Monday, September 30, 2019
Pursasive Paper on Why College Gap Years Are a Good Thing.
Another reason gap years are a good thing is that is enforces responsibility. When a student wants to undergo a gap year there are a lot of steps and processes that need to be made. Some might say that this might just overwhelm the student anyways, but it will not. It helps the students understand the responsibilities to have this goal of their pursued. Gap years, like stated before, are not just for getting out of school work for a year. By organizing your own gap year you are forced to take ownership and responsibility of your plan.You will have to decide where you are going to go, what exactly you are going to do and how you are going to pay for your trip. You may have to make your own travel plans and living arrangements. You are ultimately responsible for all the details that go into making your gap year dream become a reality. A gap year student, Ashley Jamkins, graduate from University of Arkansas 2011 says, â€Å"When I first discussed gap year with my parents I did not real ize just how much planning and organizing was going to be needed to make this happen.I am thankful though, because it made me an all-around better organized person in all aspects, not just in my schooling. †(Green). College is a child’s first time away from home, where no one is going to tell them to go do the work that needs to be done, planning a gap year and pursuing one definitely helps students get their head around being self-motivated and self-organized to get what they need to get done accomplished.Every parent’s worst nightmare is seeing their son or daughter get kicked out of school because they were lacking in school work and responsibilities. Gap years only help in the following fall for the responsibility students will not only need in college, but the rest of their lives. In conclusion, Students who take a gap year tend to be self-motivated, not afraid of taking a risk, not bound by conventions and open to explore their interests and discover their passions.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
El Filibusterismo Essay
Thirteen years after leaving the Philippines, Crisostomo Ibarra returns as Simoun, a rich jeweler sporting a beard and blue-tinted glasses, and a confidant of the Captain-General. He cynically sides with the upper classes, encouraging them to commit abuses against the masses to encourage the latter to revolt against the oppressive Spanish colonial regime. His two reasons for instigating a revolution are at first, to rescue Marà a Clara from the convent and second, to get rid of ills and evils of Philippine society. His true identity is discovered by a now grown-up Basilio while visiting the grave of his mother, Sisa, as Simoun was digging near the grave site for his buried treasures. Simoun spares Basilio’s life and asks him to join in his planned revolution against the government, egging him on by bringing up the tragic misfortunes of the latter’s family. Basilio declines the offer as he still hopes that the country’s condition will improve. Basilio, at this p oint, is a graduating medical student at the Ateneo Municipal. After the death of his mother, Sisa, and the disappearance of his younger brother, Crispà n, Basilio heeded the advice of the dying boatman, Elà as, and traveled to Manila to study. Basilio was adopted by Captain Tiago after Marà a Clara entered the convent. Simoun, for his part, keeps in close contact with the bandit group of Kabesang Tales, a former cabeza de barangay who suffered misfortunes at the hands of the friars. He was forced to give everything he had owned to the greedy, unscrupulous Spanish friars and the Church. Before joining the bandits, Tales took Simoun’s revolver while Simoun was staying at his house for the night. As payment, Tales leaves a locket that once belonged to Marà a Clara. To further strengthen the revolution, Simoun has Quiroga, a Chinese man hoping to be appointed consul to the Philippines, smuggle weapons into the country using Quiroga’s bazaar as a front. Simoun wishes to attack during a stage play with all of his enemies in attendance. He, however, abruptly aborts the attack when he learns from Basilio that Marà a Clara had died earlier that day in the convent. A few days after the mock celebration by the stu dents, the people are agitated when disturbing posters are found displayed around the city. The authorities accuse the students present at the panciterà a of agitation and disturbing peace and has them arrested. Basilio, although not present at the mock celebration, is also arrested. Captain Tiago dies after learning of the incident. But before he dies he signs a will. His will originally states that Basilio should inherit all his property but due to this forgery his property is given in parts, one to Santa Clara, one for the archbishop, one for the Pope, and one for the religious orders leaving nothing for Basilio to be inherited. Basilio is left in prison as the other students are released. Basilio is soon released with the help of Simoun. Basilio, now a changed man, and after hearing about Julà ®Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s suicide, finally joins Simoun’s revolution. Simoun then tells Basilio his plan at the wedding of Paulita Gà ³mez and Juanito, Basilio’s hunch-backed classmate. His plan was to conceal an explosive which contains nitroglycerin inside a pomegranate-st yled Kerosene lamp that Simoun will give to the newlyweds as a gift during the wedding reception. According to Simoun, the lamp will stay lighted for only 20 minutes before it flickers; if someone attempts to turn the wick, it will explode and kill everyoneâ€â€important members of civil society and the Church hierarchyâ€â€inside the house. Basilio has a change of heart and attempts to warn Isagani, his friend and the former boyfriend of Paulita. Simoun leaves the reception early as planned and leaves a note behind: Initially thinking that it was simply a bad joke, Father Salvà recognizes the handwriting and confirms that it was indeed Ibarra’s. As people begin to panic, the lamp flickers. Father Irene tries to turn the wick up when Isagani, due to his undying love for Paulita, bursts in the room and throws the lamp into the river, sabotaging Simoun’s plans. He escapes by diving into the river as guards chase after him. He later regrets his impulsive action because he had contradicted his own belief that he loved his nation more than Paulita and that the explosion and revolution could have fulfilled his ideals for Filipino society. Simoun, now unmasked as the perpetrator of the attempted arson and failed revolution, becomes a fugitive. Wounded and exhausted after he was shot by the pursuing Guardia Civil, he seeks shelter at the home of Father Florentino, Isagani’s uncle, and comes under the care of doctor Tiburcio de Espadaà ±a, Doà ±a Victorina’s husband, who was also hiding at the house. Simoun takes poison in order for him not to be captured alive. Before he dies, he reveals his real identity to Florentino while they exchange thoughts about the failure of his revolution and why God forsook him, when all he wanted was to avenge the people important to him that were wronged, such as Elias, Maria Clara and his father, Don Rafael. Florentino opines that God did not forsake him and that his plans were not for the greater good but for personal gain. Simoun, finally accepting Florentino’s explanation, squeezes his hand and dies. Florentino then takes Simoun’s remaining jewels and throws them into the Pacific Ocean with the corals hoping that they would not be used by the greedy, and th at when the time came that it would be used for the greater good.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Discuss the role of wisdom in true virtue according to Meno and the Essay
Discuss the role of wisdom in true virtue according to Meno and the Phaedo - Essay Example d therefore she abstains from bodily pleasures-not from a desire of having more or greater ones, but because she knows that only when calm and free from the dominion of the body can she behold the light of truth.†(Plato (b)10) A unique concept of good and evil is put forward in Phaedo. The author discounts courageous acts if they are performed to avoid bigger dangers. Similarly, author plays down temperate behavior if there is an accompanying desire to achieve sensual pleasures because of such temperance (Plato (b) 7). Phaedo propagates the idea of life beyond death by distinguishing between body and soul and how virtues applied wisely can lead to liberation of soul. In Meno, Socrates is referred pondering over the question what can be considered the goods of the soul. According to Socrates, they are ‘temperance,’ ‘justice,’ ‘courage,’ ‘quickness of apprehension,’ ‘memory,’ ‘magnanimity’, and the lik e. Interesting to note is the observation that such good qualities are not knowledge, but of ‘another sort’. They are sometimes ‘profitable’ and sometimes ‘hurtful’. Socrates says that when a man has no sense he is hurt by courage, and when man applies courage with sense, he is profited. Socrates opines that the same logic of applying sense can be stretched to other good qualities like ‘temperance’ and ‘quickness of apprehension’. Socrates remarks that activities learned or done with the application of sense are ‘profitable,’ without sense are ‘hurtful.’ (Plato (a) 37) Socrates holds forth that all efforts and endurance under the supervision of wisdom have a happy ending and under the influence of folly, the opposite. Taking forward his argument, Socrates examines that if ‘virtue’ is a characteristic of soul and is... In Phaedo, it is contended that when alive, the soul should try to control pleasures related with the sense organs and body in which it is rebuked to be animate and from which it seeks to liberate itself.Phaedo makes distinction between souls that are not liberated. Some who are used to ‘violence’ and ‘extreme sensuality’ takes the form of likes of an ‘ass’ or’ wolf.’ However, for someone seeking liberation, even such gentle forms making eligible for some earthly happiness is not acceptable.A unique concept of good and evil is put forward in Phaedo. The author discounts courageous acts if they are performed to avoid bigger dangers. Socrates in Meno contends that after deep thought, he has come to a believe there are perhaps no teachers of virtue. According to Socrates those who want to learn any skill takes course to a teacher who is expert in that field. If one wants to learn flute playing, one takes recourse to a teacher who is expert in flute playing. In Meno, it is argued that true opinion is as good a model to rectify action as knowledge. Socrates makes a distinction between knowledge and opinion by giving an example that if someone knows the location of Larisa and leads other people to Larisa, then he is a good guide.Also, if a person has a right judgment about the means, but had never been to Larisa (the destination to be reached) should also be a good guide.
Friday, September 27, 2019
HRMD 665- MANAGING VIRTUAL AND GLOBAL TEAMS - Research Paper Example The start of video conferencing has marked an era wherein the virtual environment has been created, resulting in the converging of ideas and viewpoints of business people present at different points across the globe. The formation of such virtual teams has resulted in revolutionizing key business decision making and communication, very simple and effective. Thus virtual teams are the teams that have been formed by the HR department of the organization, with an aim to achieve the goals of the organization. (Eric 2010) In the case of the Human Resource wing of the organization, the creation of such virtual teams which has got a global reach will make it very effective and this indeed plays a very significant role in the speedy development of the strategies and plans, which can be communicated within seconds. Thus the evolution and creation of the virtual teams has resulted in the speedy exchange of ideas, time saving, increase in the commitment of the team members and the improvement o f trust. (Levi 2007) Though before the development of the internet the virtual teams were considered impossible, today they have been considered as a solid reality. Thus when compared to the other face to face teams present in the organization, the virtual teams are very well considered by most of the industrial and business experts, as the one that can add more value to the existing teams and its structures. The traditional structures found in common business and industrial firms have been the lightweight, tiger and heavyweight teams. Hence for any organization to develop a very good virtual team, the HR department has to play a very important role and take much effort for the formation of a very successful team. (Duarte & Snyder 2006) For the virtual team to become very highly successful, the presence of good teamwork is a primary requirement. Hence for the virtual team’s success the main ingredients that has been formulated by the HR team is the creation of a very good cul ture as well as infrastructure, which imparts very easily understandable guide for the knowledge and development of skills. Thus when compared to the face to face teams, the virtual team is gathering a very speedy acceptance and application to most of the industries and the academic institutions worldwide. (Duarte & Snyder 2006) Most of the countries are becoming technologically advanced and this has led to the virtual teams to become much stronger and also to be considered as the best means of communication and decision making network due to which it has become a norm for the organizations all over the world. The HR of the modern day organizations, find it very easy and useful to recruit the team members of the virtual teams, which results in the successful and speedy selection of the best and the highly talented individuals across the globe and also the retention of such virtual teams and the team members for a longer period of time. (Konradt & Hoch 2007) The HR of such organizati ons also takes the utmost care to develop such individuals over a period of time, with an idea of turning them into assets for the organization. Since most all the team members present in the virtual teams can be contacted almost at the same time through the global network, instantaneous interaction and views can be exchanged between them, which show the universality of the virtual te
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Comparison between Hinduism and Buddhism Assignment
Comparison between Hinduism and Buddhism - Assignment Example The religion is believed to be timeless, as the old people found it in practice. Hindus believe in one Supreme Being according to their traditions is both immanent and transcendent. According to the Hindu religious beliefs, the Supreme Being is both their creator and is of Unmanifest reality who deserves their respect (Rinehart, 2004). The Hindus believe in the divinity of the four Vedas, which are the oldest and most ancient elements of scripture in the world. Further, they venerate the Agamas as revealed in an equal measure. They treat these as primordial hymns of God which forms the bedrock of Santana Dharma, a form of an eternal religion. According to the Hindu beliefs, the soul reincarnates, evolving through many beliefs. However, the reincarnation trend stops after the resolution of all karmas. They also believe in moksha, which is the liberation from the rebirth cycle that takes place after the end of the reincarnation process. Since the process is continuous and evolutionary in every soul, not a single soul can be denied of its destiny (Fisher, 2014). In Hindu, an individual’s personal spiritual practice is referred to as sadhana which is used to refer to the means of accomplishing individual goals. It recognizes adhikara, which means that every person holds a unique position in life that is different from that of other people. Therefore, God exists in different forms, which gives people the freedom to feel attracted to one God and leave the rest. Similarly, there are different forms of yoga, just like there are different forms of God, which are not similar to one another. Therefore, the Hindu spiritual practice varies from one person to another.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
PPE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
PPE - Essay Example It was observed that manual management of chart analysis slows down the physician and health information team’s productivity, negatively affecting the billing process, which in turn affects the revenue cycle of the institution. Chart deficiencies may be in form of incomplete chart components, missing signatures, and in some cases, entire charts may be missing. Physicians can deal with chart deficiencies from any location of the Health Information System (Garber, Gross, & Slonim, 2010). The clinic achieved this using Chart Deficiency Tracker, which made it easy for the physicians to identify any chart deficiencies and monitor these (Garber, Gross, & Slonim, 2010). This tracker also enabled the supervisors to assign tasks related to chart deficiencies to specific physicians. Through this tracking system information was easily disseminated to physicians and the clinic’s staff. Patient charts were also completed more efficiently and in compliance with the recommended timeli nes and standards. The clinic had discovered that relying on documentation in paper form to code charts delayed the receipt of and sending of information to and from coders causing delays in the billing of patients and further limiting the staff’s productivity (Garber, Gross, & Slonim, 2010). Garber, Gross, & Slonim (2010) explained that when it comes to the disposal of health information, it is important that clinics and health providers apply caution to safeguard the privacy of health information. The clinic applied measures to avoid disclosure of patient information in disposal of charts and medical documents. For example, charts were shredded and later burnt in the clinic’s incinerator. Data on electronic media was cleared using software that overwrites it with data that was not sensitive. The health and information management personnel are in charge of ensuring that medical charts are completed in timely manner to protect the clinic from legal suits and to improve the process and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Renewable Energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Renewable Energy - Research Paper Example This has led to establishment of measures to switch to renewable energy sources like wind and photovoltaic electricity. These renewable sources are clean and also maintainable considering that they do not emit gases or toxic that can pollute the environment. Some sources like wind are plentiful, easily affordable, require less maintenance and cannot get exhausted. These renewable sources can be established in rural areas and therefore this encourages establishment of industries in those areas. Wind energy convertors have a strong inbuilt framework that enable them to convert the free moving air which has kinetic energy to rotational movement whereby then it can make the generator to start working-mechanical energy (David, 2009). This is through the friction of the rotating wind and the wind turbine blades. However, before any electricity is generated there are stages that are involved. The first stage is the stage of revolution. In this stage, the blades are made with certain dimensions to help harness as much free moving air as possible. They should be able to rotate easily and should have a considerable length of about forty meters. They should also be placed in certain degrees depending on the direction of the wind. The blades are able to rotate because of the two main forces that are involved. The first one is the drag force which is horizontal to the wind direction and the lift force which is vertical to the direction of wind (David, 2009). These forces depend on the shape of the rotating blades and the angle in which the wind meets the blade. Either of these blades can be used to propel the blade. It is important to note most of the Wind Energy Converts depend mainly on the lift force. All this is illustrated in the diagrams below. The blades rotate on a rotor which is connected to the shaft. The rotor then makes the generator to convert the waves to electricity. This stage is referred to as the mechanical stage. The wind turbine should be
Monday, September 23, 2019
Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson proved that institutions are the Essay
Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson proved that institutions are the ultimate cause of economic development. Do you agree - Essay Example As a result, in societies where political and economic power has been distributed for a long time on a consistent basis, institutions are usually path-reliant. This occurs even in societies where the institutions are socioeconomically below the optimal standards of operation. Acemoglu et al. (2001:1395) state that many scientists and economists hold that contrasts in institutions and government policies are the primary causes of huge disparities in income per capita among countries. They further claim that contrasts in colonial experience may be a genesis of exogenous disparities in institutions. This claim is based on two logics. The first is that Europeans employed very different strategies when colonizing other nations, and these strategies spawned different institutions. On one hand, such as in New Zealand, America, and Australia, they established institutions that implemented the rule of law and promoted investment. On the other hand, in countries like Ghana (Gold Coast) and the Congo, they established exploitative regimes aimed at quickly extracting resources. These institutions impeded economic growth and investment. Secondly, the institutions established in both extremes of the world remain in place today and have led to the differences in econom ic development and stability of the affected countries (Acemoglu, Johnson, & Robinson, 2001:1395). According to Acemoglu et al. (2002:572), Atlantic trade catalysed European growth via ancillary institutional media as well as its more pertinent root effects. However, the crux of their argument, which relates to this paper, is that Atlantic trade earned huge profits for merchant interests in favour of institutional reform in states that satisfied two vital preconditions: democratic initial institutions and convenient access to the Atlantic. The result was a shift in political influence away from the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Serena Group and Its Personnel System Assignment
The Serena Group and Its Personnel System - Assignment Example The group has approximately five thousand employees working in various departments. For efficiency of service, the industry has various departments where employees are deployed (Tanke, 2009). In its operation, the industry operates under Tourism Promotion Service (TPS). The industry has three major departments: food and beverage, accommodations, and travel and tourism. These departments are managed by the general manager. Executive committees are under the general manager. These are the Executive Housekeeper, Front office manager, food and beverage manager, chief engineer controller, room division manager, chief chef, personnel manager and marketing manager. These staff members work congruently in all the branches. Below the executive committees are the heads of different sections. These are the restaurant managers, room service manager, banquet manager, security guest relation accountant, horticulturist preventive maintenance manager, cashier, reservation manager stewards, laundry m anager and the bar manager. All these employees work in ensuring that their customers get the best services. Â Although the industry has exceptionally shown outstanding performance, it has internal challenges that are facing. One of the distinct challenges is the high turnover ratio. Most of the employees lay off their duties haphazardly due to the nature of the work they do or for other reasons. Although every workplace has its challenges, hospitalities industries, more so, Serena group has high turnover rates due to the following: Â Most of the luxury hotels, if not all, depending on the tourists and travelers for their operation. As the tourists travel across the continents, they exploit on these luxurious hotels for their meals, accommodations and stay.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
An Intercultural Comparison Between Chinese Essay Example for Free
An Intercultural Comparison Between Chinese Essay An intercultural comparison between Chinese and foreign humor Summary: Humor is a wonderful work of human civilization and wisdom, she smiled as a bridge, bond people in different culture, and made people recognizing the power of the humor in their normal communication. This paper will trace the historical origins of humor. From the humorous discourse features, themes, social functions, performance practices and seize of the subtle to start the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western humor. Humor is a wonderful work of human civilization and wisdom, she smiled as a bridge, bond people in different culture, and made people recognizing the power of the humor in their normal communication. 1. Origins and scopes of humor Humor comes from the Latin word ‘humor’, it is an ancient Greek physiology term refers to the ‘fluid’. Greek physician Hippocrates believed that the human health and temperament of different types of four kinds of body fluids on the mixing ratio. Temperament theory in ancient Greece, medieval and Renaissance have a great impact. Thus, humor is the original meaning of four kinds of body fluids determined by the proportion of the human mind, body, customary tendency, temperament, or temporary mental and emotions. The first of the humor into the field of aesthetics is a famous British dramatist, Ben Jones, gradually dilute the meaning of humor physiology, aesthetics increasingly in-depth the study of humor. Late in the 17th century, humor began to have the modern meaning; In the 18th century, humor for the aesthetic features of drama, fiction, poetry, prose and writing style with humor for the writers and artists have been common. Such as in : Sunday school teacher: Hands up all those who want to go to heaven? Hands up †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ What about ou Terry? You haven’t got your hand up-don’t you want to go to heaven? Terry: Sorry, I can’t. Mum told me to go straight home. The suspense in the beginning of the first discourse, two, third and fourth inningdirect rendering. The little boy’s ‘Sorry, I can’t. ’ is a reversal, the last one is a hilarious mutations. Cultural context is an abstract, general concept, an abstraction form in people’s everyday social life. Because discourse is a communicative form, while the communication is carried out in certain situations, therefore, discourse analysis must consider its contents, participants in communicative activities, speech, media and other factors. In addition, there is also a certain discourse of environmental factors, such as context, Marlinowski called it ‘Situational context’. Halliday thinks, from the language point of view the use of situational context the most important three factors are: language field, the tone and manner. Language field is corrected in the event of things; tone is who is communicative, their basic conditions, characteristics, status roles, role relationships between participants; manner refers to the language in the role of communication, including communication channels and modified way. From the above humorous point of view, the language field is the scene ask questions in class; communication of both the teachers and students; both in communication is the unequal status of the teacher is the speaker, students aresubject to speaker. Students response should be to ‘support’ or ‘fight against’. The confrontation is the beginning of reversal, which produce humor. Communicative role of the conversion from the point of view, discourse is the speaker and the recipient as a center of rotation. 3. Cross-cultural comparison of Chinese and foreign humor 3. 1 Themes Humor is mankinds an aesthetic pursuit, is a reflection of real life, first in its themes and content reflect the unique customs of the ethnic, social and cultural. By traditional Chinese Confucianism deeply rooted that people talk about sex pale, therefore, traditional Eastern humor neutral topic is taboo. The humor in the West accounted for a large proportion of these topics. 3. 2 Social functions Classified according to their social function of humor as: negative humor(Deny the shortcomings of life and negative phenomena), positive humor(Affirm the advantages in life and positive phenomenon) and pure humor(Does not contain affirm and negative, just full of fun to everyday phenomena of reflection). Europe and the United States purely for entertainment humor in a significant proportion of the pure humor, this is the time when humor from the bud will form adistinctive feature. The Chinese sense of humor seems to bear a heavier historical mission – skewer the current ills. Throughout hundreds of popular since the traditional dialogue segment, the vast majority of satire piece. 3. 3 Performance practices National characteristics of humor in artistic expression on the subject matter as far as clarity. It is often rooted in long-standing cultural traditions of a nation and psychological quality, the performance is very subtle, delicate. China has always been deliberately seeking humor in the end, the taste of the progressive layers. Most indicative of the Chinese culture of humor in the form of humor than the comic. Crosstalk of the four aspects of the structure corresponding to the four parts of humor. Comic from start to finish with multiple suspenses, so that the audience is always with interest, from the tension eased to meet expectations, and then across to the new expectations and new meet. The European and American humor often only one piece of suspense, comedy to be more suspense, but because of the integrity of comedy, the plot of coherence nd requirements, restrictions on the use of a lot of suspense. Crosstalk is not, although it has some plot lines, but not sticking to the plot needs the opportunity to abandon the use of suspense. On the contrary, sometimes to the medium of suspense, clever plot jumps from one to another with no ass ociated plot. 3. 4 Seize of subtle Subtle sense of humor is the worlds nations common feature. Each nations sense of humor by their historical and cultural tradition, in the long-term artistic practice in the form of subtle style, extent and methods vary. From the perspective of contemporary humor writing, in the subtle nature of the pursuit, China and Western countries along two different directions. Overall, the humor works of Western-oriented and strive to concise of implicit, philosophy combine to make more room for humor after taste. The Chinese contemporary humor, its ability to master the subtle and bright scales. 4. Summary Western countries, Chinas humor and humor in their culture, nurtured by the soil to form a different style. Through this cross-cultural comparison, our team has a better understanding of world culture, to accelerate the pace of China into the world.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Study of In-vivo Analgesic Activity | Experiment
Study of In-vivo Analgesic Activity | Experiment A) ANIMALS Swiss albino mice (20-25 g) of either sex were used for study of in-vivo analgesic activity. Animals were kept under standard laboratory conditions i.e. temprature is 24  ± 2 °C and relative humidity is 60-70%. The study protocol was approved by the institutional animal ethics committee (IAEC) before experiment (Approval No. 1452/PO/a/11/CPCSEA). Albino-Swiss mice were taken from Laboratory Animal House, Devsthali Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy, Lalpur, Rudrapur (U. S. Nagar) and used for the study. The animals were procured from IVRI, Bareilly (U.P.) The animals were kept in polypropylene cages and maintained on balanced ration with free access to clean drinking water. All experimental procedures were conducted in accordance with the guide for Care and use of laboratory animals and in accordance with the Local animal care and use committee. All of the animals were left for 2 days in the laboratory for acclimatization before the day of experiment and on the last day they were giv en water only. Minimum of 6 animals were used in each group. Wistar rats of either sex weighing (150-200 g) were used for studying in-vivo anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity. Swiss albino mice of either sex weighing 20-25 g were used for in-vivo analgesic activity. Animals were maintained under standard laboratory conditions (24  ± 2 °C; relative humidity 60-70%). Study protocol was approved by the institutional Animal Ethics Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision on Experiments on Animals (IAEC, Approval No. 1452/PO/a/11/CPCSEA) before experiment. Wiatar Rats and Albino-Swiss mice from Laboratory Animal House Section, Department of Pharmacology, Devsthali Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy, Lalpur, Rudrapur (U. S. Nagar) were used in the study. The animals were procured from IVRI, Bareilly (U.P.). Minimum of 6 animals were used in each group. B) ACUTE TOXICITY STUDIES The acute oral toxicity studies were performed to study the acute toxic effects and to determine minimum lethal dose of the synthesized compounds. Swiss albino mice of either sex weighing 20-25 g were used for the study. The aqueous solution of compounds were administered orally to different groups of over night fasted mice at the doses of 30, 100, 300, 1000 and 3000 mg/kg body weight. After administration of the compounds, animals were observed continuously for the first three hours for any toxic manifestation. Thereafter, observations were made at regular intervals for 24 hrs. Further the animals were under investigation up to a period of one week. The dose calculated for the synthesized compounds are as following- I) ANALGESIC ACTIVITY A) Method 1: Hot plate method Heat is used as a source of pain. Animals were individually placed on the hot plate maintain at constant temperature (55 °C) and the reaction of animals, such as paw licking or jump response was taken as the end response. Analgesic drugs/compounds increases the reaction time. The method was first described by Eddy Leimbach (A cut off period of 15 sec is observed to avoid damage to the paw). The compounds were dissolved in the Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (0.5% suspension). Control, standard and test compounds were given per orally to the animals and the reaction of time of animals at 15, 30, 60 120 min interval was noted on the hot plate after drug administration. The method of Eddy and Leimbach using techno heated plat analgesic apparatus was used. The standard drug Diclofenac Sodium (50 mg/kg) was used reference drug for comparison. The result was tabulated in Table. Results were expressed as means  ± S.E.M. Statistical significance was analyzed using the one-way analysis of vari ance followed by Tukey’s Multiple Comparison Test where p B) Method 2: Acetic Acid Induced Writhing Method Analgesic activity was determined by calculating total number of writhings, following intraperitoneal (I.P) administration of 0.6% (0.1 ml/10g) acetic acid in mice .7 Albino mice of either sex (25-30 g) were used. Synthesized compounds (QAA-04H-04S) were administered intraperitonealy (0.5 ml) as a suspension in sterile 0.9% DMSO solution as vehicle. Diclofenac (10mg/kg) was used as the standard drug under same conditions. Acetic acid solution was administered intraperitonealy 30 min after administration of the compounds. 10 min after intraperitoneal injection of acetic acid solution, the number of writhings per animal was recorded for 20 min. Control animals received an equal volume of vehicle. Results of percentage Analgesic activity of compounds were calculated using following formula and the results are shown in table. % Analgesic activity = No. of writhings for control – No. of writhings for test compound *100 No. of writhings for control II) ANTI-PYRETIC ACTIVITY STUDIES: Albino rats of Wistar strain of either sex weighing between 170-190g were used. For induction of fever in rats, 20% w/v of brewer’s yeast in distilled water was administered by subcutaneous injection. All animals were induced pyrexia by injection of 10 ml/kg of brewer’s yeast solution under the skin in between the shoulder blades. The site of the injection was massaged in order to spread the suspension beneath the skin. Basal rectal temperature was measured before the injection of yeast, by inserting digital clinical thermometer to a depth of 2 cm into the rectum. The rise in rectal temperature was recorded 19 hours after yeast injection. The different groups of febrile rats were orally administered with the respective drugs and rectal temperature was recorded 30, 60, 120, 180 and 300 minutes post treatment. Decrease in rectal temperature post treatment indicated antipyretic effect. The difference in body temperature was recorded. III) ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY: The anti-inflammatory activity of compounds on carrageenin-induced rat paw oedema was determined according to the method described by Winter et al. (1962). The experimental animals were divided into ten groups, each containing five animals. First group received sterile normal saline (0.85% NaCl) assigned as control and the second group received standard drug Ibuprofen (20 mg/kg b.w., p.o.). The 3rd to 10th groups were administered the test compounds (at a dose of 20 mg/kg b.w, suspended in 10 ml/kg of 2% gum acacia) orally. After 30 min of administration of test compounds, 0.1 ml of 1% (w/v) carrageenin was injected subcutaneously in the subplantar region of the left hind paw. The right paw served as a reference to non inflammed paw for comparison. The initial paw volume was measured within 30 sec of the carrageenin injection by plethysmometer. The relative increase in paw volume was measured in control, standard and test compounds at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 h after the carrageenin injection. The difference between initial and final readings was taken as the volume of oedema and the percentage inhibition by the compounds was calculated using the formula (Kouadio et al., 2000): % Inhibition = 1-Ãâ€" 100 where dt is the difference in paw volume in the test compound-treated group and dc the difference in paw volume in the control group. IV) ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY Antimicrobial chemotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of many infectious diseases. However repeated and irrational use of some antibiotics result in resistance i.e., ineffectiveness of drug against the microorganisms. In the recent past, the emergence of drug resistance to antibiotics is more. This situation stimulated us to prepare new series of antimicrobials. The principle use of antibiotics is to help the body fight bacterial and/or fungal infections. The course of an infection is often linked to a race between the pathogen’s ability to grow in the host tissue and the tissue’s ability to capture and destroy the invading pathogen. Antibiotics are given to weaken or kill some of the invading Pathogens; hopefully, the body’s tissue can then destroy the rest. The effectiveness of an antibiotic is preliminarily determined by the size of the zone of inhibition, but zone size varies according to how easily the antibiotic diffuses through the agar, the type of medium used and many other factors. If a clear zone appears in which there is No microbial growth around the disk, it is called as the zone of inhibition, even though killing may have occurred in this zone. (A) Antibacterial Activity: In our current study, antibacterial activity was carried out by the agar diffusion method. Here the responses of the organisms to the synthesized compounds were measured and compared with the responses of the standard drugs. The standard reference drugs used in the antibacterial screening were Norfloxacin and Gatifloxacin. For antibacterial activity 2 gram positive bacteria i.e. Enterococci, Staphylococcus aureus and two gram negative bacteria i.e. Escherichia coli Shigella species were taken. Petridishes, cork borer, beakers, glass syringes and test tubes were sterilized by dry heat sterilization at 160 ºC for 1hr in hot air oven.All the synthesized compounds were dissolved in DMF to make the concentrations of 40 µg/ml. Preparation of nutrient agar media: Preparation of the bacteriological media involves the following steps:- All ingredients were dissolved in distilled water by boiling. The pH of the medium was determined with a pH meter and adjusted if necessary. The medium so prepared was sterilized by autoclaving at a temperature of 121 ºC for 15mins. Preparation of agar plates: The sterilized nutrient media was cooled to 45 º-46 ºC and inoculated with respective suspension of micro-organisms. They were mixed well and 200ml each of inoculated media were transferred into separate petridishes. They were allowed to cool at room temp. Until the agar medium completely solidified. Bores were made using cork borer and 0.1ml solution of test drug and control solutions were separately added to each bores. The sterile discs of standard reference drugs were placed on the surface. The petridishes were kept for 2hrs to allow the drug to diffuse into the agar media. A sterile atmosphere was maintained during the entire process by carrying out the work under Laminar Air Flow bench. All the plates were incubated for 24hrs at 37 ºC. At the end of incubation period, diameters of the zone of inhibition were measured and recorded. (B) Antifungal Activity: The antifungal activity was carried out by agar diffusion method. The responses of the fungal microorganisms to the synthesized compounds were recorded and compared with the standard reference drugs. Two fungal strains namely Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus were taken for the study. Petridishes, cork borer, beakers, glass syringes and test tubes were sterilized by dry heat sterilization at 160 ºC for 1hr in hot air oven. Each sample compound was dissolved in DMF to make the concentrations of 40 µg/ml. Clotrimazole and Amphotericin B were used as standard dugs. Media for fungi: Sabouraud Dextrose Agar : 65g procured from Himedia, Mumbai Distilled water : 1000ml Preparation of agar media: The preparation of the media involves the following steps:- Sabouraud Dextrose Agar was dissolved in 1000ml of sterile distilled water by boiling. The pH of the medium was determined with a pH meter and adjusted to if necessary. The medium so prepared was sterilized by autoclaving at a temp. of 121 ºC for 15mins. The sterilized nutrient media was cooled to 45 º-46 ºC and inoculated with respective suspension of fungal organisms. They were mixed well and 200ml each of inoculated media were transferred into separate petridishes. They were allowed to cool at room temp. Until the agar medium completely solidified. Bores were made using cork borer and 0.1ml solution of test drug and control solutions were separately added to each bores. The sterile discs of standard reference drugs were placed on the surface. The petridishes were kept for 2hrs to allow the drug to diffuse into the agar media. A sterile atmosphere was maintained during the entire process by carrying out the work under Laminar Air Flow bench. Then the plates were incubated at 25 ºC for 48hrs. The zone of inhibition was measured and recorded. V) IN-VITRO ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY Method followed: In vitro inhibition of albumin denaturation: Denaturation of proteins is one of the causes of inflammation. Production of auto- antigens in certain rheumatic diseases may be due to in vivo denaturation of proteins. A number of anti-inflammatory drugs are known to inhibit the denaturation of proteins. Mizushima and other have employed protein denaturation as in vitro screening model for anti-inflammatory compounds. Materials: Bovine serum albumin (sigma) Buffer tablets (7.4 pH) DMF Ibuprofen (standard) Distilled water (q.s.) METHOD: The test compounds were dissolved in minimum amount of dimethyl formamide (DMF) and diluted with phosphate buffer (0.2M, pH 7.4). The final concentration of DMF in all solutions was less than 2.5%. Test solution (1ml) containing different concentration of drug was mixed with 1ml of 1mg/ml albumin solution in phosphate buffer and incubated at 27 ºÃ‚ ±1 ºC for 15 min. Denaturation was induced by keeping the reaction mixture at 60 ºÃ‚ ±1 ºC in water bath for 10 min. after cooling, the turbidity was measured at 660nm in spectrophotometer. The percentage inhibition of denaturation was calculated from control where no drug was added. And compared against standard (Ibuprofen).
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Four Political Parties Of Canada Essay -- Canadian Politics Politi
The Four Political Parties of Canada      In a country as vast and as culturally diverse as Canada, many different political opinions can be found stretched across the country. From the affluent neighbourhoods of West Vancouver to the small fishing towns located on the east coast of Newfoundland, political opinions and affiliations range from the left wing to the right wing. To represent these varying political views, Canada has four official national political parties to choose from: the Liberals (who are currently in power), the Progressive Conservatives, the New Democrats, and the Reform Party. What is particularly interesting is that none of the latter three parties compose Her Majesty's Official Opposition in the House of Commons. The Bloc Quebecois, a Quebec separatist party who only ran candidates in the province of Quebec in the last federal election in 1993, won 54 seats in that province, and claimed the title of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition over the Reform Party, who garnered only 52 seats. Because the Bloc ran candidates only in Quebec, it would be difficult to think of them being a national political party, even though they hold a significant number of seats in the national legislature. This paper will examine the significant early history of Canada's four main national political parties, and then will analyse their current state, referring to recent major political victories/disasters, and the comparison of major economic policy standpoints, which will ultimately lead to a prediction of which party will win the next federal election in Canada.      Starting on the far left, there is the New Democratic Party of Canada. Today's modern New Democratic Party was originally called the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), and was founded in 1932. Originally led by a man by the name of James Shaver Woodsworth, the CCF was formed by several radical farming groups who found out that they had more similarities with each other than just their destitution. The 1920's had been a dark period for radicals and unions within Canada; poverty and significantly lower wages for workers were prevalent, and apathy regarding these issues was rampant. When the depression wove its destructive web across Canada in the 1930s, proponents of capitalism were staggered, but their left-wing opponents were too busy coming to the aid o... ... into the 21st century, however, will be made in the soon-to-be- called Canadian federal election. Democracy will speak out once again. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1996) A Fresh Start for Canadians [Online]. Available: [1997, Feb.25]. Guy, John J. People, Politics and Government. Scarborough: Prentice Hall, 1995. Harrison, Trevor. Of Passionate Intensity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. (1996) Liberal Party of Canada [Online]. Available: [1997, Feb.25]. Macquarrie, Heath. The Conservative Party. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1965. McMenemy, John, Winn, Conrad. Political Parties in Canada. Montreal: McGraw- Hill Ryerson, 1976. Morton, Desmond. The New Democrats, 1961-1986. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman Ltd., 1986. (1996) New Democrats of Canada [Online]. Available: [1997, Feb.25]. Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. Designing a Blueprint for Canadians. Ottawa, 1997. (1996) Progressive Conservative Youth [Online]. Available: [1997, Feb.25].
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Death Of A Salesman 10 :: essays research papers
Death of a Salesman was a powerful play, written by Arthur Miller, which was produced in 1949. He establishes a serious tone towards his subject. Also, Miller sets an ambiguous attitude towards the audience. Miller established a very serious tone about the relationship between the father, Willy, and his son, Biff. Miller feels that a father should always be loved. However, Willy has filled his son with false values, emphasizing flashy success and personal popularity, like being star quarterback for his football team, at the cost of real effort and personal integrity, like when Biff flunked his math exam. He even taught Biff to steal, without even realizing it. “Willy:...[Biff] Go right over to where they’re building the apartment house and get some sand...Charley: Listen, if they steal any more from that building the watchman’ll put the cops on them!...Willy: You shoulda seen the lumber they brought home last week...';(50). As one can see, Willy is almost encouraging Biff to steal in order to make a new stoop. However, when Willy finds out Biff has been stealing other things, like the school’s football, he seems shocked. “Willy: What is he stealing?...Why is he stealing? What did I tell him? I never in my life told him anything but decent things.';(40). Because of the lack of morals, Willy had made it extremely difficult for Biff to love him, especially when he caught him with a women other than his mother. Nevertheless, he always loved his father, even when he totally ignored him. “Biff, crying, broken: Will you let me go, for Christ’s Sake?...Willy, astonished, elevated: Isn’t that-isn’t that remarkable? Biff-he liked me!...Happy, deeply moved: Always did, Pop';(133). When Biff was crying, it showed that he still loved his father, even though Willy is making it hard for him to live his own life. Happy’s quote shows that Biff always loved his father. As a result, Miller feels that no matter what circumstances, a son should always love his father. Miller set an ambiguous tone towards his audience. The audience must chose whether they pity or scorn Willy’s actions. For example, when Willy committed suicide, one can pity him because killing himself could have been an act of love for his family. Since he saw himself as an inadequate husband and father, Willy felt that his family would be better off without him in their lives. Also, by killing himself, his family would reap the life insurance benefits from his death for his family.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Pestel Framework Essay
The political environment (Refer Section 1 in Appendix 01) does not favour Fonterra’s operating environment with heavy control over milk powder pricing. Political figureheads at times lead the public to perceive that multinational dairies are working towards destroying the local dairy industry. With the ending of a 26-year old war within the country there is stability in the political environment which in normal cases encourages foreign investment. However the government’s policies and tight regulations towards foreign investment and trade, creates an unfavourable environment for operating multinationals like Fonterra. Noted. In the economic front (Refer section 2 in Appendix01), with base commodity prices being reliant on global trends and heavy fluctuations on exchange rates, budgeting for the purchase of full cream and skim milk from New Zealand proves difficult with currency fluctuations most often surpassing budgeted variances. Subsidies by the government to selected local dairy companies also give unfavourable advantage to them over Fonterra. Socially, similar to world trends, the aging population in the country has opened up new opportunity for Fonterra to move in with its Anlene product, coincidentally at a time when mature markets like full cream milk come under heavy smear campaigns with global issues such as the melamine scare in China. Such incidents create negative perception on all powdered milk products that not only impact short term sales figures but also tarnish the brand loyalty Fonterra has established throughout the years (refer section 3 of Appendix01). When we analyse technological trends and their implications on Fonterra (Refer section 4 in Appendix01), many technological improvements ranging from foraging, nutrition, and flavouring to packaging, has influenced Fonterra to create its own biotechnology subsidiary called ViaLactia Biosciences, working on identifying, discovering and commercialising genes that affect pasture grasses, milk production and milk composition. One such discovery was the response to bone decay known as Osteoporosis that most ging populations of the world are facing. By combining bone strengthening nutrients like Calcium, Zinc, Protein and Magnesium, Fonterra was able to create the brand Anlene. Environmental influences on Fonterra’s strategy are discussed in detail in section 5 of Appendix01. Government sponsored environmental schemes both globally and locally such as deployment of Emission Trading Schemes (ETS) and application of Afforestation Grants Scheme (AGS) increases Fonterra operational costs by having to monitor their greenhouse emissions. Fonterra has to include many green initiatives in to their strategy ranging from simple measures such as waste water treatment to more far-reaching methods like emission trading schemes to forestry provisioning. In addition the trend to move towards more renewable energy globally would drive the energy costs higher for Fonterra. On legislative front (Refer section 6 in Appendix01), Fonterra plans and operates under strict legislative framework governed by many authorities both globally and locally as content claims on dairy product are heavily scrutinised. Furthermore, products such as Anchor 1+ that cater to infant nutrition require additional measures due to their sensitive nature throughout their lifecycle from production to transportation. Any mishap on the part of a multinational such as Fonterra can lead to a product recall. Therefore additional operational costs have to be borne in maintaining hygiene in areas such as production, packaging, storage and transportation. Refer Appendix01 for a detailed analysis on current industry trends and implications to Fonterra. An extremely good analysis.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Nick Carraway Essay
What kind of a person is Nick Carraway? How might Nick’s narration color the way readers view other characters? Provide examples. Is Nick a reliable character? Provide examples from the novel to support your responses. Nick Carraway narrates The Great Gatsby. He values knowledge and is very observant making him a good narrator. In The Great Gatsby, all the characters tend to like him and trust him with their secrets. In the beginning, Daisy talks to Nick in private and tells him of when she had her baby girl. She said, â€Å"I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool-that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool†(17). Daisy thinks that the best way to easily get through life as a girl is to be stupid and pretty so she can marry a rich man and not have a worry in the world, which is what Daisy is doing. However, when Tom asks Nick if Daisy told him something, she lies and says they talked about horses. She was open to Nick to tell him her thoughts, but wanted it to be a secret from Tom. Nick understands the eastern way of living; with the partying, alcohol, and money. He shows the good sides of characters and the bad sides. He is a reliable character because although he adds in his biased opinions, he also tells the readers of the characters true personality and their actions. A. Through Nick, how does Fitzgerald describe each of your characters? What is Fitzgerald saying about each of your characters? Through Nick, Fitzgerald describes Tom Buchanan as a â€Å"sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner†(7). Through Fitzgerald’s diction, you can tell that Tom is arrogant and aggressive. Physically, he is described as big with muscles, a â€Å"cruel body†(7). To add to his big, arrogant figure, his voice is a â€Å"gruff husky tenor added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed†(7). He has a personality and look that strikes fear in people and he moves around with aggressiveness. Myers Wolfsheim is described as â€Å"a small, falt-nosed Jew†(69) with a large head. He is cautious and conservative; possibly suspicious and paranoid because of the business he deals with. In The Great Gatsby, his nose is repeatedly addressed. B. Do your characters changeâ€â€do they change or remain the same throughout chapters 1-5? If the character changes, how so? Do your characters mature? Grow? Regress? Please explain Myers Wolfsheim does not change much in chapters 1-5. He is not mentioned very often. Tom Buchanan does change and show more of his personality to Nick from the beginning towards chapter 3. You are really allowed to see Tom when he takes Nick to meet his mistress, Myrtle. In the hotel room, he portrays his aggression when he hit Myrtle in the face, causing her to bleed. His character does not mature, but however regresses from the first 5 chapters. In the beginning, he seems sophisticated when he was talking about books and long words. Then he regressed when he went to the apartment building with Myrtle, Nick, and the rest of the party. He drank himself silly and cheated on his wife. C. What do these characters teach Nick about himself? What do these characters say about Nick? These characters teach Nick that he is different from the urban, fast-paced life of the East. Compared to Tom and Myers, Nick seems like a boring bond man coming fresh out of the West into this new world of liquor, parties, and money. D. What do we learn about Gatsby through the characters? In chapter 4, Myer’s tells Nick about Gatsby’s â€Å"life†. He tells him about Gatsby’s time at Oxford and builds Gatsby up to be a really good, perfect man, ‘†the kind of man you’d like to take home and introduce to your mother and sister†’ (72). You are unable to learn much about Gatsby through Tom. Tom doesn’t know Gatsby that well and has never been to one of his parties until Nick takes them.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Time Is Ticking Away: an Analysis of “the Tell-Tale Heartâ€Â
The Time is Ticking Away: An Analysis of â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†People in society today are no different from those of previous generations in that they have always possessed basic principles of fear, paranoia, and anxiety that have carried on, and are clearly evident throughout history. In the 18th century, Edgar Allen Poe, a major author of the time based one of his more famous works on those basic principles of fear, paranoia, and anxiety. â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†takes a normal human being that anyone can relate to, and shows just how dark and corrupt the human mind can act under certain everyday circumstances.Poe reveals the process the human mind goes through when put under stress and the fear of being discovered, the reader is able to relate and put them self in the same position, Culminating with the narrator breaking down, afflicted by the basic principles, showing the reader just what the human mind is capable of doing. Poe starts his story with the narr ator talking to himself, justifying that he’s not insane, and that the story he’s about to tell you is completely rational. Much like you and I, the narrator lives a normal life with all the issues of stress and annoyances present.One annoyance the narrator has to deal with is the eye of the old man he lives with; the eye bothers him so much and slowly eats away at him, until eventually it causes him to take action. The narrator finally can’t take it anymore and stands outside the old mans room door waiting for several days for the perfect time to strike in order to rid his mind of the odious eye. Poe paints an image in our heads as we read this example in the text that the narrator is very meticulous. In order to show this throughout the story, Poe uses several literary devices.Often within the story, Poe uses a grouping of small sentences that create a rhythm like that of a heartbeat. â€Å"Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. H e had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this. †In Charles E. Mays article, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart: Overview,†he explains, To understand the ingenious way Poe develops this story about a split in the self, one must examine the nature of the narrator's obsession.He insists that he loves the old man, has no personal animosity toward him, does not want his money, and has not been injured by him. Instead, he says he wishes to kill the old man because of his eye. By showing that the narrator is so precise and over thinks just about everything, Poe unravels how the narrator is insane, but thinks of himself as a rational human being. Poe constantly alludes to a major ideal of the story, which is time. As the narrator becomes close to finally killing the old man and being discovered, time is constantly emphasized and very evident.At first, the narrator is cool, calm, and collective, but slowly a fter he has done the deed paranoia kicks in and a sense of false security and the fear of being revealed. Although there is no way to understand this kind of motivation except to declare the narrator mad, the reader must try to determine the method and meaning of the madness. For Poe, there is no such thing as meaningless madness in fiction. As the tension and anxiety pick up in the story, Poe asks us to put ourselves in that situation and feel the pressure and paranoia the narrator is going through due to his actions.The narrator struggles so much with what he has done and if he is going to be discovered, he hides the body of the old man so meticulously that no one should be able to find it and ever know what has taken place. As the narrators paranoia sets in that is one of the basic principle’s evident in every human being the narrator starts to question himself and whether or not he did a good enough job at hiding the body that he eventually breaks down. â€Å"They heard!  they suspected!  they KNEW!  they were making a mockery of my horror!  this I thought, and this I think. But anything was better than this agony!Anything was more tolerable than this derision! I could bear those hypocritical smiles no longer! I felt that I must scream or die!  and now  again  hark! louder! louder! louder! LOUDER!  â€Å"Villains! †I shrieked, â€Å"dissemble no more! I admit the deed!  tear up the planks!  here, here!  it is the beating of his hideous heart†(Poe). Within each of us are the basic principles of fear, paranoia, and anxiety, Poe wanted to show us that by giving a prime example of someone just like you or I that you can relate to and witness the effects one goes through under each principle.Poe might have gained this dark outlook due to all the neglect he had from his family, and all the substance abuse he went through to try and cope with all his pr oblems and step away from reality. He wanted to show exactly what people are capable of and what they do under the affects of fear, anxiety, and paranoia in order to prove that being insane is really a matter of opinion based on personal experiences and events rather than a textbox example. Poe faced his own fear about madness daily throughout his life.At a very young age he was orphaned, and his foster parents rarely saw him. He was scared of change and rarely did anything that wasn’t second nature to him. Constantly plagued by stressful events in his life such as closely related deaths, Poe lived a very miserable depressing life that eventually attributed to his demise. In almost every piece he produced there is a character that can be related to him and the difficulties he has to go through. Even after Poe’s death his form of writing lives on along with his ideals, which we encounter and relate to on a daily basis.
Christian virtues Essay
No general code of conduct covers both of them as if the kingdom of God had dawned before its time, Left-wing political idealists and just war theorists fail to distinguish these two hands of God and try to reconcile the tension between them, often at the expense of the state. They try to impose Christian virtues such as love and mercy upon the state but fail to recognize the depravity of our present lot and the need for the state to restrain its evils. Communism might have found its place in the early church with à ° people who were prepared to share all their possessions (Acts 2.43, 44; 4. 32), but this economic system does not work in the unregenerate world of laziness and selfishness. Pacifism might have served the church and its members well as à ° witness to divine grace and mercy, but the state would abdicate its responsibilities before God if it did not bear the sword and protect its citizens from criminals. It was Thomas Aquinas, not Augustine, who developed just war theory along the natural law tradition. Augustine did not discriminate clear, universal principles in order to declare à ° society or its wars just. He saw à ° distinct dichotomy between private behavior, which might refuse the use of the sword in self-defense, and the public right of the state to defend itself for the good of the community. Machiavelli agreed and spoke of two moralities subsisting side-by-side, the morality of the individual soul and the morality of the city. Some actions, while not virtuous from à ° private or Christian views, are still absolutely necessary if one wishes to defend the Republic. Protestant theologians tend to agree with this assessment. Emil Brunner did not believe that we could impose à ° version of absolute justice on à ° world darkened with sin. In the old Testament God did not impose à ° ban on divorce ‘because of the hardness of their hearts’, even if ‘it was not this way from the beginning’ and absolute justice would demand otherwise. Relative justice is all we can hope for in the realm of society and à ° world fallen from its original image. (Amit 2003 127) Reinhold Niebuhr rejected the possibility of doing well without causing some evil. In the real world, one must become tainted with its evil and fight force with force. So useful have terrorist attacks been to advancing the neocon agenda that hawks are intent on provoking more. As William Arkin wrote in the Los Angeles Times, Rumsfeld’s Defense Science Board recommended in 2002 the creation of à ° super secret â€Å"Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG) to bring together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception. Among other things, this body would launch secret operations aimed at `stimulating reactions’ among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destructionâ€â€that is, for instance, prodding terrorist cells into action and exposing themselves to `quick-response’ attacks by U. S. forces. Such tactics would †¦`signal to harboring states that their sovereignty will be at risk. †(Amy 2004 38) Another argument can be made that Islamist extremism, however it arose, can be combated more effectively if à ° larger number of citizens have à ° stake in non-extremist, increasingly democratized political systems. More freedom should be created to foster enhanced political participation and human investment in Middle Eastern states. à greater degree of participation may occur without the implementation of other requisites of democracy. If our definition of freedom is free elections, à ° free press, and labor unionsâ€â€it is absent in Saudi Arabia. Supporters of the Kingdom point to other methods of creating balance and justice in society, whereby the royal family protects the citizens and defends their values in exchange for their loyalty. While this may smack of feudalism to the reader, such bargains were fulfilled in Islamic history through the Ottoman concept of the circle of equity; self-governance of religious minorities; and the recognition of local, tribal, and familial authorities. Today’s Middle Eastern rulers are facing similar questions about the ways that democratization will alter earlier understandings of leadership or threaten its longevity. â€Å" (Sherifa 2005 28)
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Characteristics of Successful Online Students Essay
â€Å"In this age of learner-centered learning, online instruction provides a unique opportunity for learning materials, tasks, and activities to fit individual learning styles and preferences (Bonk, Wisher & Lee, 2003).†Learning styles along with other factors have an impact on the characteristics of successful online students. Each student is different, how he or she obtain information and apply it to their online learning will determine their success. Successful online students must be well rounded, having characteristics to regulate, self-motivate, and manage their time wisely; thus, successful online students must be responsible and have the ability to adapt. Web-based learning has become increasingly popular, as technologies have advanced. Time-management as well as different learning styles has the ability to affect the success of online learners. Online learners must have the ability to manage their time effectively, use visual and non-visual tools; also, they must be able to manage their resources. Student backgrounds also affect the success of online learners. â€Å"Learning styles refer to the different ways learners use to perceive, process and conceptualize information. (Zacharis, N. Z. 2011)†Students should determine their learning style and have the ability to apply it to their online learning to better use their time and to obtain the most information out of their learning. In reading this article I have learned it is best for a student to first identify their learning style in order to determine their potential successes and failures in becoming an online learner. Online learning is not for everybody. The content of this article was not surprising; I find online learning to be a challenge every day. Each semester you have to become familiar with different teaching styles of professors and their expectations with the inability to personally meet the professor. I found this article to go hand in hand with the course material read this far. It is important to determine learning styles and to determine what works best for you, s uch as flashcards, highlighting, reading and re-reading. Each individual is different, it is important to determine a plan of action in order for an online learner to succeed to his or her full potential. â€Å"Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. (Proverb 9:9)†This proverb relates to the article and course material in that online courses only provide a sense of direction for a student and what the student does with that direction will determine their success. In my own path of obtaining my online degree I will begin to better so determine what works best for me, what learning style best fits to my courses and myself. First, I will determine my main learning style. Second, I will apply it to this course and my other courses to determine a plan of action to complete the rest of my assignments. Lastly, I will use what I have learned throughout the rest of my degree to achieve the highest level of success and understanding. I believe this information can also be applied to everyday life, to manage relationships, money, and time effectively. In conclusion, effective online learning is not for everybody. The success of online learning is determined by the success and abilities of the individual person to comprehend, and manage their time and resources effectively. Characteristics of successful online learners include patience, motivation, and also self-discipline. In proverbs 1:5 â€Å"let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance†. Works Cited: Bonk, C. J., Wisher, R. A. & Lee, J. (2003). Moderating learner-centered e-learning: problems and solutions, benefits and implications. In T. S. Roberts (Ed.), Online collaborative learning: theory and practice (pp. 54–85). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing. Zacharis, N. Z. (2011), The effect of learning style on preference for web-based courses and learning outcomes. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42: 790–800. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2010.01104.x
Friday, September 13, 2019
EHR and Privacy In the World of Data Over Exposure Research Paper
EHR and Privacy In the World of Data Over Exposure - Research Paper Example al platforms, the stakeholders within the health sector face a myriad of factors to worry about pertaining to the security of their personal information (Skolnik, 2011). The areas of consideration bring the aspects of exposure for the patient data; hence, raising concern for the procedures of managing the electronic health records, as implemented in the various health factions in the world. Technical management affects the need to evaluate strategic procedures for successful management of the health platforms (Amatayakul & Medical Group Management Association, 2010). This paper explores the strategies within the health systems to manage and facilitate data privacy within the electronic health record system. The procedures of access and storage of the patient data records from the electronic health records systems indicate that by over 80% of the world physicians and hospitals possess the EHR systems (Vossler, 2013). Additionally, with the blinking-rate of technological advancement, the concerns over the advancements also cause considerations on the aspects of the benefits and risks of the information systems. Notably, technology with its positive impacts also presents significant risks to the privacy of the data for the patients. The non-wavering arguments into the elemental subject present the various sources of violations regarding the management of information. The responsible elements in the context of the electronic health records include factors of considerations such as high porosity within the healthcare enterprise network (Vossler, 2013). The healthcare sector contains a porous network, which invites the attacks and trusted insiders to pose the threats into the health record s ystems. Secondly, the element of low-level factor of ethics within the top executives causes the process of managing the electronic record systems difficult. For instance, within the compliance expectations as designated by the HIPAA, the top leadership as well as the employees,
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Science Fiction Short Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Science Fiction Short Story - Essay Example His devotion for his work has resulted to him sacrificing even his own time for his family. There were moments that he felt he was ready to give up and move on, but agency work runs through his veins. And every time he attempts to leave the agency, another much more interesting and intriguing case comes up and he feels compelled to return to do the job he has been trained to do. After having served the FBI for more than half his life, Richard is determined to leave it all behind to concentrate more on his personal life. In the meantime, he has to face what could perhaps be the most challenging task he would ever encounter. At the FBI Headquarters in Washington DC, a laboratory is being maintained where extensive studies regarding aliens and other non-human creatures is continuously being done. The Sanctuary, a maximum-security area, stores specimen from what is perceived to be over 50 alien races. The FBI delivers to this area every proof of alien life that would come to their attention. This laboratory also holds classified information regarding confirmed sightings and proof of humankind’s interaction with creatures from out-of-this-world. Very few have access to this area and scientists who are assigned to The Sanctuary are committed to serving their mission for the rest of their lives. Otherwise, Scientists who need to return to the ‘outside world’ undergo a process in which their memories are erased and the information taken out from their memory are stored as a software which may be transferred to another person. Only five of FBI’s top ranking Directors know of the existence of The Sanctuary and these very same persons have the task of maintaining the operations of this laboratory. They are likewise in charge of maintaining the confidentiality of this laboratory. For decades now, the US government has yet to arrive at clear conclusions regarding the existence of creatures from outer space. It is now year 2085, and technology has advanced
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
A critical analysis of Roald Dahl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
A critical analysis of Roald Dahl - Essay Example However, a sense of the failures of family and the retribution that could be unleashed should magic be real can be found within the pages of his amazing work Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has inspired two films based on the book. These films are somewhat different in their treatment of the story, but the result has touched several generations of film buffs as well as given Dahl a wider audience for his delightful tales. Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, as well as The Fantastic Mr. Fox have all found their way onto film. The stories by Dahl are highly unique and original in such a way as to have a noticeable exceptionality in the way in which they are accepted. Peter Hollindale (2008), relates a story of a British comedy that begins with a man reading a story to two children The story becomes increasingly disturbing until he turns it over and checks the cover. With a sigh of relief, as if understanding, he says â€Å"Oh, it’s by Roald Dahl†(271). This was the power of his extraordinary point of view. Much is forgiven in the way of the dark tales because the writing is such that it makes sense by the end. This is not to say that there isn’t a great deal of criticism over his work. According to Steinberg and Kinchella (2004), the story of Matilda has an aspect of disrespect toward parents within the content that has been an area of concern for some parents in reading it to their children (185). Another aspect of Dahl’s work that creates criticism is in the way that there is a defined separation between children and their parents and that there is a defined right and wrong type of family that suggests that all families should be alike (Alston 2008: 64). This sense of separation is further exacerbated by a sense that adults tend to be less intelligent sometimes than their children, encouraging a point of view that children should trust themselves over the influence of a parental decision. Still, the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Doubt Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Doubt - Movie Review Example The film is set in 1964 at St. Nicholas school, a Roman Catholic School in the Bronx, New York and most of its students are children of Italian and Irish immigrants. They would have great faith in their Church and would never question or doubt anything about mother Church. In the movie, Father Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman), a young priest, delivers an important sermon on flagging faith which creates suspicions in Sister Aloysius (Meryl Streep). In his sermon, Father Flynn concentrated on the nature of doubt and noted that doubt, like faith, can be a unifying energy. Sister Aloysius, the strict principal of the school discusses the sermon with her fellow nuns and asks them to find the reasons behind the behaviour of Father Flynn for preaching about doubt. Following this, Sister James (Amy Adams), a young and naive teacher, grudgingly reports a private meeting between Father Flynn and the school's only black student to Sister Aloysius which creates awful suspicion in the principal. Th erefore, one of the central scenes in the movie is the one in which the cheerful, fair-haired Father Flynn preaches a sermon about sharing doubts with others in the community. Father Flynn's appeal to the importance of doubt becomes relevant in the context of the Roman Catholic School in the Bronx, where most of the students are children of Italian and Irish immigrants who would have great faith in their Church and never question or doubt anything about mother Church. However, in a reflective analysis of the theme of doubt in the film, it becomes lucid that the students' trust to the church is because of their nave faith and some doubt in faith would have been preferable, as such doubt of mother Church was possible back in 1964. Through the story of a confrontation between the priest and the nun at a Catholic school in 1964 New York, the film Doubt by John Patrick Shanley establishes the importance of doubt in deepening the nave faith in Catholic Church. Father Flynn, who is the chaplain at St. Nicholas Catholic school in the Bronx in 1964, is a strong believer in the winds of change that are sweeping through the country with integration and through the Catholic Church with Pope John XXIII. Through the character of Father Flynn, the film emphasizes the positive value of doubt in the life of a believer of the Catholic Church, and the winds of change that were sweeping through the Church in 1964 suggests the possibility of a doubt of the mother Church. "He has an easy and relaxed manner with the kids; as a preacher, he enjoys shaking his congregation up. In the opening scene of the film, he speaks about the positive value of doubt in the life of a believer: 'Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as ce rtainty. When you are lost, you are not alone.'" (Brussat and Brussat, 2009). Therefore, the character of Father Flynn makes a vital point by suggesting the positive value of doubt in the life of a believer and the winds of change that were sweeping through the Church suggested by Father Flynn allude to the possibility of a doubt of the mother Church in 1964. The students at St. Nicholas Catholic School, who are children of Italian and Irish immigrants, have great faith in their Church and would never question or doubt anything about mother Church. In fact, their trust in the Church is too nave and there is great positive value of
Monday, September 9, 2019
International strategic management Individual assignment Essay
International strategic management Individual assignment - Essay Example However, before plunging into the deeper perspective of the said topic, looking into the history of democratic government of Russia as well as its inclusion to the G8, and how G8 was formed, is an important thing to do to further assess the capability of the said country to lead in a prestigious and important group such as the G8. Also, there are those who doubt the capability of G8 as some have claimed that Russia has still remnants of communists' ideology which is in contrary to the ideals of G8. In this case, there are those who claim that the country's loyalty to G8 is still in question as there are still hanging issues with regards to the country, and therefore the country must first arrange its internal problem before venturing into such issue. If we are to deal with history, the country has engaged into cold war with the United States and other countries. This was due to the decision of the former Soviet Union to have a socialist/communist government in the aforementioned country. This made USSR engaged in a long-tern economic hiatus on trade, investments and other related endeavors which deprived the country of enjoying several economic benefits and international tie-ups with regards to trade and investments. However, in 1991, the country has experienced a tremendous change... The reforms immediately devastated the living standards of much of the population, especially the groups dependent on Soviet-era state subsidies and welfare entitlement programs. Through the 1990s, Russia's GDP fell by 50 percent, vast sectors of the economy were wiped out, inequality and unemployment grew dramatically, while incomes fell. Hyperinflation wiped out a lot of personal savings, and tens of millions of Russians were plunged into poverty. In August 1991, Yeltsin won international plaudits for casting himself as a democrat and defying the August coup attempt of 1991 by hard-line Communists. But he left office widely despised as a desperate, ailing autocrat among the Russian population. As president, Yeltsin's conception of the presidency was highly autocratic. Yeltsin either acted as his own prime minister (until June 1992) or appointed men of his choice, regardless of parliament. His confrontations with parliament climaxed in the October 1993 Russian constitutional crisis, when Yeltsin called up tanks to shell the Russian White House, blasting out his opponents in parliament. Later in 1993, Yeltsin imposed a new constitution with strong presidential powers, which was approved by referendum in December" The said move was deemed by the Russian as the dawn of the new day for them as they have seen several investors and trade agreements which boosted the economy of the said country. However, in 1998, the country has experienced downfall of the economy in line with the economic crisis in the world. This prompted Yeltsin to tender his resignation on the eve of New Year in 1999. Vladimir Puttin succeeded the leader and has
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Media Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Media Analysis Paper - Essay Example al justification for pre-emptive military action became irrelevant in the public’s mind influenced by vivid media images of the tragedy of September 11. However, the result of a government exploiting public grief with a media propaganda blitz has in turn resulted in thousands of innocent Iraqis dying and â€Å"the deaths of hundreds of American/Allied forces, and the destruction of the Iraqi infrastructures – all of which were seemingly forgotten†(Kamalipour & Snow, p.2). As a result, the use of the media has undoubtedly been integral in warfare campaigns, however the concomitant result of this is arguably that â€Å"it the dawn of the third millennium†¦. We as human beings have made no progress towards elevating humanity to its potential level of civility†(Kamalipour & Snow, p.2). This in turn correlates to the assertion of McLuhan that the â€Å"medium is the message†, which is the famous phrase propounded by Marshall McLuhan in â€Å"Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man†(1964). The central premise of McLuhan’s proposition is that the nature of the medium is what influences audience perception of the actual message regardless of content (McLuhan, 1964). In further developing this argument, McLuhan posits that the precise characteristics of the medium will engage an audience in different ways, which ultimately influences the communication of the actual media message (McLuhan, 1964). For example, in comparing how messages are conveyed in comics and movies, McLuhan describes movies as high definition in engaging the audience attention, in contrast to the low definition of the comic which requires a more participatory role of the audience to ascertain content message (McLuhan, 1964). The focus of this paper is to critically evaluate the impact of the media in relation to contemporary warfare with a contextual study of the recent Israel military campaigns in Gaza through a comparative analysis of Old Media versus New Media. Moreover, this paper
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Making Sense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Making Sense - Essay Example to decide whether whatever going on is true or false, and whether it is good or bad. Making sense is a way to fulfill the curiosity of a person, and can be understood in levels of experiences which include; the five senses, affections and the memories whereby without these the experiences would be just plain data. Thus, to make sense of the data situational analysis is important i.e. what would be most suitable in a particular situation which would in turn lead towards good decision making. Moreover, to make good decisions, authenticity is the key, which is further characterized by experience, understanding, judgment and decision to decide if we are responsible or not. The most interesting part of making sense in this chapter was the proposition that we as humans are all truth seekers, we want to make sense of the world because we keep wondering, and we are always striving to remove the confusion around us, also because we are curious. These are all those realities which we can`t ign ore, and even practically speaking makes perfect sense as that is why we want to make sense of the world. Chapter 4: Making Sense, Epistemology This chapter focuses on the epistemology of making sense i.e. the philosophy behind making sense, which can be divided into four levels. These levels or stages include experience, understanding, judgment and decision. ... The external factors of perceptions include senses while the internal factors include affect (emotions etc). Further comes understanding and we can distinguish experience from understanding by considering that while experiences are singular, understanding involves concepts which are multiple and complex. To understand meanings, one should be innately curious which arouses the Eurika Movement i.e. the insights. Also, interests for understanding may b natural or cultivated while interests depend on the internal factors, thus in other words understanding involves intellect. On the other hand, judgment involves verification which implies that it means evidence. Experience and uncertainty principals are required to make judgment. Moreover, being judgmental means being reasonable. The most interesting and insightful part of this chapter involve the curiosity principal which is a must to understand, i.e. the Eureka Moment is induced by the tension of enquiry i.e. being curious. Therefore, b eing curious is naturally a pre-requisite of developing an understanding or in other world for understanding concepts intellectually. Chapter 5: Practical Wisdom This chapter aims at critically understanding the concept of morality and goodness, what we view as the moral agents etc. Also, this chapter intends on appreciating the structures created by humans which makes us authentic people. Lastly, to help us understand the levels of transcendence is also another purpose of the chapter. Firstly, we need to understand that morality is a characteristic found only in humans, and not found in other natural species, i.e. the Flora, Fauna or other cosmic forces. Morality is related to rationality and it is grounded in our religion, philosophy and hedonism. Next comes the concept of moral
Friday, September 6, 2019
The Industry Averages and Financial Ratios Essay Example for Free
The Industry Averages and Financial Ratios Essay In today’s market business really look at what the others in their competitive market are doing to compare how they are doing as a business or corporation. They do this by evaluating the industry averages and the financial ratios. When corporations and financial advisors look at the industry average and the ratios it helps them identify the industry strengths, weaknesses and the overall health of the financial standings of the organization. The automotive and transportation industry with a focus on General Motors (SIC:37110000) is what our group as chosen to examine for our comparison. General Motors was started in 1908 by William Durant by the combination of over 17 independent companies in to one general company, thus eliminating his competitors of the industry. This increased the overall average of the industry and increased the company’s financial health. That was then, now General Motors in number 3 in the market as it shows in Bloomberg Business week graph. The purpose of comparing the rate of General Motors and the Industry is to rate their performance in solvency, profitability and efficiency. General Motors ratio improved in profitability from 2011 to 2012 and 2012 to 2013 the assets and liabilities ratio was 1.31 that means in profit earned relatively to sales and total assets. In the Industry that means GM did pretty well in assets and sales compared to the Industry. In solvency the ratio was 13.19, it has more than 202,000 employees supporting the companies’ production and distribution. In efficiency it total a ratio of 9.00 in 2012 to 9.70 in 2013 which they did better in quality, receivables and efficiency of assets control compared to the industry. General Motors has a reasonable balance on overall performance. It has a higher payables compared to the industry but lower receivables 16.9 to 6.9 , that indicates that theres a higher cash coming in and less cash going out. In 2011 GM Company achieved staggering turnover of 150.3 billion US. Dollar and net income of 7.6 billion compared to the industry. Below our group as compared the ratios with the industry as a whole and the company General Motors to see where and how the company is doing within the industry. References Bloomberg Businessweek. General Motors Co (GM:New York) (Dec.22, 2014). Retrieved from Dan Bradstreet Key Business Ratios. (2014). 3711 Motor Vehicle and Car Bodies. Retrieved from Dan Bradstreet Key Business Ratios, FIN370 website. General Motors Co. (2014). Market Watch. Retrieved from Magloff, David. General Motors Co. Growth, Profitability, and Financial Ratios for (GM) from N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2014
Thursday, September 5, 2019
White Privilege Essay Example for Free
White Privilege Essay What is white privilege? It is important that white privilege be defined because the majority of whites want to deny that it exists at all, especially in response to assertions of people of color that it exists unjustly and should be dismantled. The denial of its existence by whites is racialized. People of color say white people enjoy white privilege while white people deny, as often as possible, that they have it and that such a privilege exists. White privilege is defined (Clark, 2005), as (1a) a right, advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by white persons beyond the common advantage of allWhat is white privilege? It is important that white privilege be defined because the majority of whites want to deny that it exists at all, especially in response to assertions of people of color that it exists unjustly and should be dismantled. The denial of its existence by whites is racialized. People of color say white people enjoy white privilege while white people deny, as often as possible, that they have it and that such a privilege exists. White privilege is defined (Clark, 2005), as (1a) a right, advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by white persons beyond the common advantage of all others; an exemption in many particular cases from certain burdens or liabilities. (b) A special advantage or benefit of white persons; with reference to divine dispensations, natural advantages, gifts of fortune, genetic endowments, social relations, etc. (2a) A privileged position; the possession of an advantage white persons enjoy over non-white persons. (3a) The special right or immunity attaching to white persons as a social relation; prerogative. (b) Display of white privilege, a social expression of a white person or persons demanding to be treated as a member or members of the socially privileged class. (4a) To authorize or license of white person or persons what is forbidden or wrong for non-whites; to justify, excuse. (b) To give white persons special freedom or immunity from some liability or burden to which non-white persons are subject; to exempt. While many whites seem to think and believe that the notion of racial preference originated with affirmative action programs, intended to expand opportunities for historically marginalized people of color, racial preference has had a very long and very White Privilege 3 white history. Even if most whites were willing to acknowledge the existence of white privilege they would likely have no explanation for the privileges afforded them every minute of every day of their lives. They simply take it for granted. Affirmative action was the guiding principle of segregation for most whites. It was used to motivate racially restrictive housing policies while people of color were excluded from the same programs. It is hardly an exaggeration by people of color to say that white America is the biggest collective recipient of racial preference in the history of the universe. They have skewed our laws, shaped public policy and have helped to create the more obvious inequalities with which we live. According to (Bell, 1995), black people need reform of our civil rights strategies as badly as those in the law needed a new way to consider American jurisprudence prior to the advent of the Legal Realists. The debate about racism in America revolves around achieving diversity. Focusing on diversity means that questions of history and power go unasked and unanswered. Without an understanding of the history of racism in America, and the enduring imbalances of power, wealth, status and privilege, further progress toward racial justice is unlikely (Allen, 1994). Racial oppression is a set of strategies for social exploitation (Allen, 2003). The institutions of slavery were established in order to secure benefits for white people at the expense of African slaves and their American born descendants. One way to think about the benefits of exploitations, according to (Berger, 1999), is in terms of racialized social privilege? patterns of social privilege and benefit, including exemptions from harm and burden, which accrue to racial groups at the expense of others. The short hand term for White Privilege 4 these patterns in American society is white privilege. Economic benefits are at the core of white privilege. The vast pool of labor provided by slavery, from which both Northern industrialists and Southern plantation owners benefited, is one of the founding sources of the American economy. African Americans continue to struggle with economic legacy of an unjust history. Poor and working class whites strongly object to the idea of white privilege, stating or pointing out what they consider the obvious, that not every white person has wealth and power. There are other benefits that accrue or come as a natural right to white people, including one which W. E. B. DuBois called the psychological wages of whiteness. (Williams, 2004) This refers to that age old membership in the privileged group, even for whites on the bottom rung, confers a social status and recognition which is denied to all but the most powerful members of oppressed groups. The history of racial oppression in American is not disputed. However, what is disputed is whether and to what extent, four hundred (400) years of oppression continues to harm African Americans and other minorities and their life chances unjustly; and conversely, whether that history of oppression continues to benefit white Americans unjustly. Systems of oppression are not established unless they are a means of benefit. There is no reason for people of color to believe that social institutions and power structures no longer dispense benefits and harms racially. When we examine the way benefits and harms are apportioned in the U. S. , including wealth, income, equality of our court system, treatment from the police, access to colleges, universities and even the political symbolism of state flags, what we see are White Privilege 5 exercises and expressions of white privilege. As a group, white people have more income, wealth, political representation, status, power, and social reinforces of their human dignity and self respect than any group in America. If history is any guide, expecting white America to voluntarily open the corridors of power to people of color aintt gonna happen. These privileges have been enjoyed by white people unjustly. The struggle by people of color to obtain freedom, justice and dignity is as old as this nation, and racial equality, unfortunately, is not a realistic goal.
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