any conditions. One-to-one counseling is the most effective ways of people change their behavior. It is because people are influenced by what others think and behave. The goal of this plan is to ensure there is compliance in people. Changing into good habits refrains one from undertaking those that will be a threat to himself or the neighboring people in his life (Marmot, Shipley and Rose, 1984, p.1004). Educating people on the benefits of public health will not convince them to change their behaviors. According to public health, the educational approach is meant to provide health education to all people across the globe. It is a platform whereby knowledge about diseases is availed to individuals hence assists them in making sound decisions . Empowerment refers to the knowledge based on practice that people acquire or have realized that they can apply it to better their lives. I have also learnt that the policies in social change affect public health. The way the environment is perceived and used has either a negative or a positive impact on the health of the people. The policies advocates for choices that have a positive influence on health. The lifestyle determinants of health are rooted on the individual efforts that one makes to change the behavior. It is agreed that individual have different behaviors for different reasons (Stephens, 2008, p.1181). Everyone should note that the decisions influences other people`s choices thus health should not be a salient matter in life. In different times, individuals are compelled to make lifestyle choices for reasons that are beyond their personal gain. According to experts in public health, health requires to be evaluated (Thrift, Nancarrow and Bauman, 2011, p.1339). Information is vital n the assessment of health in people. the various indicators used to evaluate the level of health in people includes, self-reports, the life expectancy rates, the mobility rate and the reasons behind them as well as the morbidity. Information can be collected using different angles. For instance, departments of public health in organizations can use routine data such as census. Conducting interviews with people, using the help of media, and public meetings and forums are other avenues that are used to gather information. The material challenged the way I think about health. I began to think of those people who do not get the opportunity to express themselves on matters concerning health. Those individual include those who are homeless, the ethnic groups in our societies, the people who live in remote places and the unemployed people. How does public health play a role in their lives? Social Determinants of Health as Addressed In The Media Materials. The World Health Organization recognizes the social determinants as those economic and social factors that dictate the variations in people`s health. They are present in the living conditions; they influence the chances of one contracting a disease. Some experts suggest that determinants are influenced by the public policies formulated by the governing body of a given group of people. Stress is viewed as common cause of diseases in the current world. People have work related stress, family issues, among others that make their health vulnerable. Individuals experience anxiety when facing negative emotions (Stephens, 2008, p.1183) . Acute and chronic diseases result to stress. It can be a cause of physical illness such as flu. Events that are stressful in nature lead to health complications sleep interference or even insomnia. How people respond to stress differently depending o several factors such as age, gender, genetics among others (Reich, 1978). Education is a factor that is applied in public health. People have used education systems to pass the message of the importance of health. The benefits of good health have been explained to individuals through educative platforms. Human health uses this avenue to create awareness on the area of health (Nutbeam, 2000, p. 261). The survival of humankind heavily relies on education and the developments in research across all fields in health issues. Social relations contribute largely on matters regarding public health. The support networks created ensures that people are taken care of as well as the help that one gets from others. In the field of public health, the assistance can come from different sources. They include family members, organizations, friends or the government. The healthy foods are important to our lives. The foods that people consume benefit them and also cause problems to their health. Some foods have been connected with diseases that affect the normal functioning of the body. Maintaining a healthy diet has been advocated for many years as the main idea that can help eradicate the health problems related with the food we eat. Complications such as obesity are due to the unhealthy foods that we consume in everyday life as well as the lack of regular exercises. A balanced diet is responsible for providing the required energy in our bodies through availing the necessary nutrients. The healthy diets provide good nutrition without toxicity or abnormal weight gain that leads to people being overweight (Spettigue and Henderson, 2004, p.16). Other diseases such as diabetes type2, cancer, hypertension and the heart diseases are as s result of taking foods with excess toxic levels. Medical institutions have composed nutrition guides for people to follow as it educates them on the right choices of foods. Health care is another aspect that has contributed heavily on public health. The quality of health care that people receive dictates the state at which people are living in a given community (Marmot, Shipley and Rose, 1984, p.1006). Healthcare facilities have managed to control the health of people through diagnosis carried out, the treatments issued to the people and the preventive measures of diseases that are employed. Health care is largely influenced by the social and the economic factors in a given place or community. Unemployment and the working environments dictates people`s health. A steady job and a favorable working environment boosts one`s health. Employment helps one acquire income and other benefits in life thus minimizing the chances of having illnesses. The loss of job and employment makes one have negative health effects such as depression. Wellness programs in the work station, training in the jobs and education initiatives in the places of work boosts people`s attitudes and moods to perform quality work. The employees remain healthy hence creating job opportunities remains the best strategy for expanding opportunities for healthy living in many countries across the world (Conrad, 1988, p.486). Early development of people when they are young influences their health conditions throughout their lives. The development of a person is a vital element in the health of an individual because he undergoes through various changes that impact this health. The changes include acquiring motor skills, changes in personalities, acquiring language application skills and developing a self-concept (Kawachi, Subramanian and Kim, 2008, p12). The processes of change influence the choices that an individual makes on various matters. Individual behaviors result to characteristics that are embraced or disliked by the society hence the changes in cognitive state, the physical and the social state of people influence public health. Disability and gender have been thought to influence people`s health in many ways. It is because disability leads to people king decisions that favor their health conditions. When they choose activities that are a threat to their conditions, they endanger their levels of survival in the world. On the other hand, gender dictates the choices that people make. They vary for different options concerning the type of job to pursue, the lifestyle choices to apply, among others. The choices affect public health because once a person`s health is compromised, the science of preventing an illness so as to promote life is applied. The plan to promote human health is done by either individuals, public or private groups or the whole society References Conrad, P., 1988. Worksite health promotion: the social context. Social Science Medicine, 26(5), pp.485-489. Kawachi, I., Subramanian, S.V. and Kim, D., 2008. Social capital and health. In Social capital and health (pp. 1-26). Springer New York. Marmot, M.G., Shipley, M.J. and Rose, G., 1984. Inequalities in deathspecific explanations of a general pattern?. The Lancet, 323(8384), pp.1003-1006. Nieminen, T., Prttl, R., Martelin, T., Hrknen, T., Hyypp, M.T., Alanen, E. and Koskinen, S., 2013. Social capital, health behaviours and health: a population-based associational study. BMC Public Health, 13(1), p.613. Nutbeam, D., 2000. Health literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st century. Health promotion international, 15(3), pp.259-267. Reich, W.T., 1978. Encyclopedia of bioethics. In 4 vols. Spettigue, W. and Henderson, K.A., 2004. Eating disorders and the role of the media. The Canadian child and adolescent psychiatry review, 13(1), p.16. Stephens, Christine. "Social capital in its place: Using social theory to understand social capital and inequalities in health." Social Science Medicine 66, no. 5 (2008): 1174-1184. Thrift, A.P., Nancarrow, H. and Bauman, A.E., 2011. Maternal smoking during pregnancy among Aboriginal women in New South Wales is linked to social gradient. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 35(4), pp.337-342.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Stalins Purge The Greater Holocaust Essays - Old Bolsheviks
Stalin's Purge: The Greater Holocaust Joseph Stalin was ruler of the Soviet Union from 1929-1953. While he was in power the Great Depression devastated the world economy, the Nazis invaded the U.S.S.R., Berlin was cut off from the rest of the world, and the Cold War began. In many countries his philosophies were believed to be highly effective, but some of his actions are just being uncovered , and denounced, in ?Western? countries like the United States. One part of Soviet history, only now being recognized for what it really was, is the ?Great Purge? Stalin initiated to rid the Stalin(Groilers-Communism) country of all people who didn't support him as ?the supreme ruler of the Soviet Union?. Stalin was born on December 21, 1827 in Gori, Georgia, and given the name Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili. He adopted the name Joseph Stalin later in his lifetime. (World Book 825; Groilers-Stalin,Joseph) His father was an alcoholic, beat his wife, as well as, Stalin. Stalin's father died in a fight when his child was only eleven. His mother wanted Stalin to become a priest, so she sent him to seminary school when he was 14 years of age. (Groilers-Stalin,Joseph) At the school, Stalin learned about revolutionaries and became one himself. Eventually he quit school and became ?a full-time revolutionary? against the Czar and the Russian monarchy. He was arrested in 1904 and joined the Bolsheviks. Stalin was arrested and exiled four more times between 1906 and 1913. (World Book 825) When Stalin escaped from exile he met Lenin and joined the Bolsheviks. In 1912 he was appointed to the Bolshevik Central Committee. Arrested and exiled by the Czar in 1913, he returned in 1917 after the ?November Revolution?. (Groilers-Stalin, Joseph) Stalin was appointed secretary of the Central Committee in 1922 and became ?power hungry?. Before his death, in 1924, Lenin wrote a not saying that Stalin was reckless and needed to be removed from power. The leading Bolsheviks ignored the note and continued increasing the amount of power Stalin had. Between 1924 and 1928, Stalin used his position to remove his opposition from ?the Party?; he was the unchallenged leader of the Soviet Union by 1929. (Groilers-Stalin, Joseph) As leader of the Soviet Union he ordered the creation of the collective farms to aid in the rapid industrialization of the country. Poor management of the farms caused thousands of people to die in a famine; Stalin continued collectivization at an increased r! ate after the famine. (World Book 826) Stalin's purge began after the death of Sergei Kirov. It is believed that the ?murder was probably arranged by Stalin as a pretext for eliminating all opponents.? (Groilers-Great Purge) Stalin used Kirov's death as an excuse to charge Party members and Army generals with treason or conspiracy and sentence them to death. Almost all of the members of the Central Committee and the 17th Congress were killed or arrested; some were sent to labor camps known as Gulags. At first, the purge was secret; show trials in Moscow were evidence of the purge's existence, later on. The purge spread from high-ranking officials to people associated with Lenin and then to common workers and farmers. Anyone perceived as a threat to Stalin's power was killed. The ?officer-corps? were so Stalin would have total support in the lower ranks of the armed forces. (Groilers-Great Purge) Everyone was considered a suspect by the secret police. During this time Stalin began to produce his own personality ?cult?. Some people used this cult as a way to avoid being killed by the secret police. (Groilers-Stalin, Joseph) During the purge the secret police ordered spying on important industrialists. They also ordered neighbors to spy on each other, children to report on heir parents, children to watch their siblings, and adults to spy on their employers/employees. (World Book 826) With so may people being arrested or killed, or just disappearing, many began to lose faith in Stalin's leadership. Not many spoke openly spoke out against Stalin for fear of their lives and Western nations did not find out the true extent of the purge because it was not discussed in public. (Soviet Political System 28) One of the most adverse affects of the purge was that when World War
Friday, March 6, 2020
Biography of Georg Simon Ohm Essay Essay Example
Biography of Georg Simon Ohm Essay Essay Example Biography of Georg Simon Ohm Essay Paper Biography of Georg Simon Ohm Essay Paper Georg Simon Ohm ( 16 March 1787 – 6 July 1854 ) was a Bavarian ( German ) physicist and mathematician. As a high school instructor. Ohm began his research with the new electrochemical cell. invented by Italian scientist Alessandro Volta. Using equipment of his ain creative activity. Ohm found that there is a direct proportionality between the possible difference ( electromotive force ) applied across a music director and the attendant electric current. This relationship is known as Ohm’s jurisprudence. Ohm died in Munich in 1854. and is buried in the Alter Sudfriedhof. Early old ages Georg Simon Ohm was born into a Protestant household in Erlangen. Bavaria. ( so a portion of the Holy Roman Empire ) boy to Johann Wolfgang Ohm. a locksmith and Maria Elizabeth Beck. the girl of a seamster in Erlangen. Although his parents had non been officially educated. Ohm’s male parent was a well-thought-of adult male who had educated himself to a high degree and was able to give his boies an first-class instruction through his ain instructions. Of the seven kids of the household merely three survived to adulthood: Georg Simon. his younger brother Martin. who subsequently became a well-known mathematician. and his sister Elizabeth Barbara. His female parent died when he was ten. From early childhood. Georg and Martin were taught by their male parent who brought them to a high criterion in mathematics. natural philosophies. chemical science and doctrine. Georg Simon attended Erlangen Gymnasium from age eleven to fifteen where he received small in the country of scientific preparation. which aggressively contrasted with the divine direction that both Georg and Martin received from their male parent. This characteristic made the Ohms bear a resemblance to the Bernoulli household. as noted by Karl Christian von Langsdorf. a professor at the University of Erlangen. Life in university Georg Ohm’s male parent. concerned that his boy was blowing his educational chance. sent Ohm to Switzerland. There in September 1806 Ohm accepted a place as a mathematics instructor in a school in Gottstadt bei Nydau. Karl Christian von Langsdorf left the University of Erlangen in early 1809 to take up a station in the University of Heidelberg and Ohm would hold liked to hold gone with him to Heidelberg to re-start his mathematical surveies. Langsdorf. nevertheless. advised Ohm to go on with his surveies of mathematics on his ain. reding Ohm to read the plants of Euler. Laplace and Lacroix. Rather reluctantly Ohm took his advice but he left his learning station in Gottstadt bei Nydau in March 1809 to go a private coach in Neuchatel. For two old ages he carried out his responsibilities as a coach while he followed Langsdorf’s advice and continued his private survey of mathematics. Then in April 1811 he returned to the University of Erlangen. His private surveies had stood him in good position for he received a doctors degree from Erlangen on 25 October 1811 and instantly joined the staff as a mathematics lector. After three semesters Ohm gave up his university station. He could non see how he could achieve a better position at Erlangen as chances there were hapless while he basically lived in poorness in the lecture station. The Bavarian authorities offered him a station as a instructor of mathematics and natural philosophies at a hapless quality school in Bamberg and he took up the station at that place in January 1813. This was non the successful calling envisaged by Ohm and he decided that he would hold to demo that he was deserving much more than a instructor in a hapless school. He worked on composing an simple book on the instruction of geometry while staying urgently unhappy in his occupation. After Ohm had endured the school for three old ages it was closed down in February 1816. The Bavarian authorities so sent him to an overcrowded school in Bamberg to assist out with the mathematics learning. On 11 September 1817 Ohm received an offer of the station of instructor of mathematics and natural philosophies at the Jesuit Gymnasium of Cologne. This was a better school than any that Ohm had taught in antecedently and it had a well equipped natural philosophies laboratory. As he had done for so much of his life. Ohm continued his private surveies reading the texts of the taking Gallic mathematicians Lagrange. Legendre. Laplace. Biot and Poisson. He moved on to reading the plants of Fourier and Fresnel and he began his ain experimental work in the school natural philosophies research lab after he had learnt of Oersted’s find of electromagnetism in 1820. At first his experiments were conducted for his ain educational benefit as were the private surveies he made of the pla nts of the prima mathematicians. The Jesuit Gymnasium of Cologne failed to go on to maintain up the high criterions that it had when Ohm began to work at that place so. by 1825. he decided that he would seek once more to achieve the occupation he truly wanted. viz. a station in a university. Gaining that the manner into such a station would hold to be through research publications. he changed his attitude towards the experimental work he was set abouting and began to consistently work towards the publication of his consequences [ 1 ] : Overburdened with pupils. happening small grasp for his painstaking attempts. and gaining that he would neer get married. he turned to science both to turn out himself to the universe and to hold something solid on which to establish his request for a place in a more stimulating environment. In fact he had already convinced himself of the truth of what we call today â€Å"Ohm’s law†viz. the relationship that the current through most stuffs is straight relative to the p ossible difference applied across the stuff. The consequence was non contained in Ohm’s number ones paper published in 1825. nevertheless. for this paper examines the lessening in the electromagnetic force produced by a wire as the length of the wire increased. The paper deduced mathematical relationships based strictly on the experimental grounds that Ohm had tabulated. In two of import documents in 1826. Ohm gave a mathematical description of conductivity in circuits modelled on Fourier’s survey of heat conductivity. These documents continue Ohm’s tax write-off of consequences from experimental grounds and. peculiarly in the 2nd. he was able to suggest Torahs which went a long manner to explicating consequences of others working on voltaic electricity. The 2nd paper surely is the first measure in a comprehensive theory which Ohm was able to give in his celebrated book published in the undermentioned twelvemonth. Teaching calling Ohm’s ain surveies prepared him for his doctors degree which he received from the University of Erlangen on October 25. 1811. He instantly joined the module at that place as a lector in mathematics but left after three semesters because of unpromising chances. He could non last on his wage as a lector. The Bavarian authorities offered him a station as a instructor of mathematics and natural philosophies at a hapless quality school in Bamberg which Ohm accepted in January 1813. Unhappy with his occupation. Georg began composing an simple text edition on geometry as a manner to turn out his abilities. Ohm’s high school was closed down in February 1816. The Bavarian authorities so sent him to an overcrowded school in Bamberg to assist out with the instruction of mathematics. Memorial for Ohm at the Technical University of Munich. Campus Theresienstrasse After his assignment in Bamberg. Ohm sent his completed manuscript to King Wilhelm III of Prussia. The King was satisfied with Ohm’s book. and offered Ohm a place at the Jesuit Gymnasium of Cologne on 11 September 1817. This school had a repute for good scientific discipline instruction and Ohm was required to learn natural philosophies in add-on to mathematics. The natural philosophies research lab was well-equipped. leting Ohm to get down experiments in natural philosophies. As the boy of a locksmith. Ohm had some practical experience with mechanical devices. Ohm published Die galvanishe Kette. mathematisch bearbeitet ( The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically ) in 1827. Ohm’s college did non appreciate his work and Ohm resigned from his place. He so made an application to. and was employed by. the Polytechnic School of Nuremberg. Ohm arrived at the Polytechnic School of Nuremberg in 1833. and in 1852 he became a professor of experimental natural philosophies at the University of Munich. The find of Ohm’s jurisprudenceFurther information: Ohm’s Law Ohm’s jurisprudence foremost appeared in the celebrated book Die galvanische Kette. mathematisch bearbeitet ( tr. . The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically ) ( 1827 ) in which he gave his complete theory of electricity. In this work. he stated his jurisprudence for electromotive force moving between the appendages of any portion of a circuit is the merchandise of the strength of the current. and the opposition of that portion of the circuit. The book begins with the mathematical background necessary for an apprehension of the remainder of the work. While his work greatly influenced the theory and applications of current electricity. it was in cold blood received at that clip. It is interesting that Ohm presents his theory as one of immediate action. a theory which opposed the construct of action at a distance. Ohm believed that the communicating of electricity occurred between â€Å"contiguous particles†which is the term Ohm himself used. The paper is concerned with this thought. and in peculiar with exemplifying the differences in this scientific attack of Ohm’s and the attacks of Joseph Fourier and Claude-Louis Navier. A elaborate survey of the conceptual model used by Ohm in bring forthing Ohm’s jurisprudence has been presented by Archibald. The work of Ohm marked the early beginning of the topic of circuit theory. although this did non go an of import field until the terminal of the century. Ohm’s acoustic jurisprudence Further information: Ohm’s acoustic jurisprudence Ohm’s acoustic jurisprudence. sometimes called the acoustic stage jurisprudence or merely Ohm’s jurisprudence. provinces that a musical sound is perceived by the ear as a set of a figure of constitutional pure harmonic tones. It is good known to be non rather true. Plant * Guidelines for an appropriate intervention of geometry in higher instruction at preparatory institutes / notes* The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically* Elementss of analytic geometry refering the skew co-ordinate system* Fundamentalss of natural philosophies: Collection of talks
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Human Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Human Nature - Essay Example Primarily, I believe one of the biggest problems in the determination of any other part of human nature do lie in the fact that we are all born from the influences coming out from the outside. All humans are part of human nature and can be changed as they learn and grow with the world around them. Humans do have ethics of caring, and if human capacity to caring is not practiced an individual loses his or her ability to care. However, I see a similar situation since human ability to caring is not inherent, but rather humans learn how to care. I also find another issue with several past and historic ideas concerning human nature lying within the context of human nature and how philosophers have approached it. While my beliefs may be stuck in God, I cannot support the use of the supernatural being as the main reason behind a universal human nature. This is because there exist several inconsistencies in the beliefs of humans. In conclusion, human nature will continue being a topic of debate for many years as humans try to label and prove using science the existence of human
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Key Agent of Socialization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Key Agent of Socialization - Assignment Example Therefore, as a young adult, they taught me to be free and to view everyone as equal and friendly. The inter-gender interaction was not frowned upon, and we could play with our neighbors freely. In addition, I learned to respect my elders but not to be mistreated just because I am a kid, therefore, I should do as told. I could question some aspects of life that my parents took upon themselves to explain why some things had to be done without questioning. The story is different with my grandfather; aged eighty-seven. During his time as a young parent, all parents were more like dictators. They shared the same parenting skills, and could command everything to be done without questioning. The children during their time were not allowed to question their parents; hence, they followed everything to the latter without raising an eyebrow. When it comes to inter-gender interaction, boys were only allowed to play with boys and so were girls. They only interacted with each other after they were deemed to have matured, as young adults. This was quite a contrast to how I was raised during a period considered as the ‘digital
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Examining The Network Simulations Of NS2 Information Technology Essay
Examining The Network Simulations Of NS2 Information Technology Essay NS2 is a Linux based tool to perform network simulations. NS2 is based on C++ and TCL programming Languages. TCL uses simple commands to define network configuration and C++ allows users to adjust protocol functionalities in detail and also to define new protocols. Our Project involves simulation of VoIP over two transport layer protocols UDP and SCTP. Installation of NS2: Installation of NS2 involves many steps. These Steps are: Checking for pre-requisites: Please make sure that you have installed the fedora 12 O.S with all packages and you are logged in as administrator. Downloading latest version of NS2: We first Downloaded NS2 v. 2.34 from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nsnam/files/allinone/ns-allinone-2.34/ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz/download Extracting the NS2 package: Extract the contents of .tar file in a directory and go into that directory. The following snapshot shows the extracted file against .tar file. Patching of SCTP module: Initially NS2 does not provide support to SCTP, so we have to download apply its patch before installation of NS2. The patch can be downloaded from http://pel.cis.udel.edu Now untar the patch in a directory and type the given command in terminal: patch -p0 Now we are ready to install NS2 with SCTP module. Installation of NS2 : We can either install NS2 by typing commands in the terminal. Or we can do this by simply double clicking the install file. The snapshot below shows the later. Now the installation has started. It would take some time to complete it. Configuring the installation path of NS2: The terminal will get get closed after installation of NS2. Now open terminal again and type: gedit ~/.bashrc to configure the path file Now edit this file as in the figure: Now save and close bash file and type following command in the terminal to tell your O.S about the path of NS2: source ~/.bashrc Confirming the installation of NS2: To confirm that NS2 is correctly installed, type ns in the terminal. The outlook of the terminal will be changed in this way: (Else it would print some filter of error in the terminal.) To revert to the normal mode type exit in the terminal. Running a simple code on NS2: NS2 executes .tcl file format. If you have followed all the previous steps, then you can execute a .tcl file by typing the following syntax in the terminal: ns [file name].tcl But make sure you are the directory where the .tcl file is present. e.g: Here we have a sample code script.tcl. In this code we are simulating a simple topology of two wired nodes. On typing ns script.tcl in the terminal, we get the following output: Handling the output trace file: On execution of .tcl code, two output files are generated. One is the .nam file with which we see the graphical simulation of our code. The other one is the .tr trace file, with which we can analyze the output of our simulation. The trace file looks like: It contains various parameters such as arrival time of packets, packet size transport agent etc. Using the trace file, we can get the graphical outputs to analyze the behavior of our simulation. To do this we need a graph drawing software such as xgraph or gnuplot. Here we are using gnuplot. But to draw a graph, we need to filter the trace file and get the coordinates out of which we can draw a graph. To filter a trace file, we write an awk script. Since we have to draw graphs for latency and throughput, therefore we will write one script for each type of graph. The awk script for latency is: #latency BEGIN { time1 = 0.0; time2 = 0.0; } { time2 = $2; if ($1==r) { printf(%f %fn, time1, time2) > latency; time1 += $2; } } END { print(Done); } And awk script for throughput is: #throughput BEGIN { node =1; time1 = 0.0; time2 = 0.0; num_packet=0; bytes_counter=0; } { time2 = $2; if (time2 time1 > 0.05) { thru = bytes_counter / (time2-time1); thru /= 1000000; printf(%f %fn, time2, thru) > throughput; time1 = $2; } if ($1==r) { bytes_counter += $6; num_packet++; } } END { print(Done); } Now type the following command in the terminal to filter the trace file: gawk file=[awk file name].awk [trace file name].tr The filtered file would be like this: Now weve to give a plot for which our graph is to be ploted. (i.e: weve to tell about the x and y coordinates) So we create a simple file in which we tell about these parameters. set title VoIP over UDP Latency! set grid set ylabel s set xlabel time plot latency w linespoints title voip throughput Now type gnuplot in the terminal to enter into gnuplot mode. Here type the command: load [x-y parameters file] (inner double quotes inclusive) And type exit to exit gnuplot Formation of VOIP Traffic over the Network: VoIP (Voice over IP) is simply the transmission of voice traffic over IP-based networks. The Internet Protocol (IP) was originally designed for data networking.  It is also referred to as IP Telephony or Internet Telephony. Simulating VOIP in NS2: VoIP is basically just UDP packets encapsulating RTP packets with the voice data inside, all you should need to do to simulate a VoIP stream is set the correct packet size and frequency that the packets are sent out and that would simulate a stream. In NS2 we will implement VOIP over UDP and SCTP protocols. We will implement VOIP using a simple two-node topology. For this we will do the following steps: create two .tcl files simulate VOIP traffic handle the trace files to draw graphs for latency and throughput for evaluation between the two protocols Simulation of VoIP over the network using UDP: Creating the tcl file:- First create a tcl file for Voip simulation over UDP protocol. Given below is the source code for our file voip_udp.tcl # start new simulation set ns [new Simulator] # setup tracing/nam set tr [open voip.tr w] set nf [open voip.nam w] $ns trace-all $tr $ns namtrace-all $nf # finish function, close all trace files and open up nam proc finish {} { global ns nf tr $ns flush-trace close $nf close $tr exec nam voip.nam exit 0 } ### creating nodes set node0 [$ns node] $node0 label Voice 1 $node0 color red set node1 [$ns node] $node1 label Voice 2 $node1 color blue # creating duplex-link $ns duplex-link $node0 $node1 256Kb 50ms DropTail $ns duplex-link-op $node0 $node1 orient right # setup colors $ns color 1 Yellow $ns color 2 Green ## 2-way VoIP connection #Create a UDP agent and attach it to node0 set udp0 [new Agent/UDP] $ns attach-agent $node0 $udp0 # set udp0 flowid to 1 $udp0 set fid_ 1 # Create a CBR traffic source and attach it to udp0 set cbr0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr0 set packetSize_ 128 $cbr0 set interval_ 0.020 # set traffic class to 1 $cbr0 set class_ 1 $cbr0 attach-agent $udp0 # Create a Null sink to receive UDP set sinknode1 [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns attach-agent $node1 $sinknode1 # Connect the UDP traffic source to Null sink $ns connect $udp0 $sinknode1 set udp1 [new Agent/UDP] $ns attach-agent $node1 $udp1 $udp1 set fid_ 2 set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr1 set packetSize_ 128 $cbr1 set interval_ 0.020 $cbr1 set class_ 2 $cbr1 attach-agent $udp1 set sinknode0 [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns attach-agent $node0 $sinknode0 $ns connect $udp1 $sinknode0 # end of voice simulation setup # start up traffic $ns at 0.1 $cbr0 start $ns at 0.1 $cbr1 start $ns at 10.0 $cbr0 stop $ns at 10.0 $cbr1 stop $ns at 10.5 finish # run the simulation $ns run Simulate VOIP traffic: Now type the following command in the terminal to view simulation of VOIP over UDP: ns voip_udp.tcl The output is: Performance of SCTP: Now we draw the graphs with gnuplot using above mentioned steps. The performance is evaluated on the basis of latency, throughput and capacity. The capacity can be evaluated with the help of latency and throughput. Latency: Throughput: Simulation of VoIP over the network using SCTP: Creating the tcl file:- First create a tcl file for Voip simulation over UDP protocol. Given below is the source code for our file voip_sctp.tcl # start new simulation set ns [new Simulator] # setup tracing/nam set tr [open voip.tr w] set nf [open voip.nam w] $ns trace-all $tr $ns namtrace-all $nf # finish function, close all trace files and open up nam proc finish {} { global ns nf tr $ns flush-trace close $nf close $tr exec nam voip.nam exit 0 } ### creating nodes set n0 [$ns node] $n0 label Voice 1 $n0 color red set n1 [$ns node] $n1 label Voice 2 $n1 color blue # creating duplex-link $ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 256Kb 50ms DropTail $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 orient right # setup colors $ns color 1 Yellow $ns color 2 Green ## 2-way VoIP connection #Create a UDP agent and attach it to n0 set sctp0 [new Agent/SCTP] $ns attach-agent $n0 $sctp0 $sctp0 set fid_ 1 set cbr0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr0 set packetSize_ 128 $cbr0 set interval_ 0.020 # set traffic class to 1 $cbr0 set class_ 1 $cbr0 attach-agent $sctp0 # Create a Null sink to receive Data set sinknode1 [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns attach-agent $n1 $sinknode1 set sctp1 [new Agent/SCTP] $ns attach-agent $n1 $sctp1 $sctp1 set fid_ 2 set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr1 set packetSize_ 128 $cbr1 set interval_ 0.020 $cbr1 set class_ 2 $cbr1 attach-agent $sctp1 set sinknode0 [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns attach-agent $n0 $sinknode0 $ns connect $sctp0 $sctp1 $ns at 0.1 $cbr0 start $ns at 0.1 $cbr1 start # stop up traffic $ns at 10.0 $cbr0 stop $ns at 10.0 $cbr1 stop # finish simulation $ns at 10.5 finish # run the simulation $ns run Simulate VOIP traffic: Now type the following command in the terminal to view simulation of VOIP over UDP: ns voip_sctp.tcl The output is: Performance of SCTP: Now we draw the graphs with gnuplot using above mentioned steps. The performance is evaluated on the basis of latency, throughput and capacity. The capacity can be evaluated with the help of latency and throughput. Latency: Throughput: Difference between SCTP and UDP: SCTP: SCTP Stands for Stream Control Transmission Protocol. It is a Transport Layer protocol. It is a connection-oriented protocol similar to TCP, but provides facilities such as multi-streaming and multi-homing for better performance and redundancy. It is used in Unix-like operating systems. UDP: UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. It is a minimal message-oriented transport layer protocol. It enables two hosts to connect and send short messages to one another. Unlike Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), it does not guarantee that data is received or that it is received in the order in which it was sent. Comparison between SCTP and UDP: Message Orientation: In SCTP, message boundaries are preserved. If an application sends a 100-byte message, the peer application will receive all 100 bytes in a single read: no more, no less. UDP provides a message-oriented service, but without SCTPs reliability. Un-Ordered Service: In addition to ordered message service (and parallel ordered service discussed above), SCTP offers the reliable delivery of messages with no order constraints. UDP provides unordered service, but again without SCTPs reliability. Unordered reliable delivery will be useful for many applications, in particular disk over LAN services (iSCSI, RDMA, etc.) where the application already provides ordering. Stronger checksum: SCTP uses a 32-bit end-to-end checksum proven to be mathematically stronger than the 16-bit ones-complement sum used by UDP. SCTPs better checksum provides stronger verification that a message passes end-to-end without bit errors going undetected. These were some of the differences between SCTP and UDP. A tabulated contrast between the two protocols is given below: Services/Features SCTP UDP Connection-oriented yes no Full duplex yes yes Reliable data transfer yes no Partial-reliable data transfer optional no Ordered data delivery yes no Unordered data delivery yes yes Flow control yes no Congestion control yes no ECN capable yes no Selective ACKs yes no Preservation of message boundaries yes yes Path MTU discovery yes no Application PDU fragmentation yes no Application PDU bundling yes no Multistreaming yes no Multihoming yes no Protection against SYN flooding attacks yes n/a Allows half-closed connections no n/a Reachability check yes no Psuedo-header for checksum no (uses vtags) yes Time wait state for vtags n/a SCTP vs. UDP Latency: From the graphs of latency we conclude that latency is slightly higher in UDP. In real practice, latency in UDP is much higher than in SCTP. Practically, the latency in UDP is about 15% more than SCTP. Throughput: From the graphs of throughput we see that UDP shows a constant but less throughput while SCTP shows continuous fluctuations in its graph. But overall SCTP has a higher throughput than UDP. In real practice, throughput in SCTP is about 15% more than in UDP. Capacity: By observing the graphs of throughput, we conclude the SCTP can support more capacity than UDP. UDP will loose its performance at higher data rates. Conclusion: From the above statistics, we conclude that SCTP is better than UDP in terms of latency, throughput and capacity. Therefore there is no doubt in the fact that that SCTP is going to be the future of VOIP and many other network technologies. But since this technology is under the process of evolution so it may take some time for it to replace the older technologies like UDP and TCP etc. Refrences: http://yonghoon.livejournal.com/4799.html http://www.isoc.org/briefings/017/index.shtml http://www.google.com/dictionary?source=dict-chrome-exsl=entl=enq=sctp http://www.google.com/dictionary?langpair=en|enq=udphl=enaq=f http://mailman.isi.edu/pipermail/ns-users/2006-August/056723.html http://books.google.com.pk/books?id=bF3L7g1u_mQCpg=PA189lpg=PA189dq=udp+vs+sctp+latency+throughputsource=blots=zdb5JeCsMfsig=PPt8c4nvtcrIJcXr5eKBIe_GbkQhl=enei=XhIgTYCeLs-z8QO8_KS8BQsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=2ved=0CB4Q6AEwAQ#v=onepageqf=true
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Patterns for College Writing Essay
           I spent the night before contemplating how I was going to get out of school on Thursday. There was a social studies test I didn’t study for and I just could not bare another day of dodge ball. On the morning of September 11, 2001 I woke up â€Å"sick†. I pleaded with my mother, and took a fake trip to the bathroom because I was going to â€Å"vomit†. Finally, I was allowed to stay home. At 6:00 am, I was ordered to go back to sleep and I did. I looked forward to my day alone as I lingered between sleeping and waking pondering how I was going to fill my day with – snacks, computer games, and loud music. September 11, 2001 began as a childhood scheme and it ended with me growing up.            I dozed much of the morning and awoke to the sound of my brother’s radio alarm going off. It was Thursday and he shouldn’t be home. I pouted as I slowly got out of bed to see if I was truly alone. I walked down the hall and stopped briefly at the bathroom and then into my brother’s room. He was gone, and the alarm had been set wrong. The people on the radio droned on and on. I wandered around the room hoping to find a magazine that I let brat borrow weeks ago. As I was on my knees peaking under the bed the words on the radio became clear. I heard the word â€Å"terrorists†and the fragments of statements like â€Å"hundreds died this morning when†. Then, I could only hear my heart beat in my ears.  I got to my feet and for the first time since being a child, I felt real panic. The sort of panic you feel when you are four and you have wandered away from your parents. Once I caught my breath I made my way to the family room, frantically searching for the remote. I turned on the television to MSNBC and the first image I saw was a man jumping from a broken window of one of the twin towers. I was baffled and this would be the image that would haunt my dreams, my waking memories, and what it meant to be an American.            I heard the details over and over again. The errorists had hijacked three planes and deliberately crashed them into the Pentagon and the Twin Towers. The video clips played again and again on the news. The smoke filled horizons around the crumbling buildings. Paper was flying everywhere and the sound of heart broken people wailing in the background filled the screen. I stared and there were moments where I thought it might be a movie and all I had to do was change the channel. The phone must of rang a dozen times before I answered it It was my mother on the other end, asking me again and again if I was ok.  She told me she would be home soon. I waited, though I did not know for what, and watched. The Towers were now in flames as the reporters spoke in what seem like whispers. Their words almost silenced but the sound of a city slowly dying.            I remember hearing the back door open and close, and my mother sitting down next to me. It was the first time since I was a child that she held my hand and I let her. Stunned, we sat together as the news reported that at 8:40 am the terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center. It was hard to comprehend. My mother cried and I cried too except on the inside. I watched her body shake as she twisted her ring around and around her finger. My mother, who could out talk just about everyone we knew, was speechless. It was then that I understood – she was scared too. I hugged my mother and told her everything would be all right. I told her we would be safe and that we had each other. I made us coffee and we spent much of the afternoon talking about what happened, what could happen, and what we would do. What we spoke about most was â€Å"why†. Why did the terrorists hate Americ a? Why did people kill other people for no apparent reason? Comforting my mother in the ways she had comforted me for so many years, came unexpectedly to me.            Over the next few months we followed the story as did the world. I can remember President Bush attempting to comfort the United States and telling us America would be going to war for reasons that weren’t clear to me then and certainly aren’t clear to me now. Suddenly video games and staying home from school just weren’t important anymore. Dodge ball did not seem so bad. Instead of hiding from my parents I sought them out, wanting to discuss my day and theirs together. I do not believe what does not kill us makes us stronger. However, I think that what does not kill us makes truly value what we have in life and to realize how much our family and friends mean to us.            My family and I became very active in volunteer activities especially with the Red Cross. We donated bottled water, clothing, blankets, and food. Our community held local charity events to raise money for the victims of September 11 including those firemen and police officers who gave their lives in the fires of 9/11. It was the first time I or my family had ever become involved in activities that did not directly benefits ourselves. The sense of community and patriotism that was built in the months following the terrorists attacks still exists with me today. We now volunteer regularly as a family for a number of charities. Through the destruction of the Twin Towers, I finally understood my place and role in society. Not as a bystander but an active and willing participant.            On September 11, 2001 many people lost their lives and I gained my independence from childhood fantasies. Before that Thursday in September, I never thought about life and death. I never considered the consequences of war and the denial of freedoms. Now that I am older, I realize that September 11, 2001 was not just pivotal point for me but America itself. Not since Pearl Harbor had the United States been unexpectedly attacked on it’s own land.  Just as families pulled together so did the United States as a whole.  We cried together and we healed together.  To actually witness the attacks was life changing but to be part of the healing process was life affirming. Bibliograhy Berne, S. (2004). Ground Zero. In S. Mandell, and Kirszner, L. (Eds.), Patterns for College Writing: A            Rhetorical Reader and Guide (pp. 158-161). New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Seven Personal Qualities Found in a Good Leader
How often have you heard the comment, â€Å"He or she is a born leader?†There are certain characteristics found in some people that seem to naturally put them in a position where they're looked up to as a leader. Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders. These qualities can be developed or may be naturally part of their personality. Let us explore them further. 1. A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader â€Å"walks the talk†and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads. 2. A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause. Although the responsibilities and roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty. 3. A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members. 4. A leader also needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty. People look to the leader during times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find reassurance and security when the leader portrays confidence and a positive demeanor. 5. Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a cool head. 6. A good leader, as well as keeping the main goal in focus, is able to think analytically. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break it down into sub parts for closer inspection. While keeping the goal in view, a good leader can break it down into manageable steps and make progress towards it. 7. A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas. These seven personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership. Some characteristics may be more naturally present in the personality of a leader. However, each of these characteristics can also be developed and strengthened. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Causes of World War I Germany Essay - 1602 Words
World War I was a war between the allies, which included Russia, France, Serbia, and Great Britain, against the central powers of Europe; Germany and Austria. When war broke out between Austria and Serbia in 1914, the alliance system drew the other European countries into the war; consequently the rest of the world was brought into the conflict. In the early twentieth century, Germany was witnessing a prospering economy alongside an increased sense of national pride. With the growing economy, Germany began to make progress in the Arms Race and in the development of their navy. Under the control of William II, Germany made a series of unlawful decisions that added to the animosity between European superpowers. With the introduction of†¦show more content†¦As stated by Suzanne Karpilovsky, â€Å"The standing armies of France and Germany doubled in size between 1870 and 1914.†(Karpilovsky, Fogel and Kobelt). In this way, Germany’s rapidly growing military expendi ture made other European countries feel insecure about their safety. Great Britain had its own insecurities regarding Germany; in particular Great Britain’s â€Å"Balance of Power†policy was being disrupted as Germany’s military strength was making Germany the most powerful country in Europe. This led to increased feelings of tension between Germany and other European powers; as Henry Kissinger stated, â€Å"Germany became the strongest and as such proved disquieting to its neighbors.†(Kissinger 169). This is why Germany’s immense progression in the arms race during the early 20th century can be seen as a factor in causing World War I. During the early 20th century, Germany was well on its way to being one of the most powerful nations in the world. With a large land army and an expanding naval fleet, Germany was starting to gain the confidence it needed to go out andShow MoreRelatedGermany and Cause of World War I Essay903 Words  | 4 Page sGermany and Cause of World War I In 1914, World War 1 broke out between six main countries. These were Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was what triggered off the war but I am here to discuss how there was a lot more to it than the murder of just one man. Germany did not cause the war alone, as will soon come clear. Germany felt encircled, as there was a strong friendship between Russia to the eastRead MoreEssay about Did Germany Cause World War I1401 Words  | 6 Pages Did Germany cause World War 1? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Although in the Treaty of Versailles Germany was to accept full responsibility for World War 1 this in not necessarily the case. 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