Monday, October 7, 2019

PROJECT MANAGEMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Assignment Example The goal is to present this information in the ten minute time allotted. Benefits and methods of the proposed project are to improve on-line fire prevention information for businesses. In order to complete that task there are preliminary document checklists that should be completed in order to ensure that the project management proposal is accepted and utilized for the target deadline date. The Learning Outcomes in this Assignment prepared us to present a Project Initiation Document Checklist which describes 1. What is the project all about? 2. Why should this project go ahead? 3. Who will work on the project? 4. How and when will the project be delivered? ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Choose type of leadership 2. Use practical project management 3. Understand your responsibilities as a leader for the group are 4. Understand your responsibilities as a manager for each individual are 5. Implement the Project Initiation Document Checklist 6. Team is ready to proceed with Project Management Ta sk Transformational  Leadership What Is Transformational Leadership? Transformational leadership is a type of leadership style that leads to positive changes in those who follow. Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process; they are also focused on helping every member of the group succeed as well. Leading and Developing Others Personal Qualities Leading the Organization Showing genuine concern Being honest and consistent Networking and achieving Enabling Acting with integrity Focuses effort Being accessible Being decisive Building shared vision Encouraging change Inspiring others Supporting a developmental culture Resolving complex problems Facilitating change sensitively Practical Project Management: The most important thing to know about project management is that first and foremost it’s a way of thinking about projects 1. Focus on the objective – A written statemen t of a project designed to achieve one or more goals 2. Starting to Plan – work through the planning process, uncover questions, problems and issues 3. Laying out the project – gather task data and prepare a rough sequence process 4. Analyzing Your Tasks – sequence first analyze tasks second and integrate the two steps 5. Managing Time and Cost – By Utilizing the PERT The Program Evaluation and Review Technique 6. How to Make and Use a Gantt Chart – Don’t reinvent the wheel save time use templates 7. Using PERT and CPM Charts – Critical Path Method to determine time, budget, and performance 8. Budgeting for Projects – determine fixed, variable costs, equipment, rentals, outside contracts 9. Managing the Project – committed teamwork, SMART Goals, communication 10. Monitor and Adjust – Utilize a project control chart to tract progress of time budget & data 11. How to wrap up the project - Determine the three Estimat es: Historical Data, Research, and Publish Data & Scenarios. Source: Practical Project Management (Dobson 1996) Project Initiation Document Checklist PID Item Check When Complete Section 1: What is the project all about?    Project title    Background    Purpose    Objectives (and how they will be measured)    Project scope    Exclusions from scope    Deliverables (including dates of completion)    Constraints    Assumptions    Section 2:Why should this project go ahead?

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