Saturday, May 23, 2020
Journal 11 - 709 Words
Leah Schwartz November 5, 2012 En101- Professor Blumberg Journal #11 As a Jewish person, who has been largely exposed to Holocaust material, it is hard simply to focus upon one piece to write about. I attended Hebrew school from the time I entered pre-school, until the day of my bat mitzvah. The middle and high schools that I attended devoted much of their curriculums to teachings about the Holocaust. My family also felt it very valuable for me to know and understand. Thus, I have read Night and attended a speech given by Elie Wiesel. I have read the Diary of Anne Frank, other memoirs and accounts, as well as fictional and rigid non-fictional books. I have watched Schindler’s List, Sophie’s Choice, Life is Beautiful, and a host of†¦show more content†¦Though I was young, I was an avid reader and researcher, and went to Hebrew school, so I had a very strong grasp on the Holocaust and the meaning of it all, even at such a young age. We turned back to the display. There they were. Shoes upon shoes; tattered, worn, sad, tired shoes. Some were smaller than my own, some much larger, with every size in between. That is when it began to hit me. I could see the babies, children my age, and even younger, being torn away from their mothers, from their fathers, from their brothers and sisters. I could hear them crying, hear them screaming. I could feel their desperation. I couldn’t comprehend all of it. The laces snaked around each other into an intricate maze. Some were tied closely to each other, some far, and yet they were all somehow connected, just as families and victims alike had all been tied. They had fought together, struggled, lived, died, and survived together. I began to see that the laces were not creating a maze, but a web- an intricate web connecting each and every shoe. It is difficult to look at images like these. It is difficult to grasp, understand and to accept that all of these people lived lives of horror and fear. It is difficult to accept that so very many lives were lost. B ut for me, what is always the hardest for me to try to understand and to accept is why. Why were these people treated this way? Why were they persecuted for their religion? Why wasShow MoreRelatedDialectical Journal Chapters 10-11 of Harper Lee ´s To Kill a Mockingbird1067 Words  | 4 PagesDialectical Journal Chapters 10-11 Vocabulary 1. Rudiments- The elements or first principles of a subject. 2. Apoplectic- Sudden and out of control. 3. Philippic- A bitter speech of accusations and disapproval. 4. Umbrage- Offense, annoyance, displeasure. 5. Propensities- Natural inclinations or tendencies. Vocabulary 1. Our instructor said that all we needed to know were the rudiments or horseback riding and then we’d be all set. 2. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Smoking Of Public Areas Should Be Absolutely Forbidden
How many people can say when there out trying to enjoy themselves they enjoy smelling smoke? I’m pretty sure none of us that’s why I am conducting my research project on how smoking in public areas should be absolutely forbidden. In today’s modern society in America you are free to participate in activities such as drinking and smoking and that’s very significant to have such a freedom. But the issues that most Americans have including myself is that you should not be allowed to partake in these activities around other people without their consent. Over forty two million people in the United States engage in daily smoking with cigarettes. In 2013 there was data taken to show the facts of the average adult in the United States that smokes and nearly eighteen of every one hundred U.S adult ages 18 years and older currently smoke cigarettes. The majority of these people not only smoke but they do it outside and when people do smoke outside they find themselve s being respectful to others that are inside and also they will do anything to be able to smoke but still protect the one’s that they love away from second hand smoke which is true but what about the same innocent people we have outside don’t they deserve that same curtesy? The research that I found shows that even when stepping outside to smoke it just makes it worst there are ones of magnates that release around 250 super poisonous gases fumes and chemicals. These same toxins that are released out into the air are theShow MoreRelatedCultural Differences for a British Tourist Traveling to an Islamic Country804 Words  | 4 Pagesregulations should be checked before travelling. With rising wages, long haul destinations are becoming attractive and more affordable but are peoples perceptions of Islamic cities such of Dubai correct. 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This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Soil Liquefaction Dangers During Arthquake Free Essays
Ground shaking and shifting can cause major damage, tearing apart houses, buildings, and roads. †¢Flooding that arises from broken water dams or river levees is another hazard. †¢Tsunamis, triggered by an undersea earthquake as well as seiches – waves coming from lakes shaken by a temblor – can submerge whole communities, sweep away edifices, topple trees and drown people. We will write a custom essay sample on Soil Liquefaction Dangers During Arthquake or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢Fire is another seismic hazard. It can flare up from broken gas and power lines, or from overturned wood, coal, or gas stoves. But there’s another major earthquake danger that not many are familiar with. Soil liquefaction is a phenomenon that occurs when soil mixes with groundwater during a moderate or strong earthquake, turning the ground into quicksand in minutes. Soil Liquefaction in Low-Elevation Areas Because the soil must be saturated for liquefaction to take place, it is more likely to occur in low-lying areas that are near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, bays and oceans. It happens most often in areas with sandy soil, where water takes hours to wend its way through the tiny channels of the mixture. More resistant to liquefaction are large-grained, permeable soils like gravel, which drains quickly, and clay soil, where particles are packed closely together.. It was in 1964, when earthquakes shook Niigata, Japan, and Anchorage, Alaska, that soil liquefaction was recognized as a major cause of earthquake damage. Scientists have since linked it to major historical earthquakes worldwide. Soil liquefaction inflicts great damage to property. Since the ground is too unstable to withstand pressure, anything resting above the mushâ€â€a building, a bridge, a house, a pier, a runway, a nuclear power plant, an earth damâ€â€may lean, tip over, split open, or sink several feet. Ways to Reduce Soil Liquefaction Risks What can be done if a soil has been identified as susceptible to liquefaction? An undergraduate research paper written by Alisha Kaplan lists three ways to reduce liquefaction risks when constructing new buildings and structures. †¢Avoid building on liquefaction-susceptible soils. Besides soil tests, vulnerable places can also be pinpointed by investigating past events in an area. Soils that had liquefied in previous seismic events can liquefy again if another quake occurs. †¢Erect liquefaction-proof structures. If construction on weak soil cannot be avoided, the structure’s foundation should be designed to resist the damaging effects of liquefaction. The building must be made ductile, equipped with adjustable supports, and constructed to withstand large deformations and span soft locations on the ground. †¢Improve the soil. Improvements should increase ground strength, density and draining capacity. Installing vibroflotation, vertical wick drains, compact piles, and stone columns can lower the possibility of liquefaction. Soil liquefaction cannot be taken lightly, especially by those living in suspected liquefaction-prone areas. With earthquakes seemingly in the news more often, it serves residents and authorities alike to take a look around them and assess if they are standing on firm ground, literally. Taking safety measures in advance can save lives and property should a calamity strike. How to cite Soil Liquefaction Dangers During Arthquake, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Social and Economic Influence on Health
Question: Discuss about the Social and Economic Influence on Health. Answer: Health in Social Context In this theme, I have learnt that health has been defined by the absence of diseases in someone`s body with the concept that the body is like a machine whose parts complements each other. It is vital to note that one is considered healthy when the state of the mental, the physical, and the social well-being are correct (Stephens, 2008, p.1175). Health protection is done through the regulation of human behavior. The practices in a given religion as well as the customs of a given society determine public health thus quarantines are used to regulate health during outbreaks. In 1840-1870 there was Miasma regulation that targeted controlling unsanitary environmental problems through the application of portable water and projects in sanitation. In 1180-1930 public health was concerned with the germ phenomenon. It was based on the idea that germs were the infectious origins of illnesses in people thus humans needed vaccination for them to be safe from diseases. In 1940-160 the field became focused on preventive medicine whose main aim was to control the diseases rather than curing them. The main target was the high-risk groups of people who had contracted the disease. It was a stage where medicine dominated the public health. The period shed light to the treatment of communicable diseases. Primary health care was the next phase in public health. It was during 1970-1980. The main objective was to ensure that everybody in the society received proper medical care. It was based more on a preventive scale. Social Capital and Global Health I learnt that Equality was emphasized because all humans require health for them to operate effectively and efficiently. The social determinants of health played a big role in providing health to all. The health promotion is the most present stage of public health. It focuses on the educational, political actions and economic factors that enable people to have control over their health issues. It empowers them to improve their health matters. I learnt that public health is based on a people`s lifestyle choices. The social networks are key players in public health thus individuals should maintain favorable living and working environments (Stephens, 2008, p.1178). The economic, cultural and environmental factors controls people`s health. The preventive measures that persons apply to avoid contracting a disease contribute towards public health. Public health aims to reduce the mobility rate. Exploring the Causes Behind the Patterns I learnt that there are various mechanisms that are used to encourage people prevent diseases. Behavior change is one of the strategies applied in public health. Individuals are encouraged to acquire healthy behaviors that will keep them safe from any conditions. One-to-one counseling is the most effective ways of people change their behavior. It is because people are influenced by what others think and behave. The goal of this plan is to ensure there is compliance in people. Changing into good habits refrains one from undertaking those that will be a threat to himself or the neighboring people in his life (Marmot, Shipley and Rose, 1984, p.1004). Educating people on the benefits of public health will not convince them to change their behaviors. According to public health, the educational approach is meant to provide health education to all people across the globe. It is a platform whereby knowledge about diseases is availed to individuals hence assists them in making sound decisions . Empowerment refers to the knowledge based on practice that people acquire or have realized that they can apply it to better their lives. I have also learnt that the policies in social change affect public health. The way the environment is perceived and used has either a negative or a positive impact on the health of the people. The policies advocates for choices that have a positive influence on health. The lifestyle determinants of health are rooted on the individual efforts that one makes to change the behavior. It is agreed that individual have different behaviors for different reasons (Stephens, 2008, p.1181). Everyone should note that the decisions influences other people`s choices thus health should not be a salient matter in life. In different times, individuals are compelled to make lifestyle choices for reasons that are beyond their personal gain. According to experts in public health, health requires to be evaluated (Thrift, Nancarrow and Bauman, 2011, p.1339). Information is vital n the assessment of health in people. the various indicators used to evaluate the level of health in people includes, self-reports, the life expectancy rates, the mobility rate and the reasons behind them as well as the morbidity. Information can be collected using different angles. For instance, departments of public health in organizations can use routine data such as census. Conducting interviews with people, using the help of media, and public meetings and forums are other avenues that are used to gather information. The material challenged the way I think about health. I began to think of those people who do not get the opportunity to express themselves on matters concerning health. Those individual include those who are homeless, the ethnic groups in our societies, the people who live in remote places and the unemployed people. How does public health play a role in their lives? Social Determinants of Health as Addressed In The Media Materials. The World Health Organization recognizes the social determinants as those economic and social factors that dictate the variations in people`s health. They are present in the living conditions; they influence the chances of one contracting a disease. Some experts suggest that determinants are influenced by the public policies formulated by the governing body of a given group of people. Stress is viewed as common cause of diseases in the current world. People have work related stress, family issues, among others that make their health vulnerable. Individuals experience anxiety when facing negative emotions (Stephens, 2008, p.1183) . Acute and chronic diseases result to stress. It can be a cause of physical illness such as flu. Events that are stressful in nature lead to health complications sleep interference or even insomnia. How people respond to stress differently depending o several factors such as age, gender, genetics among others (Reich, 1978). Education is a factor that is applied in public health. People have used education systems to pass the message of the importance of health. The benefits of good health have been explained to individuals through educative platforms. Human health uses this avenue to create awareness on the area of health (Nutbeam, 2000, p. 261). The survival of humankind heavily relies on education and the developments in research across all fields in health issues. Social relations contribute largely on matters regarding public health. The support networks created ensures that people are taken care of as well as the help that one gets from others. In the field of public health, the assistance can come from different sources. They include family members, organizations, friends or the government. The healthy foods are important to our lives. The foods that people consume benefit them and also cause problems to their health. Some foods have been connected with diseases that affect the normal functioning of the body. Maintaining a healthy diet has been advocated for many years as the main idea that can help eradicate the health problems related with the food we eat. Complications such as obesity are due to the unhealthy foods that we consume in everyday life as well as the lack of regular exercises. A balanced diet is responsible for providing the required energy in our bodies through availing the necessary nutrients. The healthy diets provide good nutrition without toxicity or abnormal weight gain that leads to people being overweight (Spettigue and Henderson, 2004, p.16). Other diseases such as diabetes type2, cancer, hypertension and the heart diseases are as s result of taking foods with excess toxic levels. Medical institutions have composed nutrition guides for people to follow as it educates them on the right choices of foods. Health care is another aspect that has contributed heavily on public health. The quality of health care that people receive dictates the state at which people are living in a given community (Marmot, Shipley and Rose, 1984, p.1006). Healthcare facilities have managed to control the health of people through diagnosis carried out, the treatments issued to the people and the preventive measures of diseases that are employed. Health care is largely influenced by the social and the economic factors in a given place or community. Unemployment and the working environments dictates people`s health. A steady job and a favorable working environment boosts one`s health. Employment helps one acquire income and other benefits in life thus minimizing the chances of having illnesses. The loss of job and employment makes one have negative health effects such as depression. Wellness programs in the work station, training in the jobs and education initiatives in the places of work boosts people`s attitudes and moods to perform quality work. The employees remain healthy hence creating job opportunities remains the best strategy for expanding opportunities for healthy living in many countries across the world (Conrad, 1988, p.486). Early development of people when they are young influences their health conditions throughout their lives. The development of a person is a vital element in the health of an individual because he undergoes through various changes that impact this health. The changes include acquiring motor skills, changes in personalities, acquiring language application skills and developing a self-concept (Kawachi, Subramanian and Kim, 2008, p12). The processes of change influence the choices that an individual makes on various matters. Individual behaviors result to characteristics that are embraced or disliked by the society hence the changes in cognitive state, the physical and the social state of people influence public health. Disability and gender have been thought to influence people`s health in many ways. It is because disability leads to people king decisions that favor their health conditions. When they choose activities that are a threat to their conditions, they endanger their levels of survival in the world. On the other hand, gender dictates the choices that people make. They vary for different options concerning the type of job to pursue, the lifestyle choices to apply, among others. The choices affect public health because once a person`s health is compromised, the science of preventing an illness so as to promote life is applied. The plan to promote human health is done by either individuals, public or private groups or the whole society References Conrad, P., 1988. Worksite health promotion: the social context. Social Science Medicine, 26(5), pp.485-489. Kawachi, I., Subramanian, S.V. and Kim, D., 2008. Social capital and health. In Social capital and health (pp. 1-26). Springer New York. Marmot, M.G., Shipley, M.J. and Rose, G., 1984. Inequalities in deathspecific explanations of a general pattern?. The Lancet, 323(8384), pp.1003-1006. Nieminen, T., Prttl, R., Martelin, T., Hrknen, T., Hyypp, M.T., Alanen, E. and Koskinen, S., 2013. Social capital, health behaviours and health: a population-based associational study. BMC Public Health, 13(1), p.613. Nutbeam, D., 2000. Health literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st century. Health promotion international, 15(3), pp.259-267. Reich, W.T., 1978. Encyclopedia of bioethics. In 4 vols. Spettigue, W. and Henderson, K.A., 2004. Eating disorders and the role of the media. The Canadian child and adolescent psychiatry review, 13(1), p.16. Stephens, Christine. "Social capital in its place: Using social theory to understand social capital and inequalities in health." Social Science Medicine 66, no. 5 (2008): 1174-1184. Thrift, A.P., Nancarrow, H. and Bauman, A.E., 2011. Maternal smoking during pregnancy among Aboriginal women in New South Wales is linked to social gradient. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 35(4), pp.337-342.
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