Thursday, October 31, 2019
Intelligence brief analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Intelligence brief analysis - Assignment Example However, about a week ago, Iran’s senior negotiator said that in the next meetings, the discussions will only tackle nuclear issues (Black N.P). He stressed that the nuclear talks are not similar to military programs talks. Upon his arrival in Vienna, Zarif who is an official in the scheduled meetings said,†the committee believes they can finally reach an agreement†. The six world powers are: Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States. Their aim however, is to reach an agreement within at least six months. The previous deal has frozen Iran from its nuclear project so far until July 20, a period by which they think they will have already come up with an agreement. Difference of position in the discussion points might make a final agreement impossible because every party would like its interest met which is obviously impossible.US for example want some parts of the nuclear plant in Iran to be abolished if they are to get to an agreement. On the ot her hand, Iran insists that the only discussion they will hold will concern their nuclear program thus excluding their military (Khan N.P). Steven Erlangler.†Iran and 6 Powers Agree on Terms for Nuclear Talks.†The New York. 2014, NP. Retrieved on 26/2/2013, from, . web Black Ian. â€Å"Iran won’t discuss military programs, say officials.†The Guardian.2014, N.P Retrieved on 26/2/2013, from
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Importance of Palliative Care to the Old Dying Individuals Dissertation
The Importance of Palliative Care to the Old Dying Individuals - Dissertation Example The authors of this article carried out a study on 1,254 physicians using questionnaires. Most of the respondents used were women with a mean age of 45. This study was the first Dutch study carried out to give an insight into the practice of CPS by nursing home physicians. The study fails to recognize the importance of temporary palliative sedation, which was not included in the study. However, I agree with the findings of the study that administration of CPS to patients with cancer and dementia differ in several ways. This study was carried out in six veterans’ affairs medical centers located in the southeast United States. It implemented palliative care, a multi-component, and education based intervention through staff training, written materials, electronic order set, and follow up consultations. The study was a qualitative research that involved the use of telephone interviews and qualitative data analysis. The results of the research carried out are useful in optimizing the best practices in acute care settings. The article focuses on the end of life nursing education consortium critical care (ELNEC-CC) programs that were funded by Arch stone foundation to improve end of life care education of care nurses in California. From the study, ELNEC-CC offers an emphasis on the end of life areas specific to critical care. It is evident that the participants consider the ELNEC-CC materials as helpful in giving professional education.The authors carry out a research on acute and critical care nurses on the aging population. From the findings, the authors conclude that there is no adequate education on the nurses to take care of the population 388 participants were used for the study through education in ELNEC modules. The participants revised policies and made changes in their workplaces so that better care is provided for dying critical care patients. The authors of this article carried out a study to describe an evaluation of ELNEC oncology training program. The study was carried out using 124 nurs es representing 74 chapters of ONS.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Elementary Number Theory
Elementary Number Theory Bernard Opoku qCarl Friedrich Gauss, born into a poor working class family in Brunswick, now lower Saxon, Germany and died in Gottingen, Germany. He was a child prodigy with genius that did not impress his father who called him a star-gazer. His mother, Dorothea Gauss was the exact opposite of his father as she collaborated with his teachers who were impressed enough to find a him a scholarship at the at the local secondary school in Duke of Brunswick. At a very early age Gauss showed signs of great mathematical prospects. At the age of only three years old he noticed arithmetic mistakes his father had made in bookkeeping. (Eves 476) At the age of seven he started elementary school and it was not long after that his teacher, Bà ¼ttner, and his assistant, Martin Bartels, realized Gauss ability when he summed the numbers from 1 through 100 in his head. It had become obvious to Gauss that the numbers 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + + 97 + 98 + 99 + 100 could also be thought of as 1 + 100 + 2 + 99 + + 49 + 52 + 50 + 51. Thinking of it this way he had paired the numbers up so that there would be fifty pair of numbers which would each sum to be 101, or 50 * 101 which equals 5050. (OConnor) It was this that lead Gauss to joke that he could figure before he could talk. In 1788 Gauss began his education at the Gymnasium with the help of Bà ¼ttner and Bartels, where he learnt High German and Latin. After receiving a stipend from the Duke of Brunswick- Wolfenbà ¼ttel, Gauss entered Brunswick Collegium Carolinum in 1792 at the age of fifteen and then Gà ¶ttingen University at age eighteen. (Eves476). While in Collegium in 1797, he collected a very ripe and seasoned education filled with science and classical education way beyond those his age. It was on March 30, 1796, that Gauss began writing in his famous mathematical diary to which he commonly wrote encrypted messages about his mathematical achievements. His diary contains 146 entries, the last of which was dated July 9, 1814. The entry from July 10, 1796, reads EYPHKA! num = + + , which records Gauss discovery of a proof of the fact that every positive integer is the sum of three triangular numbers (0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15,). All but two of the entries in Gauss diary have been deciphered. His dramatic achievement that marked him as a mathematician was in 1796, when he was able to figure out and show that any regular polygon with a prime number of sides can be drawn by using only a compass and a straight edge. And from then for five years until the year 1800,when they began to slow, ideas began to flood his mind so fast he could not write them down fast enough and always had more than he could produce writings for. During this epic time of discovery he came across a heptadecagon, which when he discovered it he requested to have it put on his tombstone, but that request was denied because, it would have ended up looking like a circle. He also discovered modular arithmetic, which is used to calculate check sums, and a heliotrope, which is a moveable mirror that reflects the suns rays; he also was not to mention the first to prove quadratic equations using modular arithmetic. He also had many breakthroughs with writings that of course had to go with these theorems such as in 1801 Disquisitions Arithmetica, which has very important contributions to the number theory. Along with theories of binary and ternary quadratic forms, not to mention he proved the fundamental theorem of algebra just a few days before he wrote this book. In this same year life began to change for Carl a tad when an Italian astronomer named Giuseppe Piazzi discovered a planet that had a celestial body and orbited the sun without disturbing the orbit of any other planet, the celestial planet was called Ceres. Which Giuseppe tracked for a couple months as it moved across the, but suddenly it disappeared and should had reappeared months later Giuseppe could not locate it. He studied his work trying to realize his mistake when he found that it had only moved three degrees which was less than one percent of its entire orbit, along with that his tools and math were not capable of this kind of precision and tracking with such small amounts of data and more to come. Carl, Twenty-Three years old at the time, heard about this discovery and the predicament and took matters into his own hands, and after three months of intense labor he predicted the next position of Ceres in December 1801, about a year after its first sighting. His prediction was only about half a degree off, and for this achievement he was designated Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Astronomical Observatory in Gottingen which was a position he held for the rest of his life.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hitler Youth Essay -- World War II WWII WW2 Nazi Germany
â€Å"The future of the German nation depends on its youth and the German youth shall have to be prepared for its future duties†The youth of Germany were an important target for Hitler. He knew that if his dream for the thousand year Reich were to be fulfilled he needed the loyalty of the young German people. But how did he obtain that loyalty? How did he set about bending the German children’s hearts and minds to his will? The answer is simple-the Hitler Youth. In the years from 1929 to 1933 economic hardship, a faltering political regime and generational tensions left many young people with no place to turn. The Nazis used this situation to their advantage, pointing out to the youths the way the Weimar republic government were failing to care for them. It appeared to young people that the Nazis were a party tailor made for the youth. Indeed, the Nazis realised the importance of youth, whom they considered indispensable in their quest for power. This is why many young, disenchanted, lower class youths put their stocks in the Nazi party and in particular, the Hitler youth. Ho...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
My Life Experience
When becoming a leader or a manager, it does make a different when it comes into play. I have found that it is very important that personal value plays a role in every leader’s success. For any leader or manager, he/she should apply these personal values and share this information within the organizations that they work for and as well as for the employees that are working for them. By taking the Ethic Awareness Inventory Assessment to see how well I do to realize my own ethical standpoint and compare the result with the inventory analysis. To my surprise, I scored high in the obligation and the results profiles. It stated real clearly that ethical decision-making involves three components awareness, articulation, and application (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2006). Upon the evaluation of this test, it stated that an individual with equal high scores in both of these areas can be experiencing some internal conflict with the leader’s own feelings of moral obligations to employees, although the leader was attempting to accomplish specific results for a any group or organization (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2006). After learning more about this assessment and its results, I can see how this is appropriate assessment for me. When I used to work, I always gave it my best all because I had a group of students (mental retarded) depending on me. I made sure I was not only right, however I would be there to assist them who needed it. After reviewing the strategic plan that Kudler Fine Foods has developed for a while, I can tell that they do believe in working hard, increasing customer service, a mixed diverse group of employees, and personal relations with different communities in the area. In order for a business to be successful, these are important what they do. I believe that my personal value assessment result would fit right in with becoming a manager at Kudler Fine Foods, and would assist in making the business become so successful by having the right planning in place. Ethics is an important essential fact within the technical world. It offers some valuable information regardless to ethical point of view which identify my values and the values of Kudler Fine foods and how it would affect my role as a manager if I had worked at Kudler Fine Foods. What my understanding is that ethics plays a part that involves employees’ feelings, thoughts and the benefits. I would try to do my best and achieve the most positive outcome in any given situation. â€Å"The Williams Instuition Ethic Awareness Inventory explained differert ethical beliefs in their study. It is based on charater, obligation, equity and result. In this inventory, my personal opinion is closer to result than equity. Based on its report, I am more focused on the result and the consquesences of my actions, but honestly I do believe that conduct is a way to promoting excellent for many employees. The Williams Institute for Ethics and Management had stated that: You believe that we each have a moral right to experience the â€Å"good life. One way to measure how good life really is would be to determine how satisfied the majority of the people in our society seem to be. If most people are unhappy, something is morally wrong and needs to be fixed. Therefore, your approach to ethics is likely to focus on what could be done to improve the well being of the greatest numbers of persons. †(The Williams Instuitie for Ethics and Management, 2008) I am so extremely exciting to realie my own ethical because values and ethics combined are the most important characteristic of a person. They both basically define who we are and what we believe in. There is a list of factors that determine both our value and ethics. I will name a few and they are: Religion, and culture and other factors that affect our beliefs. It is definitely a fact that value and ethics can bump heads with many people from different background who have a different point of view and beliefs whether it is right or wrong. It doesn’t means that it is not a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. How we can develop values and ethics, begins from the time we are born into this world and it all begins with the people who play a major influences in our daily life. Parents, siblings, best friends, teachers and mentors are a huge part of our lives as we are growing up . They all played an important part influenicing our thoughts and beliefs. We develop all kind of values and ethics through past experiences whether it is right or what is wrong. Values and ethics are one of the most important characteristic of person. They basically define who we are and what we believe. There are many factors that determine our values and ethics. Religion and culture play a part in our lives and there are many other factors that affect our beliefs. Many times are values and ethics can clash with different people who hold different views and beliefs. This doesn't mean our values or ethics are wrong it just means we think differently than others. Most people have a good sense of ethics and values. Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. As we develop many values and ethics through past experiences, it can be either a positive and/or negative experience. It depends how we use our thoughts and beliefs when making decisions and judgements. Culture has a biggest influence in both of our values and ethics. Many countries have different beliefs and thoughts of what is or not socially accepted. They have been around for years and their thoughts and beliefs could be just as old if we go way back in history. My personal values experience is very strong and I feel that I developed values and ethics as a young girl. My mother and my grandmother taught me what is right and what is wrong, so that I would not get punished. I remember doing something wrong by telling a lie, but I ended up getting punished anyway. I am so glad that I was raised by two most important intelligent women who had strong morals and high standards. These were very important to learn because they did not like for me to keep lying, stealing or cheating to get punished and have bad luck. When you do wrong, you will be accountable for your actions if you did these things. So that is why they taught and expected me to be honest show respect to others and treat them the way you wanted to be treated. I mean I love this golden rule. That one thing that I live by is live life like a golden. Learning and comparing the results from the Williams institute for Ethics Awareness Inventory along with Kudler Fine Foods as a make-believe manager, does make me want to do a better job at planning a appropriate strategic plan for the team and organization to become a successful business. It is all about having a good foundation block throughtout the oraganiation and exchange ideas and views by communicating and working together as a team.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Beloved: A Palimpsest Novel at its Best
A palimpsest, traditionally meant a manuscript page. However, here it is taken to refer to an object, a piece of literature that reflects history. Palimpsest novels speak of a certain event, the history of a significant cultural phenomenon, or the history of a particular group of people. This paper delves into the merits of Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved as a palimpsest novel. The novel will be described shortly and then thoroughly analyzed in order to show the truth in the statement that Beloved is indeed a palimpsest novel at its best.Beloved is a palimpsest showing the history of African American culture, of the autonomy of their culture, and of the history and strength of their independence. Toni Morrison’s Beloved focuses on the lives of Sethe and Denver, her daughter. The two escape from slavery and try to rebuild a new life together. Their efforts are undermined, however, when one day a girl named Beloved shows up at their house. Sethe believes that Beloved is he r daughter; one she murdered when the child was two years old, slitting her throat with a chain saw in order to save the baby from growing up and entering a life of slavery.Sethe believes the girl named Beloved is her murdered child because of the fact that her baby’s tombstone had read â€Å"Beloved†. Two other characters in the novel are Paul D. and Stamp Paid who watch as Sethe becomes centered on Beloved to the point of obsession, to the point of forgetting Denver’s needs and even of forgetting her own. Paul D. and Stamp Paid are also shown to be struggling with memories of their past, memories they try to repress and then later on finally come to terms with. (Morrison, 1-342)It is through the lives of these characters that Morrison is able to show the history of African American autonomous culture in a way that it has never been shown before. The violence and hardships previously skirted around by other slavery novels are directly addressed in Beloved. It i s through this graphic and honest portrayal that Morrison is able to show the need and drive of these individuals to attain independence and autonomy. Beloved is a strong novel about the pains of slavery. Through its characters, it shows how African Americans were able to transcend this pain through links of humanity, surpassing racist assumptions and barriers.(Greenbaum, 84) One link of humanity that is used in Beloved as a means of overcoming the pains of slavery is song. Morrison explores the dynamics of slave songs and allows her characters the power of these songs. Unlike past authors, Morrison’s portrayal of slave song is more inclusive of the actual topics of real slave songs. (Capuano , 99) She is able to do this because, unlike past authors, she is not fettered down by thoughts of having to inform her audience, of having to fight for abolishment of slavery and establishment of autonomy, of avoiding the committal of offence.(Capuano, 95) Thus Morrison uses slave songs in the most graphic way they have been used yet. Beloved is most successful in its portrayal of African American history. The novel reestablishes apocalyptic writing, writing established before Morrison’s time and which emphasizes the fact that African American culture underwent a period of darkness but will eventually come to the light. (Bowers, 59) In Beloved, this period of darkness is the era of slavery and the period light indicates the attainment of autonomy, of African American’s freedom from slavery.Beloved presents apocalypse not as something that is survived. Beloved offers African American an attempt of freeing them from a past full of guilt and suffering. Morrison shows that despite the holds of history on all African Americans, the holds of a past of slavery, the holds of a traumatic psychological legacy, there is a way to freedom. Directly confronting slavery and addressing the effects it wrought on all those who survived and even to those who did not al lows all African Americans to be able to break loose and start anew. (Bowers, 73) Beloved shows slavery in a light of complete truthfulness.It is because of the completely honest portrayal of the black and dim past of African American slavery that Beloved is able to break loose from the litany of novels holding the same topic. It is what sets Beloved apart and allows it to be dubbed as a palimpsest novel, a novel of the history of African American autonomy, at its best. However, it is not only the quality of its description and assessment of slavery that allows it to shine. It is the fact that through its honesty, Beloved is able to provide for its readers an insight into African American culture and suffering.It also offers African American readers a way to come to terms with their past, a way to break free from the holds of that past. Toni Morrison was able to take a well-worn storyline and create a new angle from it. She viewed slavery in a way it had never been done before. She viewed it through the eyes of a writer not bound by social taboos and social decorum. By taking slavery and showing it for what it really was, she was able to show history with more impact. Beloved thus became more than just another slavery novel, it became one of the best palimpsest novels.The fact that Toni Morrison became a Nobel Laureate because of this book stands as firm proof of its merit as a palimpsest of African American autonomy. References Capuano, Peter J. â€Å"Truth in timbre: Morrison’s extension of slave narrative song in Beloved. †African American Review 37 (2003): 95-103 Greenbaum, Vicky. â€Å"Teaching Belloved: Images of transcendence. †English Journal 91 (2002): 83-87 Morrsion, Toni. Beloved. New York: Alfred Knopf Inc, 1987 Susan, Bowers. â€Å"Beloved and the new apocalypse. †The Journal of Ethnic Studies 18 (1990): 59-77
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market worth $20.7 Billion by 2018 Essays
Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market worth $20.7 Billion by 2018 Essays Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market worth $20.7 Billion by 2018 Essay Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market worth $20.7 Billion by 2018 Essay The Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market by Connected Devices (Cardiac Monitoring, Diabetes Management Devices), Health Apps (Exercise, Weight Loss, Womens Health, Sleep and Meditation), Medical Apps (Medical Reference) Global Trends Forecast to 2018 analyzes and studies the major market drivers, restraints, and opportunities in North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World. Browse 101 market data tables with 84 fgures spread through 277 pages and in-depth TOC on Mobile Health Apps Solutions Market by Connected Devices (Cardiac Monitoring, Diabetes Management Devices), Health Apps (Exercise, Weight Loss, Womens Health, Sleep and Meditation), Medical Apps (Medical Reference) Global Trends Forecast to 2018 Download a free copy of PDF [emailprotected]:// www. marketsandmarkets. com/pdfdownload. asp? id=1232 Early buyers will receive 10% customization on this report. This report studies the global mobile health apps solutions market over the forecast period of 2013-2018. The mobile healthcare market comprises of connected medical devices, healthcare application, and related mobile technology. The global mobile healthcare market is estimated at $6,336 million in 2013 and is poised to reach $20,683 million by 2018 at a CAGR of 26. 7%. Connected devices dominate the current market with around 85% of the total revenue contribution. Among different applications, cardiac monitoring and fitness tracking are the most prominent uses of mobile-enabled connected devices. With increasing awareness of the need for ealthy lifestyles, patients prefer vital signs monitoring on a continuous basis. The mobile application market is in an introductory phase, but is highly fragmented with an ample number of software-developing companies. A major restraining factor behind the growth of paid apps is the free access to maximum smartphone apps. Free apps constitute almost 90% of the download market of healthcare applications. Furthermore, significant price difference between health and medical apps lowers the adoption rate among healthcare professionals. Though the number of downloads f health apps contributed almost 90% to the healthcare applications market, revenue contribution by these apps was not significant due to its very low average price range ($1 $2/download). Consideration of a mobile application as a medical device is also a questionable issue, although the FDA is formulating a framework to regulate the apps market. As of now, there are a few certified applications in the unstructured gamut of the application market. Rising popularity may increase the download price of device-independent healthcare apps; hence, the revenue ontribution to the mobile health market is expected to be more significant. Major driving factors of the mobile Health market include the growing adoption of smartphones, tablets, and PDA, increasing awareness of chronic diseases management, advanced connectivity such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, robust penetration of 36 and 4G network, and a promise of better cost efficiency during medical practices. On the other hand, stringent FDA and EIJ regulations, and data insecurity restrict market growt . Inapproprlate patient-doctor ratlo In unaeraevelopea countrles ana ther potential mHealth platforms such as smart TV promises prospective business opportunities in the global mobile Health market. Since its inception (21st century), North America has contributed the maximum to both the devices and applications markets. The Asian mobile healthcare market is majorly contributed to by Japan and China, whereas the U. K. represents the most promising country in Europe. Several government initiatives such as mDiabetes, Indo-Dutch Project Management Society (IDPMS), Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA), EpiSurveyor, Ushahidi, FrontlineSMS, OpenMRS, RapidSMS, and Mwana accelerates the rapid adoption of mHealth technology in emerging countries such as South Africa and Brazil. Though the healthcare apps market is highly fragmented with a large number of software- developing companies, the connected device segment is dominated by Philips (The Netherlands), Medtronic (U. S. ), Nike (U. S. ), Omron Oapan), and Alere (U. S. ). On the other hand, AT (U. S. ), Qualcomm (U. S. ), Cerner (U. S. ), and Diversinet (Canada) are the major technology providers that enhance healthcare solutions.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on My Last Douchess
The Duke of â€Å"My Last Duchess†Outline Thesis: The Duke of Ferrara, the speaker is a jealous, arrogant and hypocrite man who was very controlling over his dead wife I. The Duke’s desire of control is displayed with each one of his actions A. He shows off the portrait of his dead wife B. He monopolizes his conversation with the envoy C. He tells the envoy when to sit and when to rise II. There is an irony in the control the Duke wants to impose over other people. He really does not have much control. A. He could not control his wife’s smiles B. He cannot control what the envoy will inform the count III. Arrogance is manifested by the Duke The Duke of â€Å"My Last Duchess†Murder, arrogance, hypocrisy, jealously and possessiveness are some of the main themes we can find in â€Å"My Last Duchess†. Robert Browning's poem, "My Last Duchess," features a sixteenth century Duke engaged in dialogue with an arbiter of a Count. "My last Duchess" is spoken from the perspective of the Duke and conveys the Duke’s personality through the literary form of a dramatic monologue. The subtitle of â€Å"My Last Duchess†is â€Å"Ferrara†, which makes a historical reference to the Duke of Ferrara. â€Å"The poem, "My Last Duchess" is based on incidents in the life of Alfonso II, duke of Ferrara in Italy†(Lombardy). According to Hecimovich â€Å"the situation is take [sic] from the life of an actual sixteenth-century, but Browning has imagined the specific incident†. The Duke of Ferrara, the speaker is a jealous, arrogant and hypocrite man who was very controlling over his dead wife. By talking about his previous wife, the Duke s hows of his power and the requirements his next wife should meet. His diction reveals his personality very clearly. The poem begins with the Duke pointing at the painting on the wall that portrays his last duchess. The reader is directed to imagine the Duke walking with the count’s agent through his art gall... Free Essays on My Last Douchess Free Essays on My Last Douchess The Duke of â€Å"My Last Duchess†Outline Thesis: The Duke of Ferrara, the speaker is a jealous, arrogant and hypocrite man who was very controlling over his dead wife I. The Duke’s desire of control is displayed with each one of his actions A. He shows off the portrait of his dead wife B. He monopolizes his conversation with the envoy C. He tells the envoy when to sit and when to rise II. There is an irony in the control the Duke wants to impose over other people. He really does not have much control. A. He could not control his wife’s smiles B. He cannot control what the envoy will inform the count III. Arrogance is manifested by the Duke The Duke of â€Å"My Last Duchess†Murder, arrogance, hypocrisy, jealously and possessiveness are some of the main themes we can find in â€Å"My Last Duchess†. Robert Browning's poem, "My Last Duchess," features a sixteenth century Duke engaged in dialogue with an arbiter of a Count. "My last Duchess" is spoken from the perspective of the Duke and conveys the Duke’s personality through the literary form of a dramatic monologue. The subtitle of â€Å"My Last Duchess†is â€Å"Ferrara†, which makes a historical reference to the Duke of Ferrara. â€Å"The poem, "My Last Duchess" is based on incidents in the life of Alfonso II, duke of Ferrara in Italy†(Lombardy). According to Hecimovich â€Å"the situation is take [sic] from the life of an actual sixteenth-century, but Browning has imagined the specific incident†. The Duke of Ferrara, the speaker is a jealous, arrogant and hypocrite man who was very controlling over his dead wife. By talking about his previous wife, the Duke s hows of his power and the requirements his next wife should meet. His diction reveals his personality very clearly. The poem begins with the Duke pointing at the painting on the wall that portrays his last duchess. The reader is directed to imagine the Duke walking with the count’s agent through his art gall...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Bahrain Geography, History, Culture, Economy
Bahrain Geography, History, Culture, Economy Population: 738,004 (July 2010 estimate)Capital: ManamaArea: 293 square miles (760 sq km)Coastline: 100 miles (161 km)Highest Point: Jabal ad Dukhan at 400 feet (122 m)Bahrain is a small country located in the Persian Gulf. It is considered a part of the Middle East and it is an archipelago that is made up of 33 islands. The largest island of Bahrain is Bahrain Island and as such it is where most of the countrys population and economy is based. Like many other Middle Eastern nations, Bahrain has recently been in the news due to increasing social unrest and violent anti-government protests. History of Bahrain Bahrain has a long history that dates back to at least 5,000 years ago, at which time the region served as a trading center between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley. The civilization living in Bahrain at that time was the Dilmun civilization, however, when trade with India declined around 2,000 B.C.E, so too did their civilization. In 600 B.C.E, the region became a part of the Babylonian Empire. According to the U.S. Department of State, little is known about Bahrains history from this time until the arrival of Alexander the Great in the 4th century B.C.E.During its early years, Bahrain was known as Tylos until the 7th century when it became an Islamic nation. Bahrain was then controlled by various forces until 1783 when the Al Khalifa family took control of the region from Persia.In the 1830s, Bahrain became a British Protectorate after the Al Khalifa family signed a treaty with the United Kingdom which guaranteed British protection in the event of a military conflict with Ottoma n Turkey. In 1935, Britain established its main military base in the Persian Gulf in Bahrain but in 1968, Britain announced the end of the treaty with Bahrain and other Persian Gulf sheikdoms. As a result, Bahrain joined the eight other sheikdoms to form a union of Arab emirates. However, by 1971, they had not officially unified and Bahrain declared itself independent on August 15, 1971.In 1973, Bahrain elected its first parliament and drafted a constitution but in 1975 the parliament was broken up when it tried to remove power from the Al Khalifa family which still forms the executive branch of Bahrains government. In the 1990s, Bahrain experienced some political instability and violence from the Shia majority and as a result, the government cabinet underwent some changes. These changes initially ended the violence but in 1996 several hotels and restaurants were bombed and the country has been unstable off and on since then. Government of Bahrain Today Bahrains government is considered a constitutional monarchy and it has a chief of state (the countrys king) and a prime minister for its executive branch. It also has a bicameral legislature that is made up of the Consultative Council and the Council of Representatives. Bahrains judicial branch consists of its High Civil Appeals Court. The country is divided into five governorates (Asamah, Janubiyah, Muharraq, Shamaliyah, and Wasat) that is administered by an appointed governor. Economics and Land Use in Bahrain Bahrain has a diversified economy with many multinational firms. A large part of Bahrains economy depends on oil and petroleum production, however. Other industries in Bahrain include aluminum smelting, iron pelletization, fertilizer production, Islamic and offshore banking, insurance, ship repairing and tourism. Agriculture only represents about one percent of Bahrains economy but the main products are fruit, vegetables, poultry, dairy products, shrimp, and fish. Geography and Climate of Bahrain Bahrain is located in the Middle Easts Persian Gulf to the east of Saudi Arabia. It is a small nation with a total area of just 293 square miles (760 sq km) spread out over many different small islands. Bahrain has a relatively flat topography consisting of desert plain. The central part of Bahrains main island has a low elevation escarpment and the highest point in the country is Jabal ad Dukhan at 400 feet (122 m). The climate of Bahrain is arid and as such it has mild winters and very hot, humid summers. The countrys capital and largest city, Manama, has an average January low temperature of 57˚F (14˚C) and an average August high temperature of 100˚F (38˚C).​ References Central Intelligence Agency. (11 February 2011). CIA - The World Factbook - Bahrain. Retrieved from: (n.d.). Bahrain: History, Geography, Government, and Culture- Retrieved from: States Department of State. (20 January 2011). Bahrain. Retrieved from: (27 February 2011). Bahrain - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Work place emotions and attittude Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Work place emotions and attittude - Dissertation Example How so? Emotional intelligence plays a vital role in navigating situations at workplace. It is the skill through which employees deals situation at a more tactful and effective way. Often it happens that negative emotional state rejects amazing ideas and takes situation in a negative manner. If employees and act accordingly let’s say if an employee wants to place and idea to the supervisor when he is in a negative mood then there is high chance of irritating the supervisor and the idea gets rejected. With positive mood and emotions people are more open to take information and handle them effectively. Motivation also plays an important role in generating positive emotions and moods amongst the employees as they feel satisfied with their work they performed and facilitates in building a positive workplace culture (Knowledge@Wharton, 2007). What are the causes and symptoms of the problems in the case and its possible solutions? The case study shows that the attitude and behaviour in the workplace can result in a very worst situation and could generate negative emotions amongst the employees.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Social Inequality and the Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social Inequality and the Law - Case Study Example (ii) There is another matter that, both of them are black murder cases. The judgment and the subsequent actions are said to be based on the fact that the victims were blacks. It is another similarity with the two cases that no offender was found even after a very pinpoint search. As in accordance with the changes in British law that came as an effect of the case of Stephen Lawrence James' father would have aremedy. David Blunkett who was a Home Secretary of Bratain introduced that, the Parliament of Britain forfited the provision against double jeopardy that was previously a strict prohibition. If there is a new and compelling evidence, retrials are now allowed. This is a positive aspect of James father.After the passing of The Race Relations (Amendment) Act (RRAA) 2000,it is more easy for the father of James to go to the Court and get a remedy from the Government. Whether the poor people, women and those from Black and minority ethnic classes are often barred from accessing to justice that is totally dependent on the practice of a state and the people live there. By proven information it can be stated that there is a relation between the race people and the police regarding the combating against racism. Because of institutional racism, or by mixing with other people from other ethnic communities through social events, some of the institutions supply an environment where users can change themselves into basic stream of the society by entering the offices from which they have enjoyed less access. Social justice and Social inclusion is necessary to guarantee full citizenship. Shifting conditions and formative culture are the suggestion of removing entire impartiality. Privilege of every proceeds, fortification and other obligatory requirements; recompense and life likelihood for all; and falling or diminishing excessive inequalities are the keys to take the behind people ahead. The major conference summit of the equalities program has been to protect strict groups from grievance, domination or exploitation, and agonize. There have been groups with natural behavior to struggle against femininity, disability and sexual course. In this situation there is a problem to broaden the religious relationship, social source, tongue and political thinking and opinions - and to focus on celebrating diversity and understanding how inequality arises and how they can be discussed. Service, goods and services in restricted access, under-representation in political, economic and community decis ion making; grass root level people in society; separation, i.e., through restricted employment opportunities; express unfairness; as well as pestering, threats and aggression are aspects of variation in rights. Almost every people in white groups can not take help from full citizenship - they are socially disqualified. Discrimination is of the processes that deny people from full nationality. Social justice can be best acquired through considering the dissimilar wishes of white classes. The requirements of women using public convey, given private security concerns, may vary to the
Critical Paper 2A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critical Paper 2A - Essay Example Bear in mind that in a lot of these cases the women are primary income earners, and in their quest for high-paying jobs they often rolling the dice with a heavy heart. A lot of the income earned by these women fuel the economies of their home countries to the tune of millions of dollars annually. The question is, have the effects of poverty effectively dehumanized the women living in developing countries? Let us take a closer look at the situation of women in the Philippines, one of the world’s leading providers of woman migrant workers because of the seething poverty that is prevalent in the country. (United Nations Development Fund for Women, 2008) Women in the Philippines are considered the backbone of its society, being a Roman Catholic country. While most men are still the primary wage earners, a significant portion of women are the breadwinners of an increasingly large number of single-parent households. Now, the main point of contention here is that the Philippines is not exactly an equal opportunity employer. The majority of the well-paying jobs still go to the men, and women are oftentimes relegated to low-paying, menial work such as secretarial jobs or clerking posts. And that’s if they choose to do it the â€Å" honorable†way. Rampant stories run abound about with nursing school graduates saddled with an unwanted pregnancy, and are then forced to work as prostitutes to support the child as the husband had abandoned her. The Philippines is a country seemingly built for infidelity, and the practice is as socially accepted as it can ever get.. Thus, women are often saddled with unwanted babies, and with no good-paying jobs to support them, are forced to turn to drastic measures. (Department of Social Welfare and Development, 2008) While not all women are keen on exploring prostitution as a living , the next best alternative is to look for jobs
Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of universal and Essay
Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of universal and contingent approaches to human resource strategy. Give examples to illustrate your answer - Essay Example Since the human resources act as the cornerstone of an organization, that may enhance its productivity and total sale as well as strengthen the brand image and reputation in the market among others. Not only this, the position and supremacy of an organization might also get enhanced only if the employees and the leaders work optimistically and efficiently. Moreover, the brand value and position of the organization might get enhanced thereby amplifying its profitability in the market among many other existing rival players. Other than this, the organization might retain its portfolio in this competitive market only if it implements all sorts of universal or best practices within the organization in an effective way. Such practices might amplify the inner skills and talents of the employees that may boost their level of performance and total output of the organization to a significant extent among many other co-players. This essay is divided into five phrases mainly highlighting the importance of universal and contingent approaches within an organization. Along with this, it also discusses the pitfalls of implementing such types of approaches with an organization with relevant examples as well. In order to maintain the efficiency and dominance in this aggressive market, the most essential strategy is extensive planning and scheduling of the human resource needs and requirements. By doing so, the organizational management might understand the desired requirements of the work-forces to accomplish the future goals and objectives of the business group. Apart from this, with the help of this type of planning’s, the organizational management might attain a link among human resource management and overall strategic planning of the group. This might prove effective for the organization to analyse the working capabilities of the existing work-forces, the type of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Hot Springs of Glenwood Coloradotheir geological origin Essay
Hot Springs of Glenwood Coloradotheir geological origin - Essay Example The water then rises to the top of the surface through the rocks. Hot springs can also occur when there are faults in the region. Faults are layers (cracks) in the Earth's crust that are the result of differential motion within the crust. The faults enable surface water to penetrate to depths where it is heated. When we talk about hot or thermal springs, these are defined as springs where the temperature of water lies significantly above the mean annual air temperature of the region. A mineral spring is defined as one that contains a reading of 400 parts/million of total dissolved solids. (Tarbuck p274) Both types of spring are found from Mexico to Alaska. In the case of the thermal springs in the mountainous regions, their formation tends to be quite consistent. As rain falls on the surrounding peaks, it percolated into the rather porous sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of sediment- mineral crystals, particles of minerals and rocks, masses of organic matter, or chemical precipitate, which solidifies into layered rock. As the water continues to descend through the rock, it picks up a variety of materials, everything from radium to sulphur. Also, as it moves further beneath the surface, it heats up from the primal heat of the Earth. Eventually, it encount ers the large thrust fault and now as water descends behind it, these faults forces the now heated water to ascend along the fault-line to surface as a hot or warm spring. Also critical in the creation of a hot spring, is an express route to the surface. If the water moves slowly from depth to the surface, it will cool back down before it bubbles out as a spring. Luckily, since many of these springs occur in limestone formations, the openings allowing the water to the surface may be enlarged by dissolving of the limestone to create a virtual pipeline to the surface. This assures a quick trip and warm waters. Tertiary volcanism and mineralized hot springs have produced the existing geologic environment in the Glenwood Springs area. These volcanic activities led to the present day Rock Mountain regions in which the Colorado River carved its mark. Glenwood Canyon was formed by the Colorado River as it eroded into the southern flank of the White River Uplift. During the Pleistocen Ice Ages, rates of down cutting were accelerated due to glacial melting that caused heavily, over-loaded streams. This erosion allowed for the seeping of water into the deep crevices of the earth, which somewhere met with the heated rocks and returned filling the many springs of Glenwood. Most of W Colorado is occupied by the Colorado Plateau, where deep canyons have been formed by the action of the Colorado, Gunnison, and other rivers. Colorado has a mean elevation of c.6,800 ft (2,070 m) and has 51 of the 80 peaks in North America over 14,000 ft (4,267 m) high, thus laying claim to the name "top of the world." (McTiighe p237) Colorado's eastern expanses are part of the High Plains section of the Great Plains. On their western edge the plains give way to the Rocky Mountains, which run north-south through central Colorado. The mountains are divided into several ranges that make up two generally parallel belts, with the Front Range and a portion of the Sangre de Cristo Mts. on the east and the Park Range, Sawatch Mts., and San Juan Mts. on the west. Mt. Elbert (14,433 ft/4,399 m) is the highest peak in the U.S. Rocky Mts. (McTighe, 1984, p111) The
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
E-Business- Transforming Customer Contact into Revenue Essay
E-Business- Transforming Customer Contact into Revenue - Essay Example This will just not suffice in today's selling world. One-time sales will generate revenue and help attain monthly targets, but what then E-Business is revolutionizing commerce. With transfer of data at one's fingertips, it's imperative for business houses to maintain customer database for the present and future development of business. Over the decade, business houses shifted their focus from automating back-office operations to customer relations. This move could be seen as a move in the right direction. This helps improve retention of customer database considerably and most importantly, these 'point solutions' add tactical value by encouraging customers to use this feature through the internet to make purchases1. Selling-Chain Management helps both the salesman and prospective customers identify their needs; it covers all aspects of a process-cycle, right from a customer's initial inquiry to delivery. Such powerful software thus helps minimize expenses in a relative term and improve profits. This paper takes a look e-Business solutions can help realtors transform customer contacts into revenue. 'Point Solutions' refers to details available at any point of time to a salesperson in negotiating with a customer. Product and price lists, inventory to advice on product availability and deliveries, will clear the way for better objection handling and doubts to close a business deal. An important feature of e-business is that every aspect of the sales process is considered critical to obtain a successful order. Internet Relationship Management (IRM), a personalized sales platform does just that. It assists in servicing potential customers as an interactive module, and deriving revenue. How does this happen IRM acts as the front-office of a company. IRM is interactive software that has provisions for free e-mail, discussion boards, and up-to-date product content2. As a realtor, IRM could address questions normally put up by customers regarding sales and mortgage of property, project development cost and time, structural features and so on. A customer who can avail all required info rmation through such software will undoubtedly be impressed and order. Legal opinions, blue-prints, property purchase and lease agreements, mortgage details and price listing will help make a customer more than confident of making a firm decision. Also the fact that the internet helps reduce process time will benefit the realtor in concluding sales early and efficiently. 4.0 Conclusion An important aspect of a sale is identifying customer needs. A customer's requirement is a prerequisite in a successful sale. IRM is essentially a sales platform that allows customers to log in to a company's website and retrieve valuable information that may be not available with sales staff. IRM allows customers the benefit of addressing their queries directly to the respective heads of departments, thus eliciting valid and genuine information. This task reduces uncertainties and customers find it easier to take decisions. However, an important aspect of e-Business is that, all information available on the website must be kept up-to-date and the system must be user-friendly. 5.0 References 1. Dr. Ravi Kalakota & Marcia Robinson, Identifying the Problem: Disconnected Front-Office Systems, Page 2-3, e-Business 2.0, Roadmap for Success,
Hot Springs of Glenwood Coloradotheir geological origin Essay
Hot Springs of Glenwood Coloradotheir geological origin - Essay Example The water then rises to the top of the surface through the rocks. Hot springs can also occur when there are faults in the region. Faults are layers (cracks) in the Earth's crust that are the result of differential motion within the crust. The faults enable surface water to penetrate to depths where it is heated. When we talk about hot or thermal springs, these are defined as springs where the temperature of water lies significantly above the mean annual air temperature of the region. A mineral spring is defined as one that contains a reading of 400 parts/million of total dissolved solids. (Tarbuck p274) Both types of spring are found from Mexico to Alaska. In the case of the thermal springs in the mountainous regions, their formation tends to be quite consistent. As rain falls on the surrounding peaks, it percolated into the rather porous sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of sediment- mineral crystals, particles of minerals and rocks, masses of organic matter, or chemical precipitate, which solidifies into layered rock. As the water continues to descend through the rock, it picks up a variety of materials, everything from radium to sulphur. Also, as it moves further beneath the surface, it heats up from the primal heat of the Earth. Eventually, it encount ers the large thrust fault and now as water descends behind it, these faults forces the now heated water to ascend along the fault-line to surface as a hot or warm spring. Also critical in the creation of a hot spring, is an express route to the surface. If the water moves slowly from depth to the surface, it will cool back down before it bubbles out as a spring. Luckily, since many of these springs occur in limestone formations, the openings allowing the water to the surface may be enlarged by dissolving of the limestone to create a virtual pipeline to the surface. This assures a quick trip and warm waters. Tertiary volcanism and mineralized hot springs have produced the existing geologic environment in the Glenwood Springs area. These volcanic activities led to the present day Rock Mountain regions in which the Colorado River carved its mark. Glenwood Canyon was formed by the Colorado River as it eroded into the southern flank of the White River Uplift. During the Pleistocen Ice Ages, rates of down cutting were accelerated due to glacial melting that caused heavily, over-loaded streams. This erosion allowed for the seeping of water into the deep crevices of the earth, which somewhere met with the heated rocks and returned filling the many springs of Glenwood. Most of W Colorado is occupied by the Colorado Plateau, where deep canyons have been formed by the action of the Colorado, Gunnison, and other rivers. Colorado has a mean elevation of c.6,800 ft (2,070 m) and has 51 of the 80 peaks in North America over 14,000 ft (4,267 m) high, thus laying claim to the name "top of the world." (McTiighe p237) Colorado's eastern expanses are part of the High Plains section of the Great Plains. On their western edge the plains give way to the Rocky Mountains, which run north-south through central Colorado. The mountains are divided into several ranges that make up two generally parallel belts, with the Front Range and a portion of the Sangre de Cristo Mts. on the east and the Park Range, Sawatch Mts., and San Juan Mts. on the west. Mt. Elbert (14,433 ft/4,399 m) is the highest peak in the U.S. Rocky Mts. (McTighe, 1984, p111) The
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
“Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet†by Alex Epstein Essay Example for Free
â€Å"Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet†by Alex Epstein Essay Part 1: Graphical Representation Part 2: Summary of argument In the article â€Å"Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet†(Epstein, 2013), Alex Epstein’s main claim was that fossil fuels should be used without restriction as they provide reliable and affordable energy that improves the lives of mankind. Aiming to convince the reader fossil fuels should be freely used, he first argued that the energy provided by fossil fuels is vital to the health and well-being of mankind. He supported this by stating that processes such as purifying water, mass production of medicine and fresh food, heating and construction are vital in allowing mankind to lead healthy lives and being able to cope in harsh climates. Epstein stressed that none of these things would exist in the modern world without the energy from fossil fuels. Next, he argued that alternatives like renewable energy are not effective. He asserts that renewable energy is unreliable, not cost effective and also unable to be mass-produced. He supported this by saying that even after years of investments from many countries only accounts for less than 0.5% of the planets energy. Finally, Epstein concluded by stating that fossil fuels are not â€Å"dirty energy†. He supported this by saying current technology can reduce waste produced in using fossil fuels to a minimum. He argued that since all processes create some waste, any process can be considered â€Å"dirty†and rejected. Epstein hence contended that mankind should focus on building better lives by reaping the benefits of using fossil fuels rather than worrying about whether processes were â€Å"dirty†or not. Part 3: Evaluation of argument Epstein’s first argument is that the energy provided by fossil fuels is vital to the health and well-being of mankind. The assumption he makes in his argument is that burning fossil fuels is the largest or sole provider of energy to mankind. This is validated by empirical data collected on a global scale from The World Energy Outlook 2013 (International Energy Agency, 2013) which recorded that 82% of the world’s total energy supply came from fossil fuels in 2011 and will likely only fall to 75% in 2035, remaining the major source of energy for years to come. The argument uses deductive reasoning to prove that the energy provided by fossil fuels is vital to the health and well-being of mankind based on the premise that the energy powers important machines and processes that mankind needs to thrive. Epstein supports this by listing processes such as purifying water, the mass production of medicine and fresh food, heating and construction. He states that these processes provides necessities that are key in keep sickness at bay and allowing mankind to cope with the often harsh climate, leading to what he claims to be the healthiest and cleanest living environment in human history. The evidence Epstein provides shows that the affordable reliable energy from fossil fuels provides important necessities such as clean water and medicine that is vital to the health and well-being of mankind. This is congruent to Dennis Anderson’s points in â€Å"World Energy Assessment: Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability†(United Nations Development Programme, 2000, Chapter 11 p.394) where he reports that the presence of modern sources of energy can improve the standards of living for billions of people across the globe, especially those in developing countries who lack access to basic services and necessities similar to those described by Epstein due to consumption levels of energy being far lower than those in industrialized countries. This shows the state of people who lack access to modern energy and how their lives can be greatly improved if more energy was available to them. Therefore since Epstein’s argument uses deductive reasoning to prove that the energy provided by fossil fuels is vital to the health and well-being of mankind, since the premise is true, the conclusion of the argument is valid. References Anderson, D. United Nations Development Programme, United Nations. World Energy Council. (2000). World Energy Assessment: Energy and the challenge of sustainability. New York, NY: United Nations Development Programme In: Chapter 11 Energy and Economic Prosperity. (P.394-411) Retrieved from International Energy Agency Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2013). World energy outlook 2013. Paris: OECD/IEA. Retrieved from Epstein’s second argument is that alternative sources of energy to fossil fuels are not as effective. The argument uses inductive reasoning as Epstein focuses on 2 alternative sources of energy and attempts to convince the reader of his argument based on their observed limitations. The premises offered are that renewable energy such as solar and wind is unreliable, not cost effective and also unable to be mass-produced. He is able to support this with his claim that even after years of investments from many countries renewable energy only accounts for less than 0.5% of the planets energy. He also supports this by quoting examples of some richer countries that have been unsuccessful in making renewable energies usable on a larger scale even after spending large sums of money, resulting in rising youth unemployment rates as high as 50% in Spain and electrical prices doubling in the case of Germany. These cases and facts accurately shows the limitations of renewable energies ment ioned in his premises. This is supported by Professor Barry Brook in his in-depth critique on renewable energy â€Å"Renewable Limits†(Brook, 2009, TCASE 4 7) where he states that input for energy for solar and wind is unreliable and also shows how costly and economically unfeasible it is to make solar and wind plants reliable on a global scale. The report demonstrates this by calculating the large amounts of materials and investment needed to make each renewable energy source reliable on a global scale e.g. 1,250,000 tonnes of concrete and 335,000 tonnes of steel per day from 2010 to 2050 for wind power to be reliable. Therefore, the facts in the premises Epstein offers are true. However, he chooses to purely focus on solar and wind as alternatives to fossil fuels and not on other more promising alternative sources of energy such as hydroelectric power or nuclear. Although he mentions them in his argument, acknowledging them as able to provide more significant and reliable power compared to solar and wind, Epstein fails to go any further in depth than that. The World Energy Outlook 2012 (International Energy Agency, 2012) showed that renewable energy is likely to grow to become the second-largest energy source by 2015, with its share of global power generation rising from 20% in 2010 to 31% by 2035 mostly stemming from hydroelectric power and nuclear power. Although the report states that this depends on continued subsidies, subsidies for renewable energy are also projected to reach $240 billion per year in 2035 from $44 billion in 2010, for 31% of global power. The report suggests that given enough time renewables like hydroelectric power and nuclear could be produced on a wide enough scale to compete with fossil fuels. This shows that the other alternatives not evaluated fully by Epstein are definitely gaining traction and support around the world and are able to produce affordable and reliable energy as well, potentially on a global scale given time. Although he claims to have focused only on solar and wind as environmentalists , opponents of fossil fuels, often only champion solar and wind power over nuclear and hydroelectric power, it is a very weak reason to not go into detail about these alternatives that are clearly gaining much traction and support around the world as shown in the source. Hence, Epstein fails to consider the full scope of alternatives in his argument and seems to focus only on alternatives that have clear limitations to strengthen his argument. Since his argument uses inductive reasoning to prove that alternative sources of energy to fossil fuels are not effective, based on the premises provided not painting a complete picture of the issue at hand, and the fact that the alternatives ignored show more promise than the ones mentioned in the premises, his argument is weak and not convincing. References Brook, B (2009). Renewable Limits | Brave New Climate. Retrieved from International Energy Agency Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2012). World energy outlook 2012. Paris: OECD/IEA. Retrieved from
Monday, October 14, 2019
Examining Real Estate Business In Bangladesh
Examining Real Estate Business In Bangladesh This research paper focuses on the marketing system of the real estate business in Bangladesh and also evaluates the market growth; as this rapidly growing business has become more popular in Bangladesh during the last fifteen years. For that reason this paper will firstly evaluate the real estate business culture in Bangladesh. Secondly the marketing system will be critically appraised and finally recommendation will be given on how to improve this business. Chapter 1: Introduction Today the real estate business is one of the fastest growing businesses in Bangladesh and it plays an important role in the Bangladeshi economy. This research paper focuses on the marketing system of the real estate business in Bangladesh. Presently Bangladesh is a developing and also over populated country. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. This city is very important for everything because everything is based on this city. For that reason this city is densely populated. From 1985 the concept of living in a flat has been started and also the real estate business has become more popular. The slogan used by the business is our creation your dream. This is a dream about someones home. This topic was chosen because many people know very little about Bangladesh and Bangladeshi business and because of my own interest and personal experience. This paper will firstly evaluate the real estate business culture in Bangladesh. Secondly the marketing system will be critically appraised. Finally recommendations will be given on how to improve this business. Chapter 2:Literature Review Bangladesh is a developing country, and as is common in many such countries, everything is centralized so every business based in Dhaka city. Now a days Dhaka is a overpopulated city. That is the main reason for the growth of real estate business, because people needs more house for living. More than 260 companies are working or doing business in Dhaka(According to REHAB 2004)Real Estate Housing Association of Bangladesh. So it is proof that real estate business is rapidly growing business in Bangladesh. This research paper focuses on marketing system of real estate business in Bangladesh. Today marketing is one of the important part for all kinds of business. It is true that if in the company marketing system is strong than the business of this is doing well. So here in this research paper will be evaluate some true marketing system of real estate business in Bangladesh. Because marketing starts with human needs and wants. People need food, air, water, clothing, and shelter to survive. Beyond this, people have a strong desire for recreation, education, and other services. They have strong preference for particular versions and brands of basic goods services. Kotler,P.(1998). Chapter 3:Methodlogy In this research my specific and investigating area is real estate business in Bangladesh. This research is totally literature based; in addition it will evaluate the marketing system of real estate business in Bangladesh. To make this research valid and reliable, I am trying to show the true marketing system in Bangladesh. It was difficult to find specific books in this area. This research would have been better if there had been time to do empirical research. It would have been appropriate to use questioners and interviews with the people who are working in the real estate business. This research could have also been more presentable if the questioners and interviews involved a large sample of real estate business in Bangladesh. However there was not too much time or resources to do this. This research paper hopes to show what kinds of marketing system the real estate companies are using in their business and what is their strategy for their products and their services for their target customers. Because Marketing is an orderly and insightful process for thinking about and planning for markets. The process starts with researching the market place and understand its dynamics. This marketing process involves segmenting with the market and choosing those target customer that the company can satisfy in a superior way.(Kotler.1998) Therefore in this research paper I evaluate the real estate business culture, critically appraise the real estate marketing system and recommend how to improve the growth rate of this business in Bangladesh. Chapter 4: Finding and Analysis Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and one of the most overpopulated city in the world. This city is home of more than 12.8 million people estimated as of 2008 according to the Dhaka City Corporation. This population is growing by an estimated 4.2% per year that is one of the highest rates in the Asian city. On the other hand according to Far Eastern Economic Review this city Dhaka will become a home of 25 million people by the year of 2025(Wikipedia).So day by day people are increasing and housing demand also increasing. So this is the main opportunity for real estate business. Because as a developing country is quite difficult for government to provide such a big fundamental needs like housing. As a result private real estate companies come forward to meet the needs of the increasing housing demand. Land development and construction of apartments is the concern of a real estate business. This business major construct area is residential and commercial buildings to sell them and make profit. Now this business is rapidly growing and one of the most popular business in Bangladesh. According to REHAB(Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh,2004) in Dhaka there are 250 companies doing this business. This is show that what a rapidly increasing business. On the other hand this business also plays an important role in Bangladeshi economic. However most of the Bangladeshi real estate companies marketing system almost same. These marketing system based on four things: Thinking about apartments or housing. Level of income. Standard of living. Style of living. Most of the Bangladeshi real estate company applying this kinds of things for finding as a potential customer. On the other hand customer also classify by the real estate companies. Because housing is not a major problem for rich people but it is big problem for middle and lower income people. So companies are specially targeted middle income and lower income customers. Because a house is their ultimate dream for this kinds of customers. For that reason most of the real estate company investing lots of money for promoting their products for their target customers. Such as : Advertisement Newspaper, Television, Neon Sign Billboard Personal selling This is one of the major things to maintain good relation with the customers. On the other hand a number of employees are working for the company in indoor and outdoor for sales the particular products. Sales promotion Sales promotion is another important things for real estate company. Sometime the company offers discount, Gifts, service price off and many other things for selling their products. Publicity Buy on instalments Size start with 750sft to 1800 sft.(square Feet) This is the marketing system of real estate business in Bangladesh. Chapter5:Conclusion Bangladeshi real estate business is one of the most profitable and popular business. If real estate companies have liabilities about their customers than government have also some liabilities about this business. So government needs take necessary steps or roles to protect this business. Every year the Bangladeshi government earns approximately more than 1500 core taka as a revenue. On the other hand more than 25laks people are working with this industry REHAB(Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh) in 2008. So this is show that the growth rate of the real estate business in Bangladesh. However the marketing system is a process which can be improve day by day with proper market research and strong marketing planning. So real estate companies needs to find out the potential buyers and strong relationship with their customers. It can be very effective to selling their product for their target customers. Chapter 6:Recommendations However now real estate business is very popular in Bangladesh but most of the companies do not have proper market research and marketing plan. Because most of companies do not have longer period marketing plan. So most of the Bangladeshi real estate company needs proper marketing research which start with planning well in advance of the implementation, analysis, management review, and good coordination between customers. In addition most of the Bangladeshi real estate companies needs strong customer care. Because this business totally customer based. All marketing strategy is built on STP-Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning. A company discovers different needs and groups in the marketplace, targets those needs and groups that it can satisfy in a superior way, and then positions its offering so that the target market recognizes the companys distinctive offering and image.(P.Kotler,K.L.Keller,2006) So this marketing strategy can improve the real estate business in Bangladesh. Chapter 7:Reflections of learning In this research paper I am learning lots of things such as how to write a research paper in a right order. Because this is my first research paper. When I started my research I was facing lots of difficulties but day by day I learn lots of things about a research paper and how to write it. May be in my research paper I have lots of errors and mistakes. But I know that it is all about learning process because this learning process helps me lots in my future studies .In addition I wants to thanks International Study Canter and specially my course teacher because they are deign such an important course for the students who wants to study in the postgraduates level. Appendices Committed to PEOPLES RIGHT TO KNOW Vol. 5 Num 50 Fri. July 16, 2004 Business Rehab housing fair in New York next month Star Business Report In a bid to promote the countrys housing and real estate business by wooing Bangladeshis living in the US, the Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (Rehab) is going to organise a five-day housing fair next month in New York.The event titled Rehab-Biponon Housing Fair 2004 will begin on August 19 at Quality Hotel Hampstead in New York city. Rehab is organising the fair in association with Biponon, a US-based marketing company.Describing the objectives of the fair, Rehabs Senior Executive Member Ziaul Ahsan said the fair would encourage expatriates to build their houses in Bangladesh as well as attract foreign investors to the country. Through this fair, the expatriates will get the opportunity to know all about the housing business in Bangladesh, he said. We think if they know about our real estate sector, they will move to invest in the sector.Ahsan said the exhibition would contribute to earning more remittance from the US and making more foreign investment in the count rys real estate sector.A total of 29 Rehab member companies will take part in the fair. They are Building Technology and Ideas Ltd, Hamid Real Estate Construction Ltd, Sheltech (Private) Ltd, Eastern Housing Ltd, East West Property Development Private Ltd, Latif Real Estate Ltd, Bosoti Consortium Ltd, Suvastu Development Ltd, Hasan and Associates Ltd, Amin Mohammad Group, Rangs Properties Ltd, Tropical Homes Ltd, Building for Future Ltd, Ena Properties Ltd, Concord Real Estate and Building Products Ltd, Brac Concord Lands Ltd, Bangladesh Development Company Ltd, Borak Real Estate (Private) Ltd, Living Stone Ltd, Equity Property Development Private Ltd, Japan Garden City Ltd, Al-Hasan Developers Ltd, NM Housing Ltd, Sumona Private Ltd, Rupayon Housing Estate Ltd, Mega Builders Ltd, Assurance Develop-ments Ltd, Building Development and Design Ltd and Crescent Holdings Ltd. According to Rehab, its 145 members delivered 70,000 to 80,000 apartment units to their customers in last 20 year s. Besides, they have been delivering 4,000 to 6,000 plots a year.The Rehab statistics show the annual turnover of the real estate sector amounts to Tk 7,500 crore and the government earns Tk 700 crore in revenue a year from the sector. About 15 lakh skilled and unskilled labourers are working in this sector. Example: Published On: 2007-11-25 Business REHAB fair ends with commitment to lower cost urban housing Sumon Salah Uddin A salesperson (right) busy briefing a visitor at a stall at the annual REHAB housing fair that concluded yesterday in Dhaka. Photo: STAR Real estate companies yesterday pledged to develop lower cost urban housing solutions in order to meet the growing demands for affordable homes in the capital. This is the right time to shift our focus to lower cost apartments instead of luxury flats, said Mohammad Zakir Hossain, senior sales executive of Rangs Properties.According to Hossain, developers are now planning most of their new projects targeting middle class people who make between Tk 20,000 and Tk 40,000 a month. Talking to The Daily Star on the final day of the 5-day housing fair organised by the Real Estate Housing Association of Bangladesh, Hossain said his company currently has no apartment of less than 1450 square feet in size. However, the management is planning new projects to meet the growing demands for smaller flats within the price range of Tk 15 lakh to Tk 20 lakh. A number of factors, including soaring construction costs and the governments drive against black money, have contributed to a sharp fall in the s ale of apartments, which are down around 50 percent so far this year, according to REHAB. Hossain said proper urban policy and the right public infrastructure are necessary to build lower cost housing, especially in the suburbs. The land price in the central areas of big cities is so high that it is often hard to keep the apartment price low. If the government builds proper infrastructure like highways and a good public transport system, developers will start to build lower cost housing projects in the suburban areas, he said. Eastern Housing Ltd, a developer of plots for urban housing, said it didnt have any more land plots to sell. All the plots in our land projects are sold out. We are now introducing two new mid-sized apartment projects in the capitals Kamalapur and Panthapath areas, said Mohammad Farhaduzzaman, assistant manager of the company. Aminul Islam Tareq, senior marketing executive of Rupayan Housing Estate Ltd, said the company had received a huge response from potent ial customers at the show. The response was more than expected, thanks to our newer projects in Uttara and Mirpur, he said, adding that Rupayan recently started building smaller apartments to attract customers from mid-income earners who cannot afford to pay more than Tk 30 lakh. Despite the slump in the real estate sector, there was little evidence of a lack of enthusiasm among the crowds at the jam-packed fair.While the focus was on the lower cost solutions a few luxury developers could be found, one such being Building Technology Ideas (bti) Ltd, who said their primary focus would still be on luxury living. We just got approval for 10-storied projects in Gulshan and Banani areas under the Building Construction Rules 2007. Our focus still remains on exclusive privacy, environmental friendliness and more space, said an executive of the company.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Our Children :: social issues
Our Children My Testimony and Message to America and the World Hello my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, past and now . . . It was the year 1986 and the month of June when my life was forever changed. The Kentucky Court System sentenced me to 25 years and life, which means that I will have to serve 25 years in prison before I can be considered for parole on a life sentence. I was convicted on murder and robbery charges and this was my first time coming to prison. I do accept full responsibility for my crimes. One night alone in my cell, I began to search myself and ask for mercy, and I repented in the name of Jesus Christ and became wonderfully and marvelously forgiven and saved. AMEN! Today my dream, vision, and goal is to get out of prison and travel all over the United States of America and the world. I would like to preach in the churches and speak in the youth centers and school systems to address the problem we face in this wicked world. â€Å"I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.†â€Å"He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.†â€Å"And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God and I have peace and love in my heart today in the name of Jesus Christ.†HALLELUJAH! Praise His Holy Name! As we all know, life comes with trials and tribulations and they tend to challenge our inner strength. I am obligated to put self aside and do God’s will today in America and the World. It is not about Brother Jones and his situation, it’s about our young people. They need our love and support because we have so many young people coming to prison today and the prison system in America is not the answer for our children. They should not have to travel the same road that I have traveled and it is very important that we address and arrest this problem. Let me talk briefly about the prison system and the laws that have been legislated over the past decade or at least as long as I have been in prison doing time with Jesus Christ.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Elderly Health Care in Massachusetts is a Struggle :: Health Care Medicine Insurance Essays
Elderly Health Care in Massachusetts is a Struggle Despina and her husband Peter Angelopoulos are not eligible to receive any financial help from the state because they don’t qualify for free health care, and they are extremely worried about their future. The couple, in their early 70’s, both have a series of medical problems resulting in them taking heavy medication. They own a house in Somerville and they are struggling to pay for their medications. They average about eight pills a day each. Despina said that because they own a house they are forced to pay for doctor’s visits covered by their social security plan A. Plan B allows them hospital coverage. The problem is if they have to go to the emergency room, they have a high co-pay. â€Å" Medical care should not be subject to laws of economics,†said Mr. Angelopoulos. An item of necessity should not be treated in economic terms, and especially should not have a money price placed upon it.†Health care is a scarce good. From the individuals who perform acts of medical care to the medicines and various medical devices used to deal with health issues. The Angelopoulos' social security is at the minimum of $630 each and with the taxes going up in Somerville, they have a hard time maintaining their old home so they can generate rent income from it. They have to rent both apartments on the second and third floor at all times to be able to have a steady income. â€Å"What will happen to us if we become disabled and need more care?†Mrs. Angelopoulos asked. â€Å"Do we have to sell our house to be able to afford better care when we need it the most?†The present system seems to help retirees with no income other than their social security. If you own your home, that is a problem. Medicare is an essential health care program for people age 65 and older, people with certain disabilities, and people with End-State Renal Disease. . Medicaid became law in 1965 and it is jointly funded by the federal and state governments to assist states in providing medical long-term care assistance to people who meet certain eligibility criteria. Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with limited income. Recently, President Bush and Congress worked together to pass a new law to bring people with Medicare more choices in health care coverage and better health care benefits.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Five Sense Organs in Human Beings
The Five Sense Organs in Human Beings The sense organs  eyes, ears, tongue, skin, and nose  help to protect the body. The human sense organs contain receptors that relay information through sensory neurons to the appropriate places within the nervous system. Each sense organ contains different receptors. †¢General receptors are found throughout the body because they are present in skin, visceral organs (visceral meaning in the abdominal cavity), muscles, and joints. Special receptors include chemoreceptors (chemical receptors) found in the mouth and nose, photoreceptors (light receptors) found in the eyes, and mechanoreceptors found in the ears. Oooh, that smell: Olfaction Olfactory cells line the top of your nasal cavity. On one end, olfactory cells have cilia  hair-like attachments  that project into the nasal cavity. On the other end of the cell, are olfactory nerve fibers, which pass through the ethmoid bone and into the olfactory bulb. The ol factory bulb is directly attached to the cerebral cortex of your brain.As you breathe, anything that is in the air that you take in enters your nasal cavity: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, dust, pollen, chemicals. You don’t â€Å"smell†air or dust or pollen, but you can smell chemicals. The olfactory cells are chemoreceptors, which means the olfactory cells have protein receptors that can detect subtle differences in chemicals. The chemicals bind to the cilia, which generate a nerve impulse that is carried through the olfactory cell, into the olfactory nerve fiber, up to the olfactory bulb and to your brain. Your brain determines what you are smelling.If you are sniffing something that you haven’t experienced before, you need to use another sense, such as taste or sight, to make an imprint in your brain’s memory. Mmm, mmm, good: Taste The senses of smell and taste work closely together. If you cannot smell something, you cannot taste it, either. Taste buds on your tongue contain chemoreceptors that work in a similar fashion to the chemoreceptors in the nasal cavity. However, the chemoreceptors in the nose will detect any kind of smell, whereas there are four different types of taste buds, and each detects different types of tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, and salty.A common misconception is that the little bumps on your tongue are the taste buds. As with all misconceptions, this idea is wrong, too. The little bumps on your tongue are called papillae, and the taste buds actually lie down in the grooves between each papilla. Foods contain chemicals, and when you put something into your mouth, the taste buds in your tongue can detect what chemicals you are ingesting. Each taste bud has a pore at one end with microvilli sticking out of the pore, and sensory nerve fibers attached to the other end.Chemicals from food bind to the microvilli, generating a nerve impulse that is carried through the sensory nerve fibers and eventually to the brain. Now hear this: Sound The ear not only is the organ of hearing, but it also is responsible for maintaining equilibrium  or balance. To maintain equilibrium, the ear must detect movement. To hear, the ear must respond to mechanical stimulation by sound waves. The outer ear is the external opening to the ear canal. Sound waves are shuttled through the ear canal to the middle ear. The eardrum sets the mechanics in motion: 1.When a sound wave hits the eardrum, the eardrum moves tiny bones  the malleus, incus, and stapes  which subsequently move. 2. This movement is picked up by the mechanoreceptors in the inner ear, which exist on hair cells containing cilia between the end of the semicircular canals and the vestibule. 3. When the cilia move, the cells create an impulse that is sent through the cochlea to the eighth cranial nerve, which carries the impulse to the brain. 4. The brain then interprets the information as a specific sound. The fluid within the semicir cular canals of the inner ear moves, and that movement is ultimately detected by the cilia.When the fluid doesn’t stop moving, you can develop motion sickness. The cilia transmit impulses to the brain about angular and rotational movement, as well as movement through vertical and horizontal planes, which helps your body to keep its balance. Seeing is believing: Sight When you look at an eye, the iris is the colored part. The iris actually is a pigmented muscle that controls the size of the pupil, which dilates to allow more light into the eye or contracts to allow less light into the eye. The iris and pupil are covered by the cornea. Behind the pupil is an anterior chamber.Behind the anterior chamber is the lens. The ciliary body contains a small muscle that connects to the lens and the iris. The ciliary muscle changes the shape of the lens to adjust for far or near vision. The lens flattens to see farther away, and it becomes rounded for near vision. The process of changing the shape of the lens is called accommodation. People lose the ability of accommodation as they grow older, prompting the need for glasses. Behind the lens of the eye is the vitreous body, which is filled with a gelatinous material called vitreous humor.This substance gives shape to the eyeball and also transmits light to the very back of the eyeball, where the retina lies. The retina contains photoreceptors, which detect light. Two types of sensors detect light: †¢Rods detect motion. The rods work harder in low light. †¢Cones detect fine detail and color. The cones work best in bright light. There are three types of cones: one that detects blue, one that detects red, and one that detects green. Color blindness occurs when one type of cone is lacking. When light strikes the rods and cones, nerve impulses are generated.The impulse travels to two types of neurons: first to bipolar cells and then to ganglionic cells. The axons of ganglionic cells form the optic nerve. The opt ic nerve carries the impulse directly to the brain. Approximately 150 million rods are in a retina, but only 1 million ganglionic cells and nerve fibers are there, which means that many more rods can be stimulated than there are cells and nerve fibers to carry the impulses. Your eye must combine â€Å"messages†before the impulses are sent to the brain. A touchy-feely subject: TouchThe skin contains general receptors. These receptors can detect touch, pain, pressure, and temperature. Throughout your skin, you have all four of these receptors interspersed. Skin receptors generate an impulse when activated, which is carried to the spinal cord and then to the brain. The skin is not the only tissue in the body to have receptors, however. Your organs, which are made of tissues, also have receptors. Joints, ligaments, and tendons contain proprioceptors, which detect the position and movement of the limbs.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Business in context
What responses do you have to the reading or video e. G. Fresh understandings, opinions, Insights or questions? What connections does the related additional reading or video have with the required reading or video? How does It reinforce or critique the ideas In the required reading/evolved? This reading presents us the approach of utilitarianism, real life cases that related to utilitarianism, three common mistakes that people usually make when they applying Utilitarianism and the difficulties of measuring utility.Case 1 When Ford motor company was having dilemma of modifying pinto's gas tank or keep the original design, they chose to use utilitarian approach to calculate the utility of tooth options and the result Is cost over benefit, so they chose to risk their customers' lives rather than correcting their poorly designed cars. Case 2 Lawrence summers The director of the white house wrote a memo that proposed shipping wastes form rich countries to poor countries is a beneficial ac tion to world's welfare and he make 4 arguments and I think the first 3 are supported by utilitarianism. Understandings: utilitarianism support that the right action is one that produces the most utility and minimizing the negatives, and the utility that reduced by the action Is not only for the person performing the action but also for all person involved in the action. Question: In the end of the reading it clearly states that health and life is beyond measuring, but Ford company and Lawrence they are putting a price on each person. Is not it would considering as an UN-ethical action? If it is not then I think we are nothing but slaves In this world.In my opinion the additional video is not quit related to the required reading. Peter singer's ethics says that every Individual has their own interests and It Is perfectly normal that we want to spend our money on expensive reduces under our own desires, but it will be considering as ethical action if a person spend money on contribut ing the would instead of buying luxuries. And he also states that the purpose of life is making the world a better place by one's actions and presence. Lecture 2 Required Reading Reference: Shaw, W. Barry, B. & Sandburs, G. (2009). Moral issues In business (1st Asia-Pacific De. ). Melbourne, Australia: Coinage (Kantian ethics). Up 71-78 Lecture 2 Dilation Reading Reference: California Newsreel. (2008, December 2). Health for Sale . Retrieved from: http:// www. Youth. Com/watch? V=Jukeboxes Record a brief description of what the required reading was about. What responses do you have to the reading or video e. G. Fresh understandings, opinions, insights or questions?What connections does the related additional reading or video have with the required reading or video? How does It reinforce or critique the Ideas In the required reading/evolved? Kantian ethics consequences are, and the performer must motive by good wills. An action might looks like an ethical action but if it was motive by self-interests or there concerns then this action will be considering as lack of moral worth (recording to the shop assistant case) Formulate an universal law that applies on all our actions is what Kant wanted.And this categorical imperative rule is the measurement of ethic or UN-ethic. Understanding: After reading this article I realized that everything we do has a propose, if the foundation of the propose is good will then it is ethical, but if the propose is not based on good will then it is not ethical. Question: What if an action is following one's good will but in the same time it might break the universal law? This video is about UN-ethical behaviors of the world pharmaceutical market. 5% of drags were used on 11% of the people who need them and can afford them, But only 15% of drags were used on 89% of people who need them but do not have the money to buy them. And some drags are no longer producing because the people who need them could not afford them, the poor people are not the target of pharmaceutical market. This kind of behaviors is UN-ethical because drags were meant to help people not only focus on making profit, companies ignored the poor is not an action of good will recording to Kantian theory.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Establishing a connection between knowledge transfer and innovation diffusion Essay
Advanced Information Management (AIM) is a technology as well as a business consulting firm which focuses greatly or rather it is focused on advancing business efficiency (Forsgren & Johanson, 2014). The advanced information management helps in designing, implementation and supports the user centric applications of businesses and the various systems that provide the various clients with competitive edges as a means towards the achievement the highest returns from one of their most assets that are deemed valuable. In health, the advanced information management and its intelligence, bridges various clinical documentations, compliance coding and the overall quality. On the other hand, it also provides full compliments of the healthcare information management, which provide solutions for the various clinical needed transcriptions. It also combines various technologies, which entail speech recognition with the labor considered superior and management of accounts towards the simplification of the various documentations of clinics while maintaining the quality at higher levels. In addition, the speech recognition feature leads to the reduction of turnarounds and hence lead to the cutting down of cost as well as not disrupting workflow. Application of technology     Technology refers to the collection of different tools which include machinery, arrangements and the modifications and the different procedures that are used by people, human beings in this case (DeGarmo et al, 2011). On the other hand it can also be said to be the application of knowledge to the various practical goals of human life towards the manipulation or rather the changing of the human environment. Information management     About health, it refers to the practice or rather the activity of acquiring the analyzing and the protection of the digital as well as the traditional medical information that is seen to be very vital in the provision of high quality patient care. The widespread of the computerization, the health records have also been computerized largely. The paper based traditional way of keeping records has been largely replaced by the electronic health records. This transition has helped largely towards the timely provision of the health services. The electronic health records take very less time when it comes to the cases of retrieving the details of a patient as compared to the old paper based way, which was used in keeping of records which at times could be faced with loss a patient’s data. This time saving feature has greatly helped towards the timely provision of health care to the patients. Taking too much time in records before attending to the patients could le ad to death at times. The various tools of health of health informatics as well as the health information technology have been on the increase as their use has proved to increase the efficiency in the information management practice that have been put in practice in the various health care sectors. The information management has also played a major role in provision of the quality health care. For instance, the information management in Nuance, bridges the clinical documentation improvements, the coding, compliance as well as quality. It has on the other hand provided a full complement of the healthcare solutions, which are very necessary for the clinical transcriptions. The information management has also led to its simplification of the clinical documentation and the quality maintenance through the combination of the superior labor and the account management with the advanced technology of speech recognition. On the time saving factor, the platforms of speech recognition lads to the reduction of the times of turn around which save time and cut costs as they maintain the workflows of the various clinics in which they are incorporated. In the offering of the broad arrays of improvements in the clinical documentations and the provision of solutions in the record management, lead s to the provision of powerful links between the care and the patient revenue, which enables the health systems to better, manage the information, which is critical across the continued health care. This leads to the provision of a technology that is powerful as well as services that ensure the quality of service provision to be high. The quality indicators that are largely associated with the nursing profession have evolved largely from the nursing sensitive to the adverse event sensitive (Hockenberry & Wilson, 2013). Quality indicators are used to improve patient care in various ways. The quality indicators are the measure of the health care quality, which on their side is able in the putting in to use the various available administrative data. The quality indicators can largely be used in the highlighting of the various the quality concerns that are potential. It also leads to the identification of areas that are in need of further investigations as well as study and lead to the noticing of the changes that take place overtime. This helps in the improvement of the healthcare programs in a way that, the quality indicator would establish an area that is not performing well or on the other hand it’s in a poor state that limits it from providing a better health care service. Through quality indicators it cou ld be established rather that the paper based entry takes too much time in retrieving of a patients data and hence patients in critical conditions may die due to this delay and hence these would necessitate transition to electronic data entry which would be faster and improve health care. The quality indicator modules help in the representation of various aspects of quality, which are inclusive of patient safety indicators, inpatient quality indicators, the prevention quality indicators and finally the pediatric quality indicators. The prevention quality indicators are the various sets of measures that could be of great use to the inpatient discharge within a hospital to identify the quality of care in conditions such as the ambulatory care. These are various conditions in an outpatient care, which is good, is capable of preventing the hospitalization need or on the other hand, an intervention, which is early, can prevent a disease complication or its development to a more severe state. On the patient’s safety quality indicators, they provide information based on the potential in the complications of the hospital and the adverse effects that follow the different surgeries that take place as well as the complications, which come after childbirth. Hence, after th eir identification the various preventive measures are taken which lead to their prevention and hence overall improvements in health care. The difference between informatics and information technology is that, informatics includes the science of information, engineering of information systems as well as the practice of processing of information. The informatics in addition studied the behavior, structures as well as the interactions of the manufactured or rather artificial and the natural systems that do various duties such as the storage, processing and the communication of information. The informatics also develop and their own concept foundation as well as the foundations of theory or rather the theory foundations. The information technology on the other hand is the development study, design, implementation, support as well as the management of the information systems that are computer based which in particular were application of software and the computer technology at large. The available information technology systems in the health care environment include the electronic health records. These information systems enable the electronic storage of data and information pertaining patients and the assist its easy retrieval of the data. It can also be said to be the system of collection of the electronic information of health about a population or an individual patients records. It records the data and information in digital format which is capable of being shared across the different units of the health care organizations. Human Resource for Health Information System is also another system available which generally is the system used for collecting, disseminating, managing as well as the processing of data and information which regard the human resource for health. However, depending on the level of a countries development, the Human Resource for Health Information System could be paper based or computerized. Thirdly there is the Health information technolog y which is also an information technology that has been incorporated in health which on its hand it provides a frame work towards the description of the comprehensive management of the information of health that is across the systems which are highly computerized and in addition it provides a secure exchange of the information between the providers, the entities of quality as well as the insurers. The health information technology has been seen greatly as a technique or rather tool that would lead to the provision of an overall quality and safe health care to the various kinds of patients. Potential barriers to patient-centered care created by the use of various information technologies include aspects such as the misuse of this technology and the data collected. The misuse of the data collected leads to the mixing up of the information concerning patients hence leading to a reduction in the quality of patient care and the health care unit at large. Secondly, poor health electronic records system designation and its improper use would lead to adverse effects, which include the errors in the electronic health records which would jeopardize at a large extent the integrity of the various information that is encompassed in the electronic health records. These consequences which are as a result of the misuse, would be unintended are seen to be able to cause many cases of fraud as well as other abuse that could have very serious legal implications when the culprit is caught. According to a research that was done, it was suggested that since the introduction of the health inf ormation technology instead of leading to the various improvements in the health sectors which included the improvement in the quality of the data that is being recorded, it has greatly led to the recording of large amounts of data that has largely been regarded as bad. With this, it has led to further deterioration in the quality of patient centered care. The patient care technologies and the information management systems have greatly impacted the quality and the standards of the nursing processes in the different health units that have encompassed the use of these technologies. Through the use of information from these technologies nursing processes have been able to safely and orderly store and record a patients or rather patients data in a way that facilitate improved health care. The nursing process also in other hands adopts the communication techniques as well as the various techniques from the technologies used which enables them in reduction or rather the cutting down of costs and also increase in the effectiveness in the carrying out of their various nursing duties. Health Information Systems     The health information systems refers to the system that manages, captures or rather deals with the transmission of information which is related to the health individuals or the organizational activities that work within that sector that regards health. It incorporates aspects such as the disease surveillance systems as well as the laboratory information systems, the patient systems of administration and finally the management systems of human resource. The overall well-functioning of the health information systems is the effort which is integrated in the collection, procession and the reporting as well as using the information of health and the knowledge from it in the influencing of the decisions that are made, the policies, program action as well as the research. A decision making process that would be deemed sound or rather regarded safe at the various levels of health information systems would require the health statistics which are very much reliable. Decisi ons made based on evidence lead to the resource allocation processes that are more efficient at the levels of delivery and also the information concerning the effectiveness and the quality of the various offered services also contribute to the better out comes which in this case is the better health care. The information systems also help in tracking overtime performance, increase transparency a well as strengthening of transparency. Various nursing terminologies have been used and are still in use. The standardization of nursing languages is tools which are regarded as essential in the communications or rather the exchange of information for the professional nurses who are registered to offer hands in the planning and also the evaluation of the quality of the nursing care. Issues associated or rather with this standardization of the nursing terminologies could be seen in a case whereby in the using of the standardized nursing language in the documentation of school nursing was seen to provide a language which is common for the school nurses in the description of the interventions and the various responses of their staffs and students towards those interventions. Without the standardized nursing language the documentations of the nursing procedures could be persona or rather only activity descriptions that are locally understood because the words would have different meanings for the different classes or groups o f readers. Therefore the big issue that arose was that the information could not be translated or rather transformed in order to also fit in the other settings. Data standards lead to the provision of a meaning that is consistentto the data that is shared or rather data that is to be shared among the different information systems as well as the agencies that are found throughout the lifecycle of a product. These are inclusive of the representation, transmission, structuring, as well as data management or in other words the management of data. Some of the standardized data formats include the Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization (CDASH) which provides the standardized fields which greatly aid in the collection at clinical investigative sites. Secondly another format is the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) which on its side aid in the provision of models that are standardized for the clinical study of the tabulations of the different data collected. Thirdly there is the Analysis Dataset Model (ADaM) which like the previous forms, aids in the provision of a model that is standardized for the analysis of different sets of data. In the reporting of the events that are deemed adverse, the formats such standard data set formats such as Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) are used which in its side leads to the capturing of information that concerns the adverse events and the problems associated with a product that is reported to the public health as well as the organizations that are concerned with the improvement of the quality and finally the agencies concerned with regulation. The various types of Health Information System include the electronic medical reports (EMR) which is also known as the Electronic Health record. This system captures and provides storage of details concerning a patient. This system may also display information on the basis of the name of the physician. The master patient index is also a health information system that aids in the listing of all the patients who have ever been through the system or rather all the patients that have ever been treated in that particular health institution. The Master Patient Index typically serves as the foundational base of data for all the other systems that are patient related, which encompasses the administrative and the clinical aspects such as the scheduling of patients. The comparison between the two health information systems is that both of them are subject based systems that entail the storage ad recording of data. The other set of systems are the systems which are task based. These systems are responsible for the capturing and reporting of the information that relate to a specific task in relation to health care tasks such as the laboratory systems. This system are driven and directed by the Master Patient Index that also enable them capture information and paste it to the health record system. Healthcare information systems meet health care needs in various ways. For instance, in order for to effectively diagnose and give best treatment to the various patients, there is the arising of the need to atleast have access to the types of clinical information that include the health record of the patient. Additionally there is also the need for the important administrative information such as the availability of the resources that would offer support. The health care systems play a major role in such a case such that they would facilitate easy access to the patient’s records and the various clinical information that is needed. Hence with this it is greatly evident on how the health care information systems meet the health care delivery needs. Information Security     The health information security refers to the protection that is given to information and the systems of information from the accesses, which are unauthorized as well as unauthorized disclosure and modification. It’s an iterative process that has been in full driven by the technological enhancements as well as the various changes that have been evident in the health care environment. The security of information is achieved through ensuring of confidentiality, integrity and the information availability. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are responsible for the regulation of the availability and the various breadths of group health plans as well as the certain health care insurance policies that are of the individuals. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rule leads to the regulation of the disclosure and the use of the health information that is protected and also that is held with covered titl es. The same act also provides the guidelines and the procedures that are to be used in the maintenance of security and privacy of the identifiable health information as well as outlining the various penalties that could be because of the violation of the laws. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, addressed the various concerns of privacy and security that are in association with the transmission of the information of about health in an electronic form, in part, and through the ways of the various provisions that lead to the strengthening of the criminal and the civil enforcement of the rules that are laid down by The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The interim final law of The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) conforms to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations that are used in its enforcement. Conclusion     In conclusion, we can simply state that the advanced information in management in the health sector has really played a major role towards the improvement of the quality of the health services that are being provided by the different health care units. They have also largely reduced the high costs of operations that had been earlier experienced in the use of the olden ways or rather the traditional based ways of data entry, retrieval among others. The advanced information management has also been seen to play a major role in the increasing of the accuracy in the diagnosis through its provisions of simpler and easier plat forms in which the required information could be extracted with much ease. It is therefore a suggestion that all health sectors should embrace this technological move in order to better their services. References DeGarmo, E. P., Black, J. T., & Kohser, R. A. (2011). DeGarmo’s materials and processes in manufacturing. John Wiley & Sons.Forsgren, M., &Johanson, J. (2014).Managing networks in international business.Routledge.Hockenberry, M. J., & Wilson, D. (2013). Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children Multimedia Enhanced Version. Elsevier Health Sciences.Lawler, E. K., Hedge, A., &Pavlovic-Veselinovic, S. (2011). Cognitive ergonomics, socio-technical systems, and the impact of healthcare information technologies. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 41(4), 336-344. Liyanage, C., Elhag, T., &Ballal, T. (2012).Establishing a connection between knowledge transfer and innovation diffusion. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 13(1).Menachemi, N., &Collum, T. H. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems. 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